Four Big Bangs Equal Four Huge Problems For Materialists/Atheists

Not knowing why we are here isn't a reason to make up an invisible superbeing who cares if we obey a book or not.

1) Establishing that something cannot arise from nothing is reason enough to speculate upon what would cause existence to come into existence without the existence of the raw materials of existence. It would seem a certain intelligent intent would be required.

2) It's not a rule book. It's a primer.
Who said that the universe arose from nothing? We don't know where it came from, for example, it could be the universe itself that expands and contracts and this it simply it expanding again. Or it could be a super massive black hole that blows up in another universe that is perhaps dying. So no, it doesn't automatically point to an invisible being that cares if we follow a book or not. That's absurd.

There must first be a universe to expand or contract. Since something cannot come from nothing, why does the universe exist at all?

For the same reason, where did the black hole come from?

We elected it in November of 2008. But what does he have to do with this?
Most literate people know "Flatland".

Flatland - Wikipedia
I was right, a book of fiction. Got any real proof?

A book of fiction that explains multiple dimensions in laymen's terms. The same way Nineteen Eighty-Four explained an unbridled socialist state.
Well, there's never been a state like the one described in 1984. So I get your point, you have nothing. :biggrin:
Soviet Union was pretty close.
US is closer.
Sorry, I saw some of the torture factories while in Soviet held nations.
So current science indicates.

Of course, your science once said that the earth was flat and rode upon the backs of elephants supported by a giant turtle.
Science never said that, but religion DID!

Study the ancient worlds. Religion in most respects was the science of its time.
Religion is NEVER science.

And yet it was known at least 4000 years ago that people are essentially made out of dirt and water.
No it wasn't, what an absurd thing to say. People are no more made of dirt than they are made of play doh, or crude oil. What an goofy example of "snap to fit" nonsense. The Nostradamus cult would be jealous.

What elements are the humans made of
And matter is positive energy. They do not cancel each other out and create nothing,
Who claims they do? They simply likely add up to zero. In which case, the creation of the universe did not violate any principle of conservation of energy.
“But this ‘singularity’ was a something, not a nothing. So it doesn’t answer the question of why is there something, whatever we choose to call it, rather than nothing?”
The something this singularity was IS energy, and it has been proven that energy can neither be created nor destroyed. So there never was nothing and there never will be nothing.
Sorry, that argument is no longer valid, as scientists are now led to believe that the net energy of our universe is zero.
You are clearly claiming energy is nothing because the net of positive energy and negative energy is zero, the kind of religious crap Ding pushes.
I claimed no such thing. You are delusional. I said that scientists believe that the net energy of the universe is likely zero. That is a fact .and, if true, it is quite easy to get "something from nothing", as we can still see "something" in a universe with net energy of zero.
You are now admitting that a net energy of zero IS something, so how can a net energy of zero give you something from NOTHING?????

Your own earlier answer to my my statement that there never was nothing and there never will be nothing, was that I was wrong because the net energy of the universe is zero. So clearly and undeniably you are saying that when the net energy is zero, energy is nothing and therefore something can come from nothing, even though now say energy IS something when net energy is zero. Surely even you can see your own contradictions!
Most literate people know "Flatland".

Flatland - Wikipedia
I was right, a book of fiction. Got any real proof?

A book of fiction that explains multiple dimensions in laymen's terms. The same way Nineteen Eighty-Four explained an unbridled socialist state.
Well, there's never been a state like the one described in 1984. So I get your point, you have nothing. :biggrin:
Soviet Union was pretty close.
US is closer.
How about some historical relevancy?

The State has troops drag you and your family out of your house and truck you to a remote field.

They hand you a shovel with a 2 foot handle and you and others are told to clear a field for planting food for the people. Your 6 year old son is taken to some unknown location. Your 3 year old daughter is too young to be productive so she’s picked by her ankles and her head swung against a tree. Her body is tossed in a field.

Your new boss as you work in the field is a sadistic 12 year old. With the wave of a hand he can have guards bayonet you.

Your cell is 3’x6’. Your toilet is a 6” wide ammo box. Anything you miss you are to clean with your hands.

They want to know if you know anyone or anything. Three times a day you’re strapped to a bed and a car battery is used to apply shocks while sticks beat you. Screaming doubles your session. Or your taken to a 6’ tall container filled with human waste from the ammo boxes. Your hung by rope from your ankles and lowered head first in.

Someone discovered you can read. You’re now a threat. Your taken away and bayoneted, ammo costs money. Your family is also butchered because we can’t have any vengeful people around.

And you have the audacity to badmouth America.

And the point of all this is the actions that took place I listed are just as moral as anyone’s if no God exists.
Ok, so you have a better explanation for how a woman could get pregnant 2000 years ago and still be a virgin? Go for it, I'll wait. :popcorn:

Or can you not look at things objectively and discuss them calmly? By your last response, I'd guess "no". :biggrin:

As for roos, that's a valid question. And gay Jesus, well, the signs point to "yes". And I don't have a problem with that, but you sure seem to! :abgg2q.jpg:
Childish rants straight of of the dumbass atheist book.
So how did Noah get kangaroos from Australia and back again afterwards? Let me guess, a worldwide flood doesn't mean it was worldwide, just regional. Or, it's all allegorical and doesn't mean anything near what's written. Or it was god's magic?
A. More than enough water above and below ground to cover the earth.
B. How can you create ice on a 90 degree summer day without electricity? Evaporation.
C. What happens in a world covered in ice? Shores are connected.
D. Who claims the land masses are the same before and after the flood?

So tell me what’s the downside to a belief in God?

Don’t give me examples of misuse for power, science has been misused. And don’t give me its anti science, some of the greatest minds acknowledge the existence of God.
A. No geologic proof of a worldwide flood.
B. And this is relevant because...?
C. So you're saying that the roos walked over ice from Australia to get to the Middle East?
D. The last time the land masses were together was 250 million years ago. Is this when the flood happened? Is that what really killed all the dinosaurs?

Downside of the belief in god? Thinking that there is solid proof for a god is delusional. And aside from wars between religions and that kind of stuff, religions make women second class citizens. And then not looking further for what is actually out there because your beliefs already said one thing.
I never claimed there was 100% in God. I said there was evidence beyond a reasonable doubt.

One issue at a time.

Most of the ocean in this region is 1-200 ft deep. Ice age would have created much lower sea levels. Connect the dots.
View attachment 226698
Do you have a link to a real site that says that the ice sheet came down to Australia? No? Then wtf are you talking about?
Childish rants straight of of the dumbass atheist book.
So how did Noah get kangaroos from Australia and back again afterwards? Let me guess, a worldwide flood doesn't mean it was worldwide, just regional. Or, it's all allegorical and doesn't mean anything near what's written. Or it was god's magic?
A. More than enough water above and below ground to cover the earth.
B. How can you create ice on a 90 degree summer day without electricity? Evaporation.
C. What happens in a world covered in ice? Shores are connected.
D. Who claims the land masses are the same before and after the flood?

So tell me what’s the downside to a belief in God?

Don’t give me examples of misuse for power, science has been misused. And don’t give me its anti science, some of the greatest minds acknowledge the existence of God.
A. No geologic proof of a worldwide flood.
B. And this is relevant because...?
C. So you're saying that the roos walked over ice from Australia to get to the Middle East?
D. The last time the land masses were together was 250 million years ago. Is this when the flood happened? Is that what really killed all the dinosaurs?

Downside of the belief in god? Thinking that there is solid proof for a god is delusional. And aside from wars between religions and that kind of stuff, religions make women second class citizens. And then not looking further for what is actually out there because your beliefs already said one thing.
I never claimed there was 100% in God. I said there was evidence beyond a reasonable doubt.

One issue at a time.

Most of the ocean in this region is 1-200 ft deep. Ice age would have created much lower sea levels. Connect the dots.
View attachment 226698
Do you have a link to a real site that says that the ice sheet came down to Australia? No? Then wtf are you talking about?
Never said that. I said sea levels lower during ice ages.

What’s your next strawman?

Been thru all the arguments, the question is do you seek truth or do you simply cling to things that justify your position?
Ok, so you have a better explanation for how a woman could get pregnant 2000 years ago and still be a virgin? Go for it, I'll wait. :popcorn:

Or can you not look at things objectively and discuss them calmly? By your last response, I'd guess "no". :biggrin:

As for roos, that's a valid question. And gay Jesus, well, the signs point to "yes". And I don't have a problem with that, but you sure seem to! :abgg2q.jpg:
Childish rants straight of of the dumbass atheist book.
So how did Noah get kangaroos from Australia and back again afterwards? Let me guess, a worldwide flood doesn't mean it was worldwide, just regional. Or, it's all allegorical and doesn't mean anything near what's written. Or it was god's magic?
A. More than enough water above and below ground to cover the earth.
B. How can you create ice on a 90 degree summer day without electricity? Evaporation.
C. What happens in a world covered in ice? Shores are connected.
D. Who claims the land masses are the same before and after the flood?

So tell me what’s the downside to a belief in God?

Don’t give me examples of misuse for power, science has been misused. And don’t give me its anti science, some of the greatest minds acknowledge the existence of God.
A. No geologic proof of a worldwide flood.
B. And this is relevant because...?
C. So you're saying that the roos walked over ice from Australia to get to the Middle East?
D. The last time the land masses were together was 250 million years ago. Is this when the flood happened? Is that what really killed all the dinosaurs?

Downside of the belief in god? Thinking that there is solid proof for a god is delusional. And aside from wars between religions and that kind of stuff, religions make women second class citizens. And then not looking further for what is actually out there because your beliefs already said one thing.
I never claimed there was 100% in God. I said there was evidence beyond a reasonable doubt.

One issue at a time.

Most of the ocean in this region is 1-200 ft deep. Ice age would have created much lower sea levels. Connect the dots.
View attachment 226698
There is not a shred of evidence for the existence of gods. Just admit your faith is, indeed, faith instead of being embarrassed of it.
Science never said that, but religion DID!

Study the ancient worlds. Religion in most respects was the science of its time.
Religion is NEVER science.

And yet it was known at least 4000 years ago that people are essentially made out of dirt and water.
No it wasn't, what an absurd thing to say. People are no more made of dirt than they are made of play doh, or crude oil. What an goofy example of "snap to fit" nonsense. The Nostradamus cult would be jealous.

What elements are the humans made of
So what? When two things are shown to be made of similar components, that does not mean one is made of the other. That's a ridiculous stretch of unlogic reserved for religious goofballs.
Childish rants straight of of the dumbass atheist book.
So how did Noah get kangaroos from Australia and back again afterwards? Let me guess, a worldwide flood doesn't mean it was worldwide, just regional. Or, it's all allegorical and doesn't mean anything near what's written. Or it was god's magic?
A. More than enough water above and below ground to cover the earth.
B. How can you create ice on a 90 degree summer day without electricity? Evaporation.
C. What happens in a world covered in ice? Shores are connected.
D. Who claims the land masses are the same before and after the flood?

So tell me what’s the downside to a belief in God?

Don’t give me examples of misuse for power, science has been misused. And don’t give me its anti science, some of the greatest minds acknowledge the existence of God.
A. No geologic proof of a worldwide flood.
B. And this is relevant because...?
C. So you're saying that the roos walked over ice from Australia to get to the Middle East?
D. The last time the land masses were together was 250 million years ago. Is this when the flood happened? Is that what really killed all the dinosaurs?

Downside of the belief in god? Thinking that there is solid proof for a god is delusional. And aside from wars between religions and that kind of stuff, religions make women second class citizens. And then not looking further for what is actually out there because your beliefs already said one thing.
I never claimed there was 100% in God. I said there was evidence beyond a reasonable doubt.

One issue at a time.

Most of the ocean in this region is 1-200 ft deep. Ice age would have created much lower sea levels. Connect the dots.
View attachment 226698
There is not a shred of evidence for the existence of gods. Just admit your faith is, indeed, faith instead of being embarrassed of it.
Ah, Mr Know It All.

Did you enjoy your snowcone?
You are now admitting that a net energy of zero IS something, so how can a net energy of zero give you something from NOTHING?????
I said we can observe "something" in a universe of net zero energy, because we onserve things that interact with electromagnetic energy. And this makes it possible to get "something from nothing", as what we observe as "something" has it's own, narrow definition.

You can spit and yell and fake LOL all night, but everything i am saying appears to be fact, by all the evidence. It appears that the universe could have, indeed, just popped into existence, as even what we think is "nothing" can breed "something", ro an observer such as us.
So how did Noah get kangaroos from Australia and back again afterwards? Let me guess, a worldwide flood doesn't mean it was worldwide, just regional. Or, it's all allegorical and doesn't mean anything near what's written. Or it was god's magic?
A. More than enough water above and below ground to cover the earth.
B. How can you create ice on a 90 degree summer day without electricity? Evaporation.
C. What happens in a world covered in ice? Shores are connected.
D. Who claims the land masses are the same before and after the flood?

So tell me what’s the downside to a belief in God?

Don’t give me examples of misuse for power, science has been misused. And don’t give me its anti science, some of the greatest minds acknowledge the existence of God.
A. No geologic proof of a worldwide flood.
B. And this is relevant because...?
C. So you're saying that the roos walked over ice from Australia to get to the Middle East?
D. The last time the land masses were together was 250 million years ago. Is this when the flood happened? Is that what really killed all the dinosaurs?

Downside of the belief in god? Thinking that there is solid proof for a god is delusional. And aside from wars between religions and that kind of stuff, religions make women second class citizens. And then not looking further for what is actually out there because your beliefs already said one thing.
I never claimed there was 100% in God. I said there was evidence beyond a reasonable doubt.

One issue at a time.

Most of the ocean in this region is 1-200 ft deep. Ice age would have created much lower sea levels. Connect the dots.
View attachment 226698
There is not a shred of evidence for the existence of gods. Just admit your faith is, indeed, faith instead of being embarrassed of it.
Ah, Mr Know It All.

Did you enjoy your snowcone?
Haha, terrified goofball changes the subject in and trolls his own thread....
Your own earlier answer to my my statement that there never was nothing and there never will be nothing, was that I was wrong because the net energy of the universe is zero.
Not accurate. You misunderstand me. My answer merely says that such a postulate is not really necessary. It could be true that there always was and always will be "something".
So how did Noah get kangaroos from Australia and back again afterwards? Let me guess, a worldwide flood doesn't mean it was worldwide, just regional. Or, it's all allegorical and doesn't mean anything near what's written. Or it was god's magic?
A. More than enough water above and below ground to cover the earth.
B. How can you create ice on a 90 degree summer day without electricity? Evaporation.
C. What happens in a world covered in ice? Shores are connected.
D. Who claims the land masses are the same before and after the flood?

So tell me what’s the downside to a belief in God?

Don’t give me examples of misuse for power, science has been misused. And don’t give me its anti science, some of the greatest minds acknowledge the existence of God.
A. No geologic proof of a worldwide flood.
B. And this is relevant because...?
C. So you're saying that the roos walked over ice from Australia to get to the Middle East?
D. The last time the land masses were together was 250 million years ago. Is this when the flood happened? Is that what really killed all the dinosaurs?

Downside of the belief in god? Thinking that there is solid proof for a god is delusional. And aside from wars between religions and that kind of stuff, religions make women second class citizens. And then not looking further for what is actually out there because your beliefs already said one thing.
I never claimed there was 100% in God. I said there was evidence beyond a reasonable doubt.

One issue at a time.

Most of the ocean in this region is 1-200 ft deep. Ice age would have created much lower sea levels. Connect the dots.
View attachment 226698
Do you have a link to a real site that says that the ice sheet came down to Australia? No? Then wtf are you talking about?
Never said that. I said sea levels lower during ice ages.

What’s your next strawman?

Been thru all the arguments, the question is do you seek truth or do you simply cling to things that justify your position?
So there was a land bridge all the way from Australia to the Middle East? Um... no. There wasn’t. And where is the evidence of a worldwide flood?
A. More than enough water above and below ground to cover the earth.
B. How can you create ice on a 90 degree summer day without electricity? Evaporation.
C. What happens in a world covered in ice? Shores are connected.
D. Who claims the land masses are the same before and after the flood?

So tell me what’s the downside to a belief in God?

Don’t give me examples of misuse for power, science has been misused. And don’t give me its anti science, some of the greatest minds acknowledge the existence of God.
A. No geologic proof of a worldwide flood.
B. And this is relevant because...?
C. So you're saying that the roos walked over ice from Australia to get to the Middle East?
D. The last time the land masses were together was 250 million years ago. Is this when the flood happened? Is that what really killed all the dinosaurs?

Downside of the belief in god? Thinking that there is solid proof for a god is delusional. And aside from wars between religions and that kind of stuff, religions make women second class citizens. And then not looking further for what is actually out there because your beliefs already said one thing.
I never claimed there was 100% in God. I said there was evidence beyond a reasonable doubt.

One issue at a time.

Most of the ocean in this region is 1-200 ft deep. Ice age would have created much lower sea levels. Connect the dots.
View attachment 226698
Do you have a link to a real site that says that the ice sheet came down to Australia? No? Then wtf are you talking about?
Never said that. I said sea levels lower during ice ages.

What’s your next strawman?

Been thru all the arguments, the question is do you seek truth or do you simply cling to things that justify your position?
So there was a land bridge all the way from Australia to the Middle East? Um... no. There wasn’t. And where is the evidence of a worldwide flood?
Dufus, why do I provide maps? You really think life originated separately on the Australian continent?
A. No geologic proof of a worldwide flood.
B. And this is relevant because...?
C. So you're saying that the roos walked over ice from Australia to get to the Middle East?
D. The last time the land masses were together was 250 million years ago. Is this when the flood happened? Is that what really killed all the dinosaurs?

Downside of the belief in god? Thinking that there is solid proof for a god is delusional. And aside from wars between religions and that kind of stuff, religions make women second class citizens. And then not looking further for what is actually out there because your beliefs already said one thing.
I never claimed there was 100% in God. I said there was evidence beyond a reasonable doubt.

One issue at a time.

Most of the ocean in this region is 1-200 ft deep. Ice age would have created much lower sea levels. Connect the dots.
View attachment 226698
Do you have a link to a real site that says that the ice sheet came down to Australia? No? Then wtf are you talking about?
Never said that. I said sea levels lower during ice ages.

What’s your next strawman?

Been thru all the arguments, the question is do you seek truth or do you simply cling to things that justify your position?
So there was a land bridge all the way from Australia to the Middle East? Um... no. There wasn’t. And where is the evidence of a worldwide flood?
Dufus, why do I provide maps? You really think life originated separately on the Australian continent?
Of course not. Life made it there before it was its own continent. Everyone knows this. 6th graders know this.
A. More than enough water above and below ground to cover the earth.
B. How can you create ice on a 90 degree summer day without electricity? Evaporation.
C. What happens in a world covered in ice? Shores are connected.
D. Who claims the land masses are the same before and after the flood?

So tell me what’s the downside to a belief in God?

Don’t give me examples of misuse for power, science has been misused. And don’t give me its anti science, some of the greatest minds acknowledge the existence of God.
A. No geologic proof of a worldwide flood.
B. And this is relevant because...?
C. So you're saying that the roos walked over ice from Australia to get to the Middle East?
D. The last time the land masses were together was 250 million years ago. Is this when the flood happened? Is that what really killed all the dinosaurs?

Downside of the belief in god? Thinking that there is solid proof for a god is delusional. And aside from wars between religions and that kind of stuff, religions make women second class citizens. And then not looking further for what is actually out there because your beliefs already said one thing.
I never claimed there was 100% in God. I said there was evidence beyond a reasonable doubt.

One issue at a time.

Most of the ocean in this region is 1-200 ft deep. Ice age would have created much lower sea levels. Connect the dots.
View attachment 226698
There is not a shred of evidence for the existence of gods. Just admit your faith is, indeed, faith instead of being embarrassed of it.
Ah, Mr Know It All.

Did you enjoy your snowcone?
Haha, terrified goofball changes the subject in and trolls his own thread....
You asked the question, and I handed your ass to you.

B. Educate yourself on the science of making ice without electricity.
No, you educate us. Tell me how to get ice outside on a 90 degree day, using evaporation. We're all ears, professor. Remember, no machines allowed. Your attempted bait and switch with "electricity" notwithstanding.

C. No one claimed the entire earth was covered in ice.
Okay, then say it: "The world was never, in the history of man, covered with ice."

Go on, state it .

D. Of course there was a global flood.
We know this is false, as much as we know anything. You are simply resorting to magic, which disqualifies you from any rational discussion of the topic.

Vortex tube - Wikipedia

I used this concept in designing a patent processes for applying synthetic bone to medical implants. Room temperature air goes in, -58F air comes out.

They use buildings in India using this design technology to make ice.
You asked the question, and I handed your ass to you.
You oddball...i asked no question, only you did. It's literally there in your quote. Are you drunk?
Your English to Russian translator is broken.

No, you educate us. Tell me how to get ice outside on a 90 degree day, using evaporation.
Haha, this always ends this way with you. A little fit. Every time.

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