FOX news is falling behind CNN and MSNBC


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2007

MAGA media is seeing some falling ratings. Is this because Lachlan took over from Daddy or is it because viewers are beginning to understand FOX is not is "entertainment" as proven in court. Maybe James will take over when the cable channel sees that lies are not cutting it anymore.
If a given TV entity's ratings are dipping it means one thing --- that they're not garnering as much attention as they did in the last round. That's what ratings measure, and it's all they measure. Their only function is to set advertising rates.

MAGA media is seeing some falling ratings. Is this because Lachlan took over from Daddy or is it because viewers are beginning to understand FOX is not is "entertainment" as proven in court. Maybe James will take over when the cable channel sees that lies are not cutting it anymore.
Which is the reason for their lineup changes. They are replacing news segments with 'opinion' segments headed by alt right anchors. They are going back to what got them ahead with con viewers in the past. Back to just being an echo chamber for the loonie right. Which Murdoc Jr. opposes but is being outvoted right now.
And yet, the brain-dead crayola-eating automatons keep watching CNN and MSNBC. They gobble up those network's tripe like three day-old puke that some sick heroin addict left on the sidewalk.

They they in turn regurgitate in on here.
Fox lost viewers for abandoning Trump.

And btw CNN and MSNBC ratings are already below
the internet sources for news.
CNN and MSNBC business model is to stick with facts as much as possible while right wing sources are not so picky and favor wacko conspiracy news. So naturally internet sources that appeal to that will draw more. I'd rather watch news sources that appeal to educated people rather than those that appeal to the..well you know what.
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Fox lost viewers for abandoning Trump.

And btw CNN and MSNBC ratings are already below
the internet sources for news.
CNN and MSNBC business model is to stick with facts as much as possible while right wing sources are not so picky and favor wacko conspiracy news. So naturally internet sources that appeal to that will draw more. I'd rather watch news sources that appeal to educated people rather than those that appeal to the..well you know what.
As proven in court. FOX news is not really news. It is Entertainment...meaning they are not bound to facts or truth. Fools watch FOX news thinking they are getting facts and truth. MAGA media deals in lies and fabrications....I can watch for five minutes and then realize the propaganda they are pushing is nothing but "alternative facts."
Fox lost viewers for abandoning Trump.

And btw CNN and MSNBC ratings are already below
the internet sources for news.
CNN and MSNBC business model is to stick with facts as much as possible while right wing sources are not so picky and favor wacko conspiracy news. So naturally internet sources that appeal to that will draw more. I'd rather watch news sources that appeal to educated people rather than those that appeal to the..well you know what.
As proven in court. FOX news is not really news. It is Entertainment...meaning they are not bound to facts or truth. Fools watch FOX news thinking they are getting facts and truth. MAGA media deals in lies and fabrications....I can watch for five minutes and then realize the propaganda they are pushing is nothing but "alternative facts."
Meanwhile back on earth what I said is true.

MAGA media is seeing some falling ratings. Is this because Lachlan took over from Daddy or is it because viewers are beginning to understand FOX is not is "entertainment" as proven in court. Maybe James will take over when the cable channel sees that lies are not cutting it anymore.

[/B]FOX news is falling behind CNN and MSNBC in FAKE News[/B]

Well no shit sherlock
And yet, the brain-dead crayola-eating automatons keep watching CNN and MSNBC. They gobble up those network's tripe like three day-old puke that some sick heroin addict left on the sidewalk.

They they in turn regurgitate in on here.
I could spout the same crap you are saying and only have to substitute OAN for CNN and NEWSMAX for MSNBC.
LOL...I find it hilarious that dems bring up the downfall of FUX like it supports them.
FUX is in freefall because they went liberal....thats it!!!
There's no other reason and conservatives are happy about the downfall.

Complete wackadoo bullshit. No broadcaster gains or loses audience because that audience "approves" or "disapproves". They gain or lose because they were successful or unsuccessful at snagging eyeballs.

LOL...I find it hilarious that dems bring up the downfall of FUX like it supports them.
FUX is in freefall because they went liberal....thats it!!!
There's no other reason and conservatives are happy about the downfall.

Complete wackadoo bullshit. No broadcaster gains or loses audience because that audience "approves" or "disapproves". They gain or lose because they were successful or unsuccessful at snagging eyeballs.


Good Lord are you ever a retard!!!
I remember when liberals said the only people who watch FOX are Conservatives...
So why have they stopped supporting them now?
I know liberals are at the height of ignorance but you've brought them to a whole nother level of stupid.

MAGA media is seeing some falling ratings. Is this because Lachlan took over from Daddy or is it because viewers are beginning to understand FOX is not is "entertainment" as proven in court. Maybe James will take over when the cable channel sees that lies are not cutting it anymore.

FOX is trying desperately to become CNN.

"Why" is the great mystery. Even as Communists realize that capitalism is required for Communism to advance, the new management understands that ratings drop when you dis your primary audience.

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