Fort Hood shooter petitions to be ‘citizen’ of Islamic State


Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2013
Nidal Hasan, the convicted shooter in the Fort Hood attack that left 13 dead and more than 30 injured, has written a letter to the head of the Islamic State, requesting to become a “citizen” of the terrorist organization.

“I formally and humbly request to be made a citizen of the Islamic State,” Hasan wrote in the letter to “Ameer, Mujahad Dr. Abu Bakr al-Baghadadi,” Fox News reported. “It would be an honor for any believer to be an obedient citizen soldier to a people and its leader who don’t compromise the religion of All-Mighty Allah to get along with the disbelievers.”

Hasan signs his letter with his name and the abbreviation SoA — Soldier of Allah.

John Galligan, the attorney for Hasan, said the letter “underscores how much of his life, actions and mental thought process are driven by religious zeal. And it also reinforces my belief that the military judge committed reversible error by prohibiting Major Hasan from both testifying and arguing … how his religious beliefs” motivate his shooting,” Fox News reported.

Read more: Fort Hood shooter Nidal Hasan petitions to be citizen of Islamic State - Washington Times
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Let us keep in mind that this government refuses to call this an act of terror. Therefore the 30 others that were injured (many permanently) are not qualified to receive healthcare. Cause it is considered a "workplace violent action."

However, let us take care of child molesters and murderers and rapists with 3 hots and a cot along with as much healthcare as they need. Including dental.

However let us abandon the respectful individuals who served the country with honor and call it a workplace violent action so the government (who has no qualms taking care of illegals and brutal criminals) will not need to take care of them.

We all deserve what we get.
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Yeah, the non terrorist, work place shooter, according to this administration.
There is no such thing as a charge of "terrorism" under the UCMJ - which is why he's being charged with "workplace violence".

Would you guys prefer that he be transferred to the criminal court system? He could be charged as a "terrorist" in criminal court, but I thought you guys were all about the court-martials. Isn't that what you've been yelling for the last couple years?

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