Former Socialist Head Of ACORN


Trump/Vance Ticket-- Too Big to Rig
Gold Supporting Member
Feb 16, 2010
Central Coast
tells it like it is, folks! No surprise I hope. Obama worked to advance this group for many years. And now they are still around-just under other names in different states.

Former ACORN head Bertha Lewis told a group of the Young Democratic Socialists on that they should "do everything [they] can" to build their organization, and then insisted that our times are worse than internment under the Japanese and the years of Jim Crow laws (h/t Morgan Richmond at BigGovernment):

Any of these groups that says, "I'm young, I'm Democratic, and I'm a socialist," is okay with me. You know that's no light thing to do -- to actually say, I'm a socialist. You've got to know, actually, we are living in a time that's going to dwarf the McCarthy era. It is going to dwarf the internment of World War II. We are right now in a time that is going to dwarf the era of Jim Crow and segregation.

Much more:

Fmr ACORN head calls Tea Parties "bowel movement" and claims "they're coming after you" | Washington Examiner


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yea because people protesting from lawn chairs is the same as internment

in other words - stupid people are stupid
I think the title should have been 'former Head of ACORN is a Socialist'.

And, I'm just wondering.... how is the TEA party gonna intern anyone? It's Governments who do that, not protesters. Actually, it is often socialist governments who intern people. Just sayin. Bertha may be a socialist but she ain't very smart.
I'm not surprised by this. The shocking part is that these Socialist nutter groups are actually supported with Tax Payer dollars. How the H*ll does that happen? There is no doubt in my mind that corrupt groups like ACORN rigged a portion of the last Presidential Election. I think many Americans agree with me on that. Say what you want about the Tea Partiers,at least they don't survive on Tax Payer cash. They are a truly independent grassroots movement. Groups like ACORN should no longer receive Tax Dollars. All "Community Organizer" groups are corrupt frauds. Let them fund themselves.
I always thought the Klan, water hoses, billy cubs and attack dogs were worse then not getting tax dollars, who would have guessed i was wrong?

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