fox news Audience Cheers Medicare For All


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2014
It seems that even fox news audiences cheer medicare for all. I guess even fox news audience has gotten fed up with the insurance companies and employer provided insurance.

When a government wants to make it legal for an insurance company to take your money for decades then kick you off the policy when you actually use it, then rating you as preexisting condition thus preventing you from ever having insurance again without giving people an alternative, people tend to get ticked off and want the whole mess to stop.

Even a fox news audience.

Bernie Sanders gets support for 'Medicare for All' proposal from Fox News audience
When you explain democrats will own you, then it becomes a no.. explain what it’s like in a DMV
WATCH: Bernie Sanders Explodes When Asked About His Taxes, Has Hypocrisy Called Out


by Sheri Urban

Socialist Senator Bernie Sanders exploded on Monday when asked during a Fox News town hall about accepting tax breaks that he voted against and why he did not send the money back given the fact that he constantly is claiming that the wealthy need to pay more in taxes.

Fox News host Bret Baier first pressed Sanders on the issue, to which Sanders responded: "Pfft…come on…I am, I paid the taxes that I owe...why don’t you get Donald Trump up here and ask him how much he pays in taxes." As DW's Ryan Saavedra reported:

And ol' Bernie was just starting to get riled up.

(Excerpt) Read more at ...

It seems that even fox news audiences cheer medicare for all. I guess even fox news audience has gotten fed up with the insurance companies and employer provided insurance.

When a government wants to make it legal for an insurance company to take your money for decades then kick you off the policy when you actually use it, then rating you as preexisting condition thus preventing you from ever having insurance again without giving people an alternative, people tend to get ticked off and want the whole mess to stop.

Even a fox news audience.

Bernie Sanders gets support for 'Medicare for All' proposal from Fox News audience
I'd go back and view what has been previously said about that. 70% of Americans favor it. But when they are told
how much it will cost and the affects it will have on them, only 35% want it.

Of course. They all love "free shit" till they find out what that "free shit" will cost every working American.

Medicare for all my ass.
It seems that even fox news audiences cheer medicare for all. I guess even fox news audience has gotten fed up with the insurance companies and employer provided insurance.

When a government wants to make it legal for an insurance company to take your money for decades then kick you off the policy when you actually use it, then rating you as preexisting condition thus preventing you from ever having insurance again without giving people an alternative, people tend to get ticked off and want the whole mess to stop.

Even a fox news audience.

Bernie Sanders gets support for 'Medicare for All' proposal from Fox News audience

When Trump puts forth his UHC plan, all of his sheep will tell us what an amazing plan it is and that government ran healthcare is the best idea ever.
I'd go back and view what has been previously said about that. 70% of Americans favor it. But when they are told
how much it will cost and the affects it will have on them, only 35% want it.

Of course. They all love "free shit" till they find out what that "free shit" will cost every working American.

Medicare for all my ass.

Yep. Plus it would never be Medicare for All...It would be Medicaid for All. Th Spooks and the S-p-I-c-s,
would never go for the parts of mediocre where you have to pay for it.
Bernie compared his Medicare for all vs a self-employed family of 4 paying $28,000 a year for health insurance. He needs to compare $2,800 a year for employer based healthcare like 180m Americans have thru work. The mods were dumb on that issue.
Fox just moderated the town hall meeting. The audience had a lot of Democrat loons in it. I am sure many transplants from New Jersey and New York which have dominated the area the past several years.

When these people see the huge tax increase they will face, poor quality of government healthcare, and the rationing it will require they won't be cheering anymore.

If government is the only source for healthcare, what incentive do they have to provide good care? What is your recourse? You are forced to pay, and forced to participate. Your choice is gone, and you are now further controlled by the STATE.
Fox just moderated the town hall meeting. The audience had a lot of Democrat loons in it. I am sure many transplants from New Jersey and New York which have dominated the area the past several years.

When these people see the huge tax increase they will face, poor quality of government healthcare, and the rationing it will require they won't be cheering anymore.

If government is the only source for healthcare, what incentive do they have to provide good care? What is your recourse? You are forced to pay, and forced to participate. Your choice is gone, and you are now further controlled by the STATE.

What tax increase? The dem base only hears free healthcare, like Medicaid in steroids.

Exactly right on government run healthcare. Who manages the limited resources? The party in power.

Medicare for all is the ultimate power grab.
Why don't they ask a townhall of vets suffering on government run, rationed, cheap healthcare what they think about government run healthcare. :eusa_hand:
It seems that even fox news audiences cheer medicare for all. I guess even fox news audience has gotten fed up with the insurance companies and employer provided insurance.

When a government wants to make it legal for an insurance company to take your money for decades then kick you off the policy when you actually use it, then rating you as preexisting condition thus preventing you from ever having insurance again without giving people an alternative, people tend to get ticked off and want the whole mess to stop.

Even a fox news audience.

Bernie Sanders gets support for 'Medicare for All' proposal from Fox News audience
The "audience" was made up of 100% Bernie supporters!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
They were fucking BUSED IN!
Almost everyone of them was carrying a 'Bernie sign' that was taken away from them as they went through the metal detector!
They were told if they would sign the sign they were carrying they could reclaim it as they left.
Fucking WISE UP to the real world!
I'd go back and view what has been previously said about that. 70% of Americans favor it. But when they are told
how much it will cost and the affects it will have on them, only 35% want it.

Of course. They all love "free shit" till they find out what that "free shit" will cost every working American.

Medicare for all my ass.
Trump has increased deficits drastically and we got nothing for it. Now you pretend to care?
Bernie compared his Medicare for all vs a self-employed family of 4 paying $28,000 a year for health insurance. He needs to compare $2,800 a year for employer based healthcare like 180m Americans have thru work. The mods were dumb on that issue.
You habe a link to $2800?
They're cheering a lie.

The overall Medicare system includes a strong free market component and choice. The Single Payer plan Sanders proposes does not.

For those who are fine with being lied to, cheer away. Ignorance is bliss.

I think that people are so fed up with what the insurance companies and what the republicans have been doing or trying to do with people's health care that people are just fed up and want it all to stop.

People don't seem to care how it's stopped but just want it stopped and will cheer what they see as a solution.

Maybe they do know what he's talking about and want to finally be free from an insurance company.

I know I am.
It seems that even fox news audiences cheer medicare for all. I guess even fox news audience has gotten fed up with the insurance companies and employer provided insurance.

When a government wants to make it legal for an insurance company to take your money for decades then kick you off the policy when you actually use it, then rating you as preexisting condition thus preventing you from ever having insurance again without giving people an alternative, people tend to get ticked off and want the whole mess to stop.

Even a fox news audience.

Bernie Sanders gets support for 'Medicare for All' proposal from Fox News audience

When Trump puts forth his UHC plan, all of his sheep will tell us what an amazing plan it is and that government ran healthcare is the best idea ever.

Yes when it comes to trump, all their so called "beliefs" fly right out the window.

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