Fox News At It Again...


Undocumented Reg. User
Nov 12, 2009
In a galaxy far far away...
It was just terrible what they did this time. I have never in all my life seen anything like it, even from Fox and that's saying something. And, I've seen them do the same or similar things before and I think that's very disgusting. Do they think we don't notice things like this?

I mean it's one thing to have various opinions and views on things but quite another to have opinions and views on other things, is it not? And what does that do to things themselves? It might be considered the new normal to some, but then again it could just be how it is for now. Or, I suspect, some would have us believe otherwise but that too might be problematic for some people.

Anyway, I just think the public should be aware and if enough really care we'll know they're aware and care. And that's a good thing.

Yeah, like I know, right? FOX is just, like ...I dunno, like, sooo lame

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