(Former) Sheriff David Clarke officially joins Homeland Security! #MAGA!


Platinum Member
Feb 26, 2017
Democratic People's Republique de Californie

Controversial Milwaukee Sheriff David Clarke says he is joining Trump administration

Milwaukee County Sheriff David Clarke announced Wednesday afternoon that he would be taking a position in the Department of Homeland Security.

Clarke met with President Trump back in November and was considered a potential candidate to run the department, a position that eventually went to Gen. John Kelly." data-reactid="23">Clarke told Wisconsin radio host Vicki McKenna that he would be leaving his current job for a post in the Department of Homeland Security. Clarke met with President Trump back in November and was considered a potential candidate to run the department, a position that eventually went to Gen. John Kelly.

“The position mentioned is a secretarial appointment,” said a Homeland Security spokesperson in a statement to Yahoo News. “Such senior positions are announced by the department when made official by the secretary. No such announcement with regard to the Office of Public Engagement has been made.”

Clarke, who originally ran for sheriff as a Democrat, has become a hero of the conservative movement and was an early supporter of Trump...

Fuck yes! Watch out, liberals! There's a new Sheriff in town! :)

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Pfffffffffffffffffffffft, really enjoying the first season of Reality America.
He's a good pick. Hope he takes care of the border.

Yeah no crime in Milwaukee. Haha. I'm sure he'll do just as good with border.
Democrats destroyed Milwaukee before he was born.

Funny how you guys always have excuses for your heros failures.
You look at any area of the country infested with Democrats and then look at the crime rate.
Check my signature for official government maps!
He's a good pick. Hope he takes care of the border.

Yeah no crime in Milwaukee. Haha. I'm sure he'll do just as good with border.
--------------------------------------------- reports are that the Border is doing pretty well even today simply with Trump in charge . Now is the time for the good Sheriff to go after the antifa , berkelely , illegal aliens , rioting dems , lefties , illegal aliens and of course border security Brian .
A man who neglected his duties as Milwuakee was overrun with crime, while he pursued a television career.

The winner in this move is Milwuakee
Key word over run meaning it was already infested with liberal filth.
But how will this move affect his television aspirations?
-------------------------------------------- i think that it will help him OldSchool !!
Maybe but only if he's able to neglect his duties like he did in Milwuakee
A man who neglected his duties as Milwuakee was overrun with crime, while he pursued a television career.

The winner in this move is Milwuakee
Key word over run meaning it was already infested with liberal filth.
But how will this move affect his television aspirations?
Well on average a little more then 30 million people watch him. Which is better then the 30 who maybe read you!
A man who neglected his duties as Milwuakee was overrun with crime, while he pursued a television career.

The winner in this move is Milwuakee
Key word over run meaning it was already infested with liberal filth.
But how will this move affect his television aspirations?
Well on average a little more then 30 million people watch him. Which is better then the 30 who maybe read you!
To long didn't read.
He's a good pick. Hope he takes care of the border.

Yeah no crime in Milwaukee. Haha. I'm sure he'll do just as good with border.
Democrats destroyed Milwaukee before he was born.

Funny how you guys always have excuses for your heros failures.
You look at any area of the country infested with Democrats and then look at the crime rate.
Check my signature for official government maps!

So he was a crappy sheriff, but a big
Mouth on tv so you love him. Sad.

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