Fox News -- BUSTED!!

The Op and his Hench Shills are engaged in a pathetic and futile attempt to divert attention from the fact that Obama has Lost The Peace in Iraq.
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So this guy was in fact released by Bush in 2004?

The “New Bin Laden” was actually released under Bush in 2004 according to the Defense Department. But even if he had been released under Obama, the U.S.-Iraq agreement behind the release took place during the Bush administration.
This is so funny. The left has MSNBC deliberately lying and trashing people all day every day and they don't bat an eye. Someone nakes a mistake about a terrorist scum and they come unglued. Then they wonder why the right says they hate America. It's because you do. Hypocrites.
The Op and his Hench Shills are engaged in a pathetic and futile attempt to divert attention from the fact that Obama has Lost The Peace in Iraq.


yeah, peace.... car bombings had dropped to 1 a month
Whats very clear is neither the OP or politcisusa can distinguish between news reporting and commentary/opinion if this is due to partisan stupidity or just your garden variety stupidity who knows.

open the link, its LIVE on the air and its NOT an opinion

PunditFact busted Fox News’ Jeanine Pirro with a big old “false” for claiming that ISIS leader Abu Bakr al Baghdadi was “released by Obama in 2009

what di you call it now? I call it stupid partisan slop reporting feeding the pigs.

I did that is what she calls the opening statement on her show where she gives commentary and one more to list who does not know the difference between news reporting and commentary.
This is so funny. The left has MSNBC deliberately lying and trashing people all day every day and they don't bat an eye. Someone nakes a mistake about a terrorist scum and they come unglued. Then they wonder why the right says they hate America. It's because you do. Hypocrites.

Then they wonder why the right says they hate America :eusa_silenced:

Was this suppose to be a "gotcha" moment?

Let me give you a few pointers about conservatives. If and when any Conservative news Commentator lies, we actually hold their feet to the fire. We don't lie, fart out platitudes, pretend it never happened... we do the same with those we elect . .. it's called integrity. You can google that liberal and find out for the first time in your rotten depraved life what it means. Don't thank me.

The United States once had Islamic State of Iraq and al-Shams (ISIS) leader Abu Bakr al Baghdadi in custody at a detention facility in Iraq, but president Barack Obama let him go, it has emerged.

Al Baghdadi, who also goes by the name Abu Du'a, was among the prisoners released in 2009 from the US's now-closed Camp Bucca near Umm Qasr in Iraq.

But now, five years later, he is the head of a group of ruthless extremists who are bearing down on Baghdad, burning down everything in their way and carrying out executions on Iraqi civilians, soldiers and police officers.

It is unclear why the US let the merciless al-Qaeda leader slip away, however, one theory proposed by The Telegraph is that al Baghadadi was granted amnesty along with thousands of other detainees because the US was preparing to pull out of Iraq.

The United States began withdrawing troops from Iraq in 2010, and Camp Bucca closed in 2011 along with the United States' other military facilities as President Obama declared that the War in Iraq had come to an end.

Another possible explanation is that al Baghadadi did not become a jihadist until after his release from Camp Bucca.

The US now has a $10 million warrant out for Baghdadi, who is accused of bombing a mosque in Baghdad in 2011 and killing former Sunni lawmaker Khalid al-Fahdawl.

Al Baghadadi and his troops had already taken key cities of Fallujah and Ramadi in Iraq earlier this year and have conquered the Iraqi cities of Tikrit and Mosul within the last several days.

They are now on the war path to Iraq's capital city of Baghdad.
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ISIS boast of slaughtering 1,700 soldiers after posting beheading video of Iraqi policeman | Mail Online
The far left posts lie after lie, gets busted for doing and still continues to post the same lies over and over.

More proof that they are far left propaganda drones and devoid of any independent thought.

Can we just get one ID for the far left that they can use on this board, since they post the same things over and over with zero variation?
How about that! They were found out! They need to check their news items closer before reporting on them.

Fox News Gets Busted for Falsely Claiming that Obama Released the 'New Bin Laden'

They sure do! One little problem, Fox didn't report that, it was stated by a political commentator.

OMG,Political Torch - BUSTED!!

Jeanine Pirro works directly for Fox News...

Even so, you fail to acknowledge all of the times the left wing media has touted falsehoods and perpetrated hoaxes of their own. So, how can you call them down for their lack of journalistic integrity when you fail to call the left wing media for doing the same, if not worse?
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They sure do! One little problem, Fox didn't report that, it was stated by a political commentator.

OMG,Political Torch - BUSTED!!
That's OK...the idiot doesn't know board protocol as this idiotic thread belongs in MEDIA.
Nice try fool but this is a POLITICAL matter that was being reported on and one that fully deserves room here. I can see, however, that your rage is in what the story says that reveals how Fox News conducted its reporting and you wish it had turned out differently. Well, it didn't so get over it already. That's just how the ball bounces!

Many sources reported it. I put up the Daily Mail article. Your very own article at the link had Slate and NBC AND the Daily Beast reporting it as well.

OMG NBC is BUSTED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

That's OK...the idiot doesn't know board protocol as this idiotic thread belongs in MEDIA.
Nice try fool but this is a POLITICAL matter that was being reported on and one that fully deserves room here. I can see, however, that your rage is in what the story says that reveals how Fox News conducted its reporting and you wish it had turned out differently. Well, it didn't so get over it already. That's just how the ball bounces!

Many sources reported it. I put up the Daily Mail article. Your very own article at the link had Slate and NBC AND the Daily Beast reporting it as well.

OMG NBC is BUSTED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Looks like TD has relegated Political Torch into the confines of a BIC Lighter at a bad concert.:badgrin:

Good form TD.
That's OK...the idiot doesn't know board protocol as this idiotic thread belongs in MEDIA.
Nice try fool but this is a POLITICAL matter that was being reported on and one that fully deserves room here. I can see, however, that your rage is in what the story says that reveals how Fox News conducted its reporting and you wish it had turned out differently. Well, it didn't so get over it already. That's just how the ball bounces!

Many sources reported it. I put up the Daily Mail article. Your very own article at the link had Slate and NBC AND the Daily Beast reporting it as well.

OMG NBC is BUSTED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Too bad Bush tortured the people at Gitmo, which is why the U.S. can't try any of them in court, since then we'd have to spend taxpayer money on trials where we'd have to set these people free anyway.

It really is Bush's fault on this one. Had they actually put a case together, they could have tried and convicted these fuckers in civilian courts, which have a much better record than military tribunals in such cases.
They sure do! One little problem, Fox didn't report that, it was stated by a political commentator.

OMG,Political Torch - BUSTED!!
That's OK...the idiot doesn't know board protocol as this idiotic thread belongs in MEDIA.
Nice try fool but this is a POLITICAL matter that was being reported on and one that fully deserves room here. I can see, however, that your rage is in what the story says that reveals how Fox News conducted its reporting and you wish it had turned out differently. Well, it didn't so get over it already. That's just how the ball bounces!

You aren't really this stupid are you? Do you know the difference between a pundit and a reporter?

Sent from my iPad using an Android.
So this guy was in fact released by Bush in 2004?

The “New Bin Laden” was actually released under Bush in 2004 according to the Defense Department. But even if he had been released under Obama, the U.S.-Iraq agreement behind the release took place during the Bush administration.

This calls for impeachment.
Dial-up the Bush Ranch and get cracking!
They sure do! One little problem, Fox didn't report that, it was stated by a political commentator.

OMG,Political Torch - BUSTED!!
That's OK...the idiot doesn't know board protocol as this idiotic thread belongs in MEDIA.
Nice try fool but this is a POLITICAL matter that was being reported on and one that fully deserves room here. I can see, however, that your rage is in what the story says that reveals how Fox News conducted its reporting and you wish it had turned out differently. Well, it didn't so get over it already. That's just how the ball bounces!

Your IGNORANCE is glaring SON, and as a CITIZEN whom has commented in a FREE Society> WHO the FUCK are YOU anyway?

Shove OFF.:eusa_hand:

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