Fourth Plea Deal: Former Trump attorney Jenna Ellis reaches plea deal in Georgia election interference case

There are places in America where there are no Republicans.
Wyoming has two Senators

Michigan has two Senators

The Detroit population is underrepresented in the Senate.

Dems need at least sixty Senators to begin to fix the cities with large populations of minorities who are underrepresented in this country because of a constitutional structural design to protect rural America from being overwhelmed by the cities.

We need both , but conservatives use culture war and Jesus Christ to dehumanize the people who live in big cities, It’s a hate thing under a Christian Nation fake history because with all the electoral college advantages they still can’t win a national election with the sanctity of the popular vote to go with it.
IOW, there is no RICO case. The court will eventually take note of these pleas to minor matters and will likely toss all RICO charges because the prosecutor has not gotten one plea to RICO or any serious charges.
Really? Is that why Trumps house of marked cards is collapsing into a churning sea of despair and acrimony, while the weasels who enabled and supported him, scramble to save their own diseased hind parts in a desperate attempt to avoid the ignoble fate that surely awaites the orange ogre ?
Wyoming has two Senators

Michigan has two Senators

The Detroit population is underrepresented in the Senate.

Dems need at least sixty Senators to begin to fix the cities with large populations of minorities who are underrepresented in this country because of a constitutional structural design to protect rural America from being overwhelmed by the cities.

We need both , but conservatives use culture war and Jesus Christ to dehumanize the people who live in big cities, It’s a hate thing under a Christian Nation fake history because with all the electoral college advantages they still can’t win a national election with the sanctity of the popular vote to go with it.
The electoral college prevents one party tyranny and that is why the Democrats are opposed to it.
In a true democracy the minority always loses.
You would not want 49% of the population always pissed-off.
The Democrat Party has a constant drumbeat of hate.
The Left is the problem with hate and racism in our country.
This is what the Left's identity politics and wokeism is all about, it's about their cultural hatred for Suburbanites, average middle-class people, Midwesterners, Southerners, mainstream society, White people, Christians, wasps.....
MAGA: My Ass Got Arrested.

And now Meadows has flipped

How it started .... How its going...
So what exactly are the 'false statements' that she was accused of 'aiding and abetting'?
Good question. Looking at the transcript, I'm sticking with my instinct that Rudy Giuliani is going to be the fall guy for all this.

The prosecution:
The defendant attended and abetted Giuliani Smith in making these false statements by assisting with the execution of the December 3rd, 2020 Senate Judiciary Committee meeting that was held in Fulton County, Georgia. The false statements were used as part of a plan by the Trump campaign to solicit the Georgia General Assembly to disregard the certified results of the presidential election in this state and instead to unlawfully appoint non elected presidential electors in violation of their oath to the Georgia constitution and to the United States constitution. Similarly, false statements and solicitations were made to state legislators in Arizona, Michigan and Pennsylvania, and the defendant was present and assisted with the execution of those meetings. And she was in attendance with Giuliani in Arizona and Michigan and Pennsylvania. That would be the factual basis in which the state would have proceeded on your honor.

Jenna Ellis:
Thank you, Your Honor, for the opportunity to address the court. As an attorney who is also a Christian, I take my responsibilities as a lawyer very seriously, and I endeavor to be a person of sound moral and ethical character in all of my dealings. In the wake of the 2020 presidential election, I believed that challenging the results on behalf of President Trump should be pursued in a just and legal way. I endeavored to represent my client to the best of my ability. I relied on others, including lawyers with many more years of experience than I, to provide me with true and reliable information, especially since my role involved speaking to the media and to legislators in various states. What I did not do, but should have done, Your Honor, was to make sure that the facts the other lawyers alleged to be true were in fact true. In the frenetic pace of attempting to raise challenges to the election in several states, including Georgia, I failed to do my due diligence. I believe in and I value election integrity. If I knew then what I know now, I would have declined to represent Donald Trump in these post election challenges. I look back on this whole experience with deep remorse for those failures of mine, your honor, I have taken responsibility already before the Colorado bar who censured me, and I now take responsibility before this court and apologize to the people of Georgia. Thank you.

Transcript of Jenna Ellis's Plea Hearing in Georgia
Only Trump had his mob attack the capitol to overturn our votes. You're like Hamas crying about asymmetrical reactions.

You're a complete fool, nothing else to say to you, you believe in fantasies and ignore reality. I hope it's a really cold slap on the face when you wake up to your freedoms gone thanks to the very people you support.
If you cared about Christ, you would not be supporting a pathological liar who bears false witness against others nearly every day.

If you cared about Christ, you would not be supporting a serial adulterer who cheated on all THREE wives, including fucking a pornographic actress while his THIRD wife was home nursing their newborn.

If you cared about Christ, you would not be supporting a man who stole from cancer kids.

If you cared about Christ, you would not be supporting a man who stole from the elderly at his fake "university".

If you cared about Christ, you would not be supporting a man who exploits every human weakness at his casinos and contests of the flesh and a game show based on greed.

If you cared about Christ, you would not be supporting a man who brags about seducing married women.

If you cared about Christ, you would not be supporting a man who brags about sexually assaulting women.

Christ had a lot to say about hypocrites like you. Jesus railed against hypocrites more than anyone else.

You name one human being on this Earth that according to you could be supported if you 'cared about Christ'? Tell us all who has not sinned against Christ? And then you say this with a straight face while supporting Biden. 🤡 You're simply not rational, not the least little bit, you're all fools.
Wyoming has two Senators

Michigan has two Senators

The Detroit population is underrepresented in the Senate.

Dems need at least sixty Senators to begin to fix the cities with large populations of minorities who are underrepresented in this country because of a constitutional structural design to protect rural America from being overwhelmed by the cities.

We need both , but conservatives use culture war and Jesus Christ to dehumanize the people who live in big cities, It’s a hate thing under a Christian Nation fake history because with all the electoral college advantages they still can’t win a national election with the sanctity of the popular vote to go with it.

Who uses Jesus Christ for anything anymore, your side has removed religion entirely from the landscape of American politics, and look where we are. Congrats, you won!! You need to get more up to date arguments against conservatives, you're still back in the 80's.
Good question. Looking at the transcript, I'm sticking with my instinct that Rudy Giuliani is going to be the fall guy for all this.

The prosecution:
The defendant attended and abetted Giuliani Smith in making these false statements by assisting with the execution of the December 3rd, 2020 Senate Judiciary Committee meeting that was held in Fulton County, Georgia. The false statements were used as part of a plan by the Trump campaign to solicit the Georgia General Assembly to disregard the certified results of the presidential election in this state and instead to unlawfully appoint non elected presidential electors in violation of their oath to the Georgia constitution and to the United States constitution. Similarly, false statements and solicitations were made to state legislators in Arizona, Michigan and Pennsylvania, and the defendant was present and assisted with the execution of those meetings. And she was in attendance with Giuliani in Arizona and Michigan and Pennsylvania. That would be the factual basis in which the state would have proceeded on your honor.

Jenna Ellis:
Thank you, Your Honor, for the opportunity to address the court. As an attorney who is also a Christian, I take my responsibilities as a lawyer very seriously, and I endeavor to be a person of sound moral and ethical character in all of my dealings. In the wake of the 2020 presidential election, I believed that challenging the results on behalf of President Trump should be pursued in a just and legal way. I endeavored to represent my client to the best of my ability. I relied on others, including lawyers with many more years of experience than I, to provide me with true and reliable information, especially since my role involved speaking to the media and to legislators in various states. What I did not do, but should have done, Your Honor, was to make sure that the facts the other lawyers alleged to be true were in fact true. In the frenetic pace of attempting to raise challenges to the election in several states, including Georgia, I failed to do my due diligence. I believe in and I value election integrity. If I knew then what I know now, I would have declined to represent Donald Trump in these post election challenges. I look back on this whole experience with deep remorse for those failures of mine, your honor, I have taken responsibility already before the Colorado bar who censured me, and I now take responsibility before this court and apologize to the people of Georgia. Thank you.

Transcript of Jenna Ellis's Plea Hearing in Georgia

I want to hear the exact 'lies' they supposedly told, let's go lefitsts, you should be able to post them word for word. Where are they?

I noticed that, during her statement, she says that she believed the words of people with much more experience than her. She was lied to.

She believed the many lies, and she ran with them, in spite of everything.

I can't help but wonder: Will any Trumpsters notice that that's pretty much their story, too?

No, their programming won't allow them to process that as it might break the bond.
The proper time for that is when these people testify under oath in court trial, when the prosecution either builds its case or falls on its face.

Right, but by taking a plea, that will never happen. So it makes it appear there was wrong doing, and they never have to prove it in court and show the world what they have. It's a win for the prosecution and those out to bring Trump down.
Right, but by taking a plea, that will never happen. So it makes it appear there was wrong doing, and they never have to prove it in court and show the world what they have. It's a win for the prosecution and those out to bring Trump down.
What embarrassing delusion.

In trumplandia, pleading guilty = innocent

It's fascinating to watch this abnormal psychology.

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