Fox News Pretends Palin Was Right About ‘Death Panels'


Gold Member
Sep 18, 2012
Fox News Pretends Palin Was Right About ‘Death Panels’

Fox News and their viewers love to pretend. They live in a fantasyland bubble -- only it's not a happy place -- it's full of fear and race-baiting.

Sarah Palin returned to Fox News’ “business block” today to lend her special brand of acumen to a discussion about Obamacare and death panels. Despite the fact that her “death panels” accusation was rated “Lie of the Year” by PolitiFact, host Eric Bolling joined her in throwing truth out the window as she took what was laughably called “The Hot Seat” for softball questions and a pretense that she has been proven correct. Simon Maloy, at Media Matters, breaks down Palin’s – uh, evolution – from her death panel accusations about the Advanced Care Planning provision in the House health care bill to her changeup to the Independent Payment Advisory Board (IPAB) in the Senate bill: Palin’s first deployment of “death panel” in August 2009 was in reference to the Advanced Care Planning provision of the House health care bill, and she said it would “decide” whether senior citizens and the disabled were “worthy of health care.” This was a lie, and Palin got called out on it, earning herself Politifact’s “Lie of the Year” award. In December of 2009, Palin switched it up and tried claiming that IPAB (which originated in the Senate’s health care bill) was what she was talking about all along and that “this type of rationing” was “precisely what I meant when I used that metaphor.” This was also a lie; the law does not allow for the IPAB to make “any recommendation to ration health care... or otherwise restrict benefits or modify eligibility criteria.”

She's the biggest moron ever.

Scary fact - people on this forum actually voted for her.
It seems that the tax exempt entity known as newshounds "we watch Fox so you don't have to" has evolved into a left wing political editorial source. It's more accurate to characterize the newshounds mission as "we think for liberals so they don't have to". The people who pushed the monstrosity through congress with bribery and intimidation didn't even read the 3,000 page law which is as long as a Stephen King novel and as scary. You can call them anything you want but there are panels established in the gigantic law that determine which citizen qualifies for extreme medical care.
It seems that the tax exempt entity known as newshounds "we watch Fox so you don't have to" has evolved into a left wing political editorial source. It's more accurate to characterize the newshounds mission as "we think for liberals so they don't have to". The people who pushed the monstrosity through congress with bribery and intimidation didn't even read the 3,000 page law which is as long as a Stephen King novel and as scary. You can call them anything you want but there are panels established in the gigantic law that determine which citizen qualifies for extreme medical care.

How dare you challenge the Collective, Comrade. You are close to a Capital Crime, causing embarrassment to the Administration. Room 101 for you!!! :eusa_whistle:

[ame=]1984 Room 101 - YouTube[/ame]
It seems that the tax exempt entity known as newshounds "we watch Fox so you don't have to" has evolved into a left wing political editorial source. It's more accurate to characterize the newshounds mission as "we think for liberals so they don't have to". The people who pushed the monstrosity through congress with bribery and intimidation didn't even read the 3,000 page law which is as long as a Stephen King novel and as scary. You can call them anything you want but there are panels established in the gigantic law that determine which citizen qualifies for extreme medical care.

Totally false.

Not to mention that people who can pay for health care with cash, can get anything they want. Oddly enough, the Right does not seem to understand that this is exactly the way it has always been in America. If your insurance company does not authorize a requested proceedure, that is exactly the same option that you have always had, and always will have.
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It seems that the tax exempt entity known as newshounds "we watch Fox so you don't have to" has evolved into a left wing political editorial source. It's more accurate to characterize the newshounds mission as "we think for liberals so they don't have to". The people who pushed the monstrosity through congress with bribery and intimidation didn't even read the 3,000 page law which is as long as a Stephen King novel and as scary. You can call them anything you want but there are panels established in the gigantic law that determine which citizen qualifies for extreme medical care.

Longer and scarier...........
It seems that the tax exempt entity known as newshounds "we watch Fox so you don't have to" has evolved into a left wing political editorial source. It's more accurate to characterize the newshounds mission as "we think for liberals so they don't have to". The people who pushed the monstrosity through congress with bribery and intimidation didn't even read the 3,000 page law which is as long as a Stephen King novel and as scary. You can call them anything you want but there are panels established in the gigantic law that determine which citizen qualifies for extreme medical care.

Totally false.

Not to mention that people who can pay for health care with cash, can get anything they want. Oddly enough, the Right does not seem to understand that this is exactly the way it has always been in America. If your insurance company does not authorize a requested proceedure, that is exactly the same option that you have always had, and always will have.

It either is or it isn't. Try to get your story straight. When a Business refuses service there is usually an alternative. When Government Dictates, there usually is not an alternative. When Government policy drives up cost, that compounds the equation.
The entire idea behind Obama care is to eventually force everyone into it so they can convert to a one payer system....They are not fooling most people... And yes there has always been someone at your health insurance dictating what they will pay for...And you have always had the option to get different or additional coverage... Won't be that way for long.........
It seems that the tax exempt entity known as newshounds "we watch Fox so you don't have to" has evolved into a left wing political editorial source. It's more accurate to characterize the newshounds mission as "we think for liberals so they don't have to". The people who pushed the monstrosity through congress with bribery and intimidation didn't even read the 3,000 page law which is as long as a Stephen King novel and as scary. You can call them anything you want but there are panels established in the gigantic law that determine which citizen qualifies for extreme medical care.

Totally false.

Not to mention that people who can pay for health care with cash, can get anything they want. Oddly enough, the Right does not seem to understand that this is exactly the way it has always been in America. If your insurance company does not authorize a requested proceedure, that is exactly the same option that you have always had, and always will have.

It either is or it isn't. Try to get your story straight. When a Business refuses service there is usually an alternative. When Government Dictates, there usually is not an alternative. When Government policy drives up cost, that compounds the equation.

i'll tell you what. You tell ME what your alternative has been for the last 50 years if your insurance copmpany determines that a proceedure is not "medically necessary", exceeds "regular, customary, usual costs", as determined by them, or "approved by the AMA", or is one of at least 30 to 50 other exclusions under your policy, including the provision that appears in almost every HMO policy, which gives the HMO the right to disenroll you if you "fail to establish a stisfactory provider/patient relationship", which was specificly written to give the HMO the right to terminate your coverage if you do not follow the doctor's orders, but can actually be enacted if you are just a pain in the ass to a provider.

I helped write these exclusions in my 50 year career in health insurance, and believe me, we in the business have been running a declination mill for scores of years.
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The entire idea behind Obama care is to eventually force everyone into it so they can convert to a one payer system....They are not fooling most people... And yes there has always been someone at your health insurance dictating what they will pay for...And you have always had the option to get different or additional coverage... Won't be that way for long.........

I'll give you a hint, Ollie. We in the business copy each others exclusion lists when we draft and file our contracts with the state insurance commisioner. The reason is simple. If United Health Care will not pay for a Primary Care Physician referral for a colonoscopy, unless there is blood in the stool, or you are over 60 years old, then we at "Feelgood HMO" would be a fool to do otherwise, because that means that soon anyone who has not yet been diagosed with cancer, but feels the need for a colonoscopy, will enroll in our plan. Then, guess what? We have adverse selection, compared to the population insured by United Health Care. It is not legally possible to copywrite these contracts. I have often used major insures's contracts, copied word for word, only changing the name and address of the insurer.

There is no "free market competition" in health insurance in the USA. There never has been.
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Their propaganda is a beautiful thing to behold. I don't know why MSNBC doesn't just completely rip off their template.

Liberals tend to be more openminded and capable of seeing fault in their own side.

The Fox News narrative is not that flexible.
Fox News Pretends Palin Was Right About ‘Death Panels’

Fox News and their viewers love to pretend. They live in a fantasyland bubble -- only it's not a happy place -- it's full of fear and race-baiting.

Sarah Palin returned to Fox News’ “business block” today to lend her special brand of acumen to a discussion about Obamacare and death panels. Despite the fact that her “death panels” accusation was rated “Lie of the Year” by PolitiFact, host Eric Bolling joined her in throwing truth out the window as she took what was laughably called “The Hot Seat” for softball questions and a pretense that she has been proven correct. Simon Maloy, at Media Matters, breaks down Palin’s – uh, evolution – from her death panel accusations about the Advanced Care Planning provision in the House health care bill to her changeup to the Independent Payment Advisory Board (IPAB) in the Senate bill: Palin’s first deployment of “death panel” in August 2009 was in reference to the Advanced Care Planning provision of the House health care bill, and she said it would “decide” whether senior citizens and the disabled were “worthy of health care.” This was a lie, and Palin got called out on it, earning herself Politifact’s “Lie of the Year” award. In December of 2009, Palin switched it up and tried claiming that IPAB (which originated in the Senate’s health care bill) was what she was talking about all along and that “this type of rationing” was “precisely what I meant when I used that metaphor.” This was also a lie; the law does not allow for the IPAB to make “any recommendation to ration health care... or otherwise restrict benefits or modify eligibility criteria.”

She's the biggest moron ever.

Scary fact - people on this forum actually voted for her.

She kinda was..

Except it was Jan Brewer that instituted the Death Panels..and successfully killed 2 Americans.

To the cheers and applauds of Conservatives.

Just like when they applauded the deaths of 11 Americans on the BP oil rig,
Their propaganda is a beautiful thing to behold. I don't know why MSNBC doesn't just completely rip off their template.

Liberals tend to be more openminded and capable of seeing fault in their own side.

The Fox News narrative is not that flexible.

Liberals capable of seeing fault on their side? Really? You must be a stand up comic...

Ask any Liberal what Obama has done that was wrong.......Chances are you'll get a blank stare.

yeehaw, I hate the christian symbol

Sarah Palin ‘Death Panels’ Confirmed By Howard Dean

August 10, 2013

Was Sarah Palin right about death panels in Obamacare? Howard Dean, and some other Democrats, seem to think so.

Palin, the 2008 GOP vice presidential candidate, took a lot of flak four years ago for suggesting that government-imposed healthcare rationing by what she deemed death panels would be one likely outcome of the Affordable Care Act. And while Palin and former Vermont Gov. Howard Dean couldn’t be more opposite on the political spectrum, he apparently agrees with her now.


Read more at Sarah Palin ?Death Panels? Confirmed By Howard Dean
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Fox News Pretends Palin Was Right About ‘Death Panels’

Fox News and their viewers love to pretend. They live in a fantasyland bubble -- only it's not a happy place -- it's full of fear and race-baiting.

Sarah Palin returned to Fox News’ “business block” today to lend her special brand of acumen to a discussion about Obamacare and death panels. Despite the fact that her “death panels” accusation was rated “Lie of the Year” by PolitiFact, host Eric Bolling joined her in throwing truth out the window as she took what was laughably called “The Hot Seat” for softball questions and a pretense that she has been proven correct. Simon Maloy, at Media Matters, breaks down Palin’s – uh, evolution – from her death panel accusations about the Advanced Care Planning provision in the House health care bill to her changeup to the Independent Payment Advisory Board (IPAB) in the Senate bill: Palin’s first deployment of “death panel” in August 2009 was in reference to the Advanced Care Planning provision of the House health care bill, and she said it would “decide” whether senior citizens and the disabled were “worthy of health care.” This was a lie, and Palin got called out on it, earning herself Politifact’s “Lie of the Year” award. In December of 2009, Palin switched it up and tried claiming that IPAB (which originated in the Senate’s health care bill) was what she was talking about all along and that “this type of rationing” was “precisely what I meant when I used that metaphor.” This was also a lie; the law does not allow for the IPAB to make “any recommendation to ration health care... or otherwise restrict benefits or modify eligibility criteria.”

She's the biggest moron ever.

Scary fact - people on this forum actually voted for her.

As usual hazelnut proves what a nut he is by not bothering to check his facts. Poor hazelnut, losing credibility faster than Obama even has.....

The Care Planning Act of 2013 will be introduced Thursday by Mr. Warner, a Virginia Democrat, and Mr. Isakson, a Georgia Republican, who want to give seriously ill patients and their families the chance to receive thorough information about their prognosis and counseling from health-care providers, paid by the government.

“This is about honoring a patient’s choice, not making it for them,” said Mr. Warner.

The bill creates a new Medicare/Medicaid benefit that, says Mr. Warner, gives a patient the freedom to learn about, discuss, and choose medical treatment options before their illness progresses too far. “It gives patients more control over how they will live,” Mr. Warner said.

“We never had ‘the conversation’ with my mother,” said Mr. Warner in an interview. When his mother, Marjorie, developed Alzheimer’s, she and her husband and children had not yet discussed what kind of medical care she wanted as the disease progressed, including whether she would be willing to go into a nursing facility. Mr. Warner, a former telecom tycoon, said: “I had financial resources other families don’t that I could provide, but I was helpless — we didn’t know what to do.”

Senators Revive Push for End-of-Life-Care Planning - Washington Wire - WSJ
Their propaganda is a beautiful thing to behold. I don't know why MSNBC doesn't just completely rip off their template.

Liberals tend to be more openminded and capable of seeing fault in their own side.

The Fox News narrative is not that flexible.

:lol::lol::lol::lol: Sure they are... Why isn't Filner in jail for sexual assault? Oh yeah, 'cause he's a liberal Democrat! Silly libtards never saw a criminal they didn't like so long as he was on their side!
Palin was misrepresented by the press form the gitgo with the death panel statement.. I am surprised that the moronic left is still trying to pull that crap. Apparently, they feel the need to assuage each other's egos.

No one else will do it.
"Death panels" are part of the convoluted gigantic law known as Obamacare. You can call them by a different name but they are part of the Obamacare law that democrats never even read. The question is why would the radical left pick on the former governor of Alaska? They hate real women? They are offended that an authentic woman would choose to give birth to a Downs Syndrome child and promote the pro-life concept? Radical democrats seem to care more about the feelings of drag queens than real women/

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