Fox Morning Zoo Crew Interviews Diamond & Silk on Climate Change

You guys can have Diamond and Silk. We prefer intelligent people.
Typical leftist racist. Berate any black person in a racist way who dares to disagree with the left.

You don't think there's even a smidgen of optical propaganda at play? Both sides do it dude; it's part of the game.
No, I don't. These are two very astute women who make more sense than any of those cackling hens on The View. You just don't like the fact that they don't "know their place" as black women.

I'm not saying they're not smart or that they don't believe what they say.
What exactly are you saying?
staged for the viewing

Politics 101
no, propaganda 101, fox style. this interview has nothing at all to do with the news, with climate change, with nothing but fox holding these two overly racial stereotype nitwits up for ridicule spewing silly ass shit so the elderly white bigots who make up the majority of Fox Viewers can laugh at the black people.
Modern day minstrel show to amuse the deplorables
Wow! Another racist comment from the left.
I guess Amos 'N Andy were busy...and then they could not get Fred Sanford to give his views. So they settled on these two performers to give the Fox Viewers a laugh by their goofy, black stereotype "views" on climate change, complete with the usual overly ebonic accent.....Does Fox not see that everyone but their own ardent viewers see how they are giving their redneck audience these two actors a stage to do their dumbass, ebonic, stereotypical, half-educated black person impersonations so those elderly white bigots can have a laugh at someone that sounds even dumber than they and their friends do? And the fox viewers eat this sad bigoted shit up with a spoon...some are so stupid they actually believe Diamond and Silk are really that ghetto and that stupid!! This as goofy and blatant NOT THE NEWS, BUT A SKIT, as if CNN decided to have Jed Clampett and Jethro Bodine on to talk about nuclear disarmament in North Korea.

Friday morning the noted climate scientists Diamond and Silk brought their expertise to the couch d'genius at Fox and Friends.

I have to assume that the papers Brian and Ainsley are holding have "the amount of money I get paid for this" written on them. That's the only way I'd get through the interview, too.

Transcript via Media Matters:

LYNETTE HARDAWAY (DIAMOND, FOX NATION PERSONALITY): Listen, you have to realize that Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, she's reckless, she's clueless, and she have a vacuous mindset.


HARDAWAY: First of all, civil rights have nothing to do with climate change. First of all. And then second of all, her Green New Deal is a green new scam that we must stay away from. Now, I know that she's worried about climate change, but she need to talk to Mother Nature.

RICHARDSON: That's right.

HARDAWAY: Because with the Earth rotating at 1,000 miles per hour, OK, 365 days of the year, we subject to feel climate changing a little bit. But not to the tune where we have to dismantle everything and start the Earth back over again. It's a absolutely no for us.

yeah, ain't no way all this crap was not staged for the viewing pleasure of the average elderly bigot who watches Fox.....View attachment 254158
I'm sorry to be the bearer of bad news but bigotry and racism are strong suits of the democratic party, not the republican party which freed the slaves and forms the majority of Fox news watchers. You might try cracking a history book once in a while so you don't make yourself seem so ignorant.
Typical leftist racist. Berate any black person in a racist way who dares to disagree with the left.

You don't think there's even a smidgen of optical propaganda at play? Both sides do it dude; it's part of the game.
No, I don't. These are two very astute women who make more sense than any of those cackling hens on The View. You just don't like the fact that they don't "know their place" as black women.

I'm not saying they're not smart or that they don't believe what they say.

You are not but Penelope and Mr. Jones are.

I can't speak for them. I'm just saying smart black Republicans are valuable to the right for optical reasons. They want more black people to vote for them so they can win more elections. Identity politics is a thing and both sides play the game.

There could be some Identity Politics in this but I think it is more that MANY Rightists LIKE and AGREE with Diamond and Silk, it's not like the Leftists who do the most vile Identity Politics with Hate Whitey, Blame Whitey and deliberately put one group against another group and play them against each other for Political reasons. The Leftists also support Open Borders because they NEED more of the Third Worlders to vote for the Left it's the ONLY way in the future that Leftist politicians are going to win any significant elections with NON-WHITE Third Worlders votes. The Leftists NEED to keep the Blacks ON the Leftist Plantation because if MORE leave they will have to increase their fanaticism for MORE Third Worlders which then is going to make them MORE unpopular with both Whites AND Blacks.
And used by the right:

"Freedom," said Bob Goodlatte, the House Judiciary Committee chairman, quoting President Ronald Reagan as he began a hearing Thursday morning, "is never more than one generation away from extinction."

Goodlatte was suggesting that freedom was under dire threat because Lynnette Hardaway and Rochelle Richardson, two pro-Trump social media personalities most commonly known as "Diamond & Silk," claimed they had been censored by Facebook. They had not been censored. Hardaway and Richardson's claims had been thoroughly debunked. But Goodlatte and his committee nevertheless went on to spend several hours on the issue.

The Diamond and Silk show goes to Washington
Typical leftist racist. Berate any black person in a racist way who dares to disagree with the left.

You don't think there's even a smidgen of optical propaganda at play? Both sides do it dude; it's part of the game.
smidgen? maybe. more like outright theater of the absurd.. why have anyone on a news show who says goofy, fake dumbass crap like this:

LYNETTE HARDAWAY (DIAMOND, FOX NATION PERSONALITY): Listen, you have to realize that Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, she's reckless, she's clueless, and she have a vacuous mindset.


HARDAWAY: First of all, civil rights have nothing to do with climate change. First of all. And then second of all, her Green New Deal is a green new scam that we must stay away from. Now, I know that she's worried about climate change, but she need to talk to Mother Nature.

RICHARDSON: That's right.

HARDAWAY: Because with the Earth rotating at 1,000 miles per hour, OK, 365 days of the year, we subject to feel climate changing a little bit. But not to the tune where we have to dismantle everything and start the Earth back over again. It's a absolutely no for us.

even trump does not sound this stupid. or most of the stupid shit right wingers claiming it is racist to see how diamond and silk are entertainers, playing a stereotypical dumbass with a racist overtone, much like Amos 'N Andy were...god, hard to believe some trump voters are so stupid they cannot see thru the obvious charade.
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Unlike Chris Cuomo and Don Lemon having their mutual Gay, Chuckle moment about the daily Trump story and how Trump has zero chance of being re-elected.
So right wing nuts take them seriously. That figures.
Why should they not be taken seriously, because they're black or because they're not on the plantation?
because, stupid shit, no one...not one matter what race or gender or political persuasion, much less two people, would have such a completely over the top supposedly serious talk about climate change saying stupid shit like this even trump would not take seriously, and he is a complete fool who thinks climate change is a chinese hoax: read it, moron, if you can...

LYNETTE HARDAWAY (DIAMOND, FOX NATION PERSONALITY): Listen, you have to realize that Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, she's reckless, she's clueless, and she have a vacuous mindset.


HARDAWAY: First of all, civil rights have nothing to do with climate change. First of all. And then second of all, her Green New Deal is a green new scam that we must stay away from. Now, I know that she's worried about climate change, but she need to talk to Mother Nature.

RICHARDSON: That's right.

HARDAWAY: Because with the Earth rotating at 1,000 miles per hour, OK, 365 days of the year, we subject to feel climate changing a little bit. But not to the tune where we have to dismantle everything and start the Earth back over again. It's a absolutely no for us.
I guess Amos 'N Andy were busy...and then they could not get Fred Sanford to give his views. So they settled on these two performers to give the Fox Viewers a laugh by their goofy, black stereotype "views" on climate change, complete with the usual overly ebonic accent.....Does Fox not see that everyone but their own ardent viewers see how they are giving their redneck audience these two actors a stage to do their dumbass, ebonic, stereotypical, half-educated black person impersonations so those elderly white bigots can have a laugh at someone that sounds even dumber than they and their friends do? And the fox viewers eat this sad bigoted shit up with a spoon...some are so stupid they actually believe Diamond and Silk are really that ghetto and that stupid!! This as goofy and blatant NOT THE NEWS, BUT A SKIT, as if CNN decided to have Jed Clampett and Jethro Bodine on to talk about nuclear disarmament in North Korea.

Friday morning the noted climate scientists Diamond and Silk brought their expertise to the couch d'genius at Fox and Friends.

I have to assume that the papers Brian and Ainsley are holding have "the amount of money I get paid for this" written on them. That's the only way I'd get through the interview, too.

Transcript via Media Matters:

LYNETTE HARDAWAY (DIAMOND, FOX NATION PERSONALITY): Listen, you have to realize that Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, she's reckless, she's clueless, and she have a vacuous mindset.


HARDAWAY: First of all, civil rights have nothing to do with climate change. First of all. And then second of all, her Green New Deal is a green new scam that we must stay away from. Now, I know that she's worried about climate change, but she need to talk to Mother Nature.

RICHARDSON: That's right.

HARDAWAY: Because with the Earth rotating at 1,000 miles per hour, OK, 365 days of the year, we subject to feel climate changing a little bit. But not to the tune where we have to dismantle everything and start the Earth back over again. It's a absolutely no for us.

yeah, ain't no way all this crap was not staged for the viewing pleasure of the average elderly bigot who watches Fox.....View attachment 254158
I'm sorry to be the bearer of bad news but bigotry and racism are strong suits of the democratic party, not the republican party which freed the slaves and forms the majority of Fox news watchers. You might try cracking a history book once in a while so you don't make yourself seem so ignorant.
you are so astoundingly stupid you believe the political parties in this country have not changed in 150 fucking years, you moron. who are you to laugh at others when you believe the democrats are not the ones that pushed thru the Civil Rights Act of 1964, the Voting Rights Act of 1968, and who paid the price for doing the right thing over doing what was politically in their favor by losing their complete control of the racist traitor states, as evidenced today by those same racist traitor states being controlled in most cases by bigoted and/or racist republicans of those racist traitor states.
You guys can have Diamond and Silk. We prefer intelligent people.

Who like Maxine and Frederica? :rolleyes-41:

I guess Amos 'N Andy were busy...and then they could not get Fred Sanford to give his views. So they settled on these two performers to give the Fox Viewers a laugh by their goofy, black stereotype "views" on climate change, complete with the usual overly ebonic accent.....Does Fox not see that everyone but their own ardent viewers see how they are giving their redneck audience these two actors a stage to do their dumbass, ebonic, stereotypical, half-educated black person impersonations so those elderly white bigots can have a laugh at someone that sounds even dumber than they and their friends do? And the fox viewers eat this sad bigoted shit up with a spoon...some are so stupid they actually believe Diamond and Silk are really that ghetto and that stupid!! This as goofy and blatant NOT THE NEWS, BUT A SKIT, as if CNN decided to have Jed Clampett and Jethro Bodine on to talk about nuclear disarmament in North Korea.

Friday morning the noted climate scientists Diamond and Silk brought their expertise to the couch d'genius at Fox and Friends.

I have to assume that the papers Brian and Ainsley are holding have "the amount of money I get paid for this" written on them. That's the only way I'd get through the interview, too.

Transcript via Media Matters:

LYNETTE HARDAWAY (DIAMOND, FOX NATION PERSONALITY): Listen, you have to realize that Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, she's reckless, she's clueless, and she have a vacuous mindset.


HARDAWAY: First of all, civil rights have nothing to do with climate change. First of all. And then second of all, her Green New Deal is a green new scam that we must stay away from. Now, I know that she's worried about climate change, but she need to talk to Mother Nature.

RICHARDSON: That's right.

HARDAWAY: Because with the Earth rotating at 1,000 miles per hour, OK, 365 days of the year, we subject to feel climate changing a little bit. But not to the tune where we have to dismantle everything and start the Earth back over again. It's a absolutely no for us.

yeah, ain't no way all this crap was not staged for the viewing pleasure of the average elderly bigot who watches Fox.....View attachment 254158
I'm sorry to be the bearer of bad news but bigotry and racism are strong suits of the democratic party, not the republican party which freed the slaves and forms the majority of Fox news watchers. You might try cracking a history book once in a while so you don't make yourself seem so ignorant.
you are so astoundingly stupid you believe the political parties in this country have not changed in 150 fucking years, you moron. who are you to laugh at others when you believe the democrats are not the ones that pushed thru the Civil Rights Act of 1964, the Voting Rights Act of 1968, and who paid the price for doing the right thing over doing what was politically in their favor by losing their complete control of the racist traitor states, as evidenced today by those same racist traitor states being controlled in most cases by bigoted and/or racist republicans of those racist traitor states.
Has it been that long since a democrat locked up American citizens based solely on their race? Gee I didn't know I was that old. Today I see no stronger racists than the black caucus in the us Congress. DUH! Get a clue dummy you're being played for a fool and you're too stupid to know it.
Unlike Chris Cuomo and Don Lemon having their mutual Gay, Chuckle moment about the daily Trump story and how Trump has zero chance of being re-elected.
you fantasize about people on tv being gay a lot, don't you, closeted one? why do you believe you have to be gay to see what a fucking moron trump is? he doesn't even know where his dad was born. he said mexico was going to pay for a huge wall from sea to shining sea. he said climate change was a chinese hoax. he called putin and little kim good strong leaders. he claimed he set more attendance records than elton john, even though he did not have any musical instruments, just his mouth, which is an organ, or some such babbling bullshit. see for yourself how stupid and goofy trump is by having someone who can read go ahead and read this bullshit to you from a Trump speech-

trump elton no organ.jpg
Unlike Chris Cuomo and Don Lemon having their mutual Gay, Chuckle moment about the daily Trump story and how Trump has zero chance of being re-elected.
you fantasize about people on tv being gay a lot, don't you, closeted one? why do you believe you have to be gay to see what a fucking moron trump is? he doesn't even know where his dad was born. he said mexico was going to pay for a huge wall from sea to shining sea. he said climate change was a chinese hoax. he called putin and little kim good strong leaders. he claimed he set more attendance records than elton john, even though he did not have any musical instruments, just his mouth, which is an organ, or some such babbling bullshit. see for yourself how stupid and goofy trump is by having someone who can read go ahead and read this bullshit to you from a Trump speech-

View attachment 254170
Don Lemon is gay and he and Chrissy Boy get all googly eyed together.
You should check it out.

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