Fox collapse continues: Tuesday, Nov. 24 Scoreboard: MSNBC Wins Prime and Total Day in Overall Viewers; CNN Tops Both Dayparts in Adults 25-54


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2012
The death knell for Fox was Nov. 3rd 2020 and definitely the days that followed. CNN and MSNBC are crushing it and it will only get worse as Trump supporters decide "these A-holes are as soft as Paul Ryan, they even hired the clown on their Board".

CNN and MSNBC are on a massive rise, Fox News will go the way of Canada...into the dustbin of "how to wreck a once successful enterprise". The signs were on the wall for a couple of years now.

Let's just hope the rest of the West doesn't follow...

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The problem is that OAN and Newsmax won't grow beyond the niche outlets they are. After a while, a certain segment of their viewers will return to Fox after they get sick of the crazy. Both of these niche networks are not going to be able to attract the legitimate advertising dollars to expand to the size of Fox. They'll get the niche players. The main corporations will stay as far away from these outliers as they can. Not much of a growth path.
The problem is that OAN and Newsmax won't grow beyond the niche outlets they are. After a while, a certain segment of their viewers will return to Fox after they get sick of the crazy. Both of these niche networks are not going to be able to attract the legitimate advertising dollars to expand to the size of Fox. They'll get the niche players. The main corporations will stay as far away from these outliers as they can. Not much of a growth path.
Zero evidence of any of this blather. Newsmax and OAN are soaring in popularity. So is the First, the Blaze, and America's Voice. Competition between the 5 of them causes limitation of expansion of any one of them, but when they all are getting viewers, politically, that's the same as Newsmax getting ALL the viewership.

Makes you feel good to spill your dreams in print ?
The problem is that OAN and Newsmax won't grow beyond the niche outlets they are. After a while, a certain segment of their viewers will return to Fox after they get sick of the crazy. Both of these niche networks are not going to be able to attract the legitimate advertising dollars to expand to the size of Fox. They'll get the niche players. The main corporations will stay as far away from these outliers as they can. Not much of a growth path.

You said the same about Fox when Ailes started it
The death knell for Fox was Nov. 3rd 2020 and definitely the days that followed. CNN and MSNBC are crushing it and it will only get worse as Trump supporters decide "these A-holes are as soft as Paul Ryan, they even hired the clown on their Board".

CNN and MSNBC are on a massive rise, Fox News will go the way of Canada...into the dustbin of "how to wreck a once successful enterprise". The signs were on the wall for a couple of years now.

Let's just hope the rest of the West doesn't follow...


Fox will be fine – there will always be more than enough willfully ignorant conservatives who want to be lied to.
The problem is that OAN and Newsmax won't grow beyond the niche outlets they are. After a while, a certain segment of their viewers will return to Fox after they get sick of the crazy. Both of these niche networks are not going to be able to attract the legitimate advertising dollars to expand to the size of Fox. They'll get the niche players. The main corporations will stay as far away from these outliers as they can. Not much of a growth path.
Zero evidence of any of this blather. Newsmax and OAN are soaring in popularity. So is the First, the Blaze, and America's Voice. Competition between the 5 of them causes limitation of expansion of any one of them, but when they all are getting viewers, politically, that's the same as Newsmax getting ALL the viewership.

Makes you feel good to spill your dreams in print ?

Get back to me when each one of these outlets advertising revenue even gets within sniffing distance of Fox.
We can talk in another six months. Right now, these two outlets are the new hotties on the block. That won't last.
As far as the Internet durge..don't give a shit. It's all alt-right to me.
The problem is that OAN and Newsmax won't grow beyond the niche outlets they are. After a while, a certain segment of their viewers will return to Fox after they get sick of the crazy. Both of these niche networks are not going to be able to attract the legitimate advertising dollars to expand to the size of Fox. They'll get the niche players. The main corporations will stay as far away from these outliers as they can. Not much of a growth path.

You said the same about Fox when Ailes started it

I thought nothing of the sort. And there's a big difference between then and now. At the time, Fox was all alone in its programming and the audience it wanted to target. There was no Internet presence save for the various Usenet groups. Fox was the king of the hill. People forget at that time and for a short number of years after, they really were "fair and balanced". Then came 9/11 and the slow descent into right wing madness.

Now? The plethora of alt-right Internet sites, two new up and coming video outlets, and any asshole posting a right wing rant (podcast) on YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram?? It isn't new anymore.
Again, a lot of people will abandon the crazy and come back to a mainstream outlet.
The death knell for Fox was Nov. 3rd 2020 and definitely the days that followed. CNN and MSNBC are crushing it and it will only get worse as Trump supporters decide "these A-holes are as soft as Paul Ryan, they even hired the clown on their Board".

CNN and MSNBC are on a massive rise, Fox News will go the way of Canada...into the dustbin of "how to wreck a once successful enterprise". The signs were on the wall for a couple of years now.

Let's just hope the rest of the West doesn't follow...


Do you buy or sell advertising on Fox Noise?


Well then their ratings are IRRELEVANT.
The problem is that OAN and Newsmax won't grow beyond the niche outlets they are. After a while, a certain segment of their viewers will return to Fox after they get sick of the crazy. Both of these niche networks are not going to be able to attract the legitimate advertising dollars to expand to the size of Fox. They'll get the niche players. The main corporations will stay as far away from these outliers as they can. Not much of a growth path.
OAN and Newsmax are not concerned with profit. If they get in trouble they will beg for donations and get them.
The problem is that OAN and Newsmax won't grow beyond the niche outlets they are. After a while, a certain segment of their viewers will return to Fox after they get sick of the crazy. Both of these niche networks are not going to be able to attract the legitimate advertising dollars to expand to the size of Fox. They'll get the niche players. The main corporations will stay as far away from these outliers as they can. Not much of a growth path.
or they will grow and change as needed to grow taking the spot that Fox once held as the most popular news cast.
The problem is that OAN and Newsmax won't grow beyond the niche outlets they are. After a while, a certain segment of their viewers will return to Fox after they get sick of the crazy. Both of these niche networks are not going to be able to attract the legitimate advertising dollars to expand to the size of Fox. They'll get the niche players. The main corporations will stay as far away from these outliers as they can. Not much of a growth path.
or they will grow and change as needed to grow taking the spot that Fox once held as the most popular news cast.

OAN and Newsmax don't hold newscasts. They are purely propaganda broadcasts. I've seen nothing approaching actual news being reported on.
Just your average right wing rants pushing false narratives and conspiracy theories.
The death knell for Fox was Nov. 3rd 2020 and definitely the days that followed. CNN and MSNBC are crushing it and it will only get worse as Trump supporters decide "these A-holes are as soft as Paul Ryan, they even hired the clown on their Board".

CNN and MSNBC are on a massive rise, Fox News will go the way of Canada...into the dustbin of "how to wreck a once successful enterprise". The signs were on the wall for a couple of years now.

Let's just hope the rest of the West doesn't follow...

reminds me of an old movie

france? 1700s?

rabble rouser in pub rouses rabble into a pitchfork frenzy by blasting the king as the enemy of the people...

the rabble shout “death to the tyrant”

just then a pal of the king comes in and gives a rousing go king go speech!

and now the same rabble are shouting “long live the king”


2 years ago cons loved FOX news...

now they want to destroy it...

The death knell for Fox was Nov. 3rd 2020 and definitely the days that followed. CNN and MSNBC are crushing it and it will only get worse as Trump supporters decide "these A-holes are as soft as Paul Ryan, they even hired the clown on their Board".

CNN and MSNBC are on a massive rise, Fox News will go the way of Canada...into the dustbin of "how to wreck a once successful enterprise". The signs were on the wall for a couple of years now.

Let's just hope the rest of the West doesn't follow...

It doesn't take an PhD in Quantum Physics to figure that one out. Most people who watch MSNBC and CNN are brainless automatons who eagerly gobble up whatever shit those networks spoon-feed them. They're completely lacking in independent thought, and the ability to question anything they're told. There's a reason why we commonly referred to as "low-information voters."

FOX news viewers on the other hand, tend to be the opposite. It's pretty obvious that many FOX viewers came to the conclusion that the network was no longer a reliable source of information. Therefore they went to other sources like OANN, Newsmax, CNS, and online sources.
The death knell for Fox was Nov. 3rd 2020 and definitely the days that followed. CNN and MSNBC are crushing it and it will only get worse as Trump supporters decide "these A-holes are as soft as Paul Ryan, they even hired the clown on their Board".

CNN and MSNBC are on a massive rise, Fox News will go the way of Canada...into the dustbin of "how to wreck a once successful enterprise". The signs were on the wall for a couple of years now.

Let's just hope the rest of the West doesn't follow...

The real question is; does anyone care? I know I don't.
How many businesses failed because of arrogance? Remember when IBM was the only game in town? What about Blockbuster Movies? AOL or Beta Max?

You adapt, evolve, or fail. Trust me, I'm Canadian, we have perfected the science of nepotism and wasted talent. Not that news Talking Heads are talented per se. The Big Three are smart enough to be able to remain curious and honest. The question is, are they, and their media masters brave enough?

In the end, I rarely bet on white collar courage. Now Hannity, maybe, because he's worked the type of shyte jobs some of us have worked, but Tucker or Ingraham? They are just a ballroom invitation away from being part of the California elite, sharing the same Bubble.
The death knell for Fox was Nov. 3rd 2020 and definitely the days that followed. CNN and MSNBC are crushing it and it will only get worse as Trump supporters decide "these A-holes are as soft as Paul Ryan, they even hired the clown on their Board".

CNN and MSNBC are on a massive rise, Fox News will go the way of Canada...into the dustbin of "how to wreck a once successful enterprise". The signs were on the wall for a couple of years now.

Let's just hope the rest of the West doesn't follow...

The real question is; does anyone care? I know I don't.

Exactly. Only Fox Noise itself cares, because their ratings affect their income --- with lower ratings you can't charge as much for ads.

Actual news --- which FNC has never been --- doesn't make money anyway. It can't. Commentary makes money. Fearmongering makes money. Sensationalism makes money. Polarizing people into "us" and "them" camps not only makes money but brings an audience that hangs around loyally. But straight reporting of actual news, there's no way to milk money out of that, since every news medium has the same facts.

So whether Fox, MSNBC, CNN (etc etc etc) is up or down THIS WEEK is of significance only to them, and the advertisers looking to buy time on them. That's it. Whatever the OP thinks the significance is ----- isn't.
The death knell for Fox was Nov. 3rd 2020 and definitely the days that followed. CNN and MSNBC are crushing it and it will only get worse as Trump supporters decide "these A-holes are as soft as Paul Ryan, they even hired the clown on their Board".

CNN and MSNBC are on a massive rise, Fox News will go the way of Canada...into the dustbin of "how to wreck a once successful enterprise". The signs were on the wall for a couple of years now.

Let's just hope the rest of the West doesn't follow...

The real question is; does anyone care? I know I don't.

Exactly. Only Fox Noise itself cares, because their ratings affect their income --- with lower ratings you can't charge as much for ads.

Actual news --- which FNC has never been --- doesn't make money anyway. It can't. Commentary makes money. Fearmongering makes money. Sensationalism makes money. Polarizing people into "us" and "them" camps not only makes money but brings an audience that hangs around loyally. But straight reporting of actual news, there's no way to milk money out of that, since every news medium has the same facts.

So whether Fox, MSNBC, CNN (etc etc etc) is up or down THIS WEEK is of significance only to them, and the advertisers looking to buy time on them. That's it. Whatever the OP thinks the significance is ----- isn't.
Yes, this is just about some bloody tRumpling gloating that faux's rating are down because they aren't stroking tRump as much as they used to.
The death knell for Fox was Nov. 3rd 2020 and definitely the days that followed. CNN and MSNBC are crushing it and it will only get worse as Trump supporters decide "these A-holes are as soft as Paul Ryan, they even hired the clown on their Board".

CNN and MSNBC are on a massive rise, Fox News will go the way of Canada...into the dustbin of "how to wreck a once successful enterprise". The signs were on the wall for a couple of years now.

Let's just hope the rest of the West doesn't follow...


Fox will be fine – there will always be more than enough willfully ignorant conservatives who want to be lied to.

Nope...they'll be in the shitter with CNN.
No one likes leftwing news.
The death knell for Fox was Nov. 3rd 2020 and definitely the days that followed. CNN and MSNBC are crushing it and it will only get worse as Trump supporters decide "these A-holes are as soft as Paul Ryan, they even hired the clown on their Board".

CNN and MSNBC are on a massive rise, Fox News will go the way of Canada...into the dustbin of "how to wreck a once successful enterprise". The signs were on the wall for a couple of years now.

Let's just hope the rest of the West doesn't follow...

The real question is; does anyone care? I know I don't.

Exactly. Only Fox Noise itself cares, because their ratings affect their income --- with lower ratings you can't charge as much for ads.

Actual news --- which FNC has never been --- doesn't make money anyway. It can't. Commentary makes money. Fearmongering makes money. Sensationalism makes money. Polarizing people into "us" and "them" camps not only makes money but brings an audience that hangs around loyally. But straight reporting of actual news, there's no way to milk money out of that, since every news medium has the same facts.

So whether Fox, MSNBC, CNN (etc etc etc) is up or down THIS WEEK is of significance only to them, and the advertisers looking to buy time on them. That's it. Whatever the OP thinks the significance is ----- isn't.

If all they cared about was ratings they sure fucked themselves by going left.

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