former Bush-appointed judge, who advised Mike Pence during January 6, lays out the Republican plan to steal the 2024 election — & how to stop it


Diamond Member
Nov 26, 2015
Hillary tweeted this story, that's how i learned of it. what if the opposite happens, and Democrats rig the midterms? haven't any of you thought of that?

As it stands today, Trump, or his anointed successor, and the Republicans are poised, in their word, to "steal" from Democrats the presidential election in 2024 that they falsely claim the Democrats stole from them in 2020. But there is a difference between the falsely claimed "stolen" election of 2020 and what would be the stolen election of 2024. Unlike the Democrats' theft claimed by Republicans, the Republicans' theft would be in open defiance of the popular vote and thus the will of the American people: poetic, though tragic, irony for America's democracy.
Hillary tweeted this story, that's how i learned of it. what if the opposite happens, and Democrats rig the midterms? haven't any of you thought of that?

next weeks Premiere Documentary by Dinesh D'Souza :
- 2000 Mules - { 2022 }
Is Very self-explanatory.Like the true story of America's biggest
Serial Killer { Kermit Gosnell }.Who to this day the Dems refuse to acknowledge.
Like almost not existing.
Got how this Demobart business works.
That someone associated with the Bush Clan has nothing good to say about Trump is not exactly surprising.
I still hold to the notion of payback.The Bushies will never get over how
easy and complete Donald Trumop as candidate { 2015 } managed to
disgrace and ridicule the Candidacy of Jeb Bush.Trump so effectively painted
Jeb as some Big Mama's Boy with no energy.Mr.Low energy.
Jeb was laughed off the GOP Presidential candidacy stage.
Those at - Morning Joe - were the first to suggest that Jeb Run in around 2014.
They even tried to suggest Tom Hanks run.
The abject reason for Liz Cheney's entire mental block towards Trump.
Because she's a Huge Bushie.Trump dint require no Bushie anything.
Jeb was merely a Baby Huey among candidates.
Liz Cheney ... I don't know what she is.Part human,I gather.
Part Snake Venom.Part Baby Huey clothes for Jeb.
And her old man Dick.
Yea..well the Eastman Memo detailed almost that exact scenrio
Merely Proving the depths to which the Unamerican creeps on the
Left {like a gang of Hillary supporters } Prosecutors used in Mueller's Special Counsel
and their Hitlerian Third Reich tactics.
Who'd a thunk a truly gentleman Scholar from Chapman University
and Constitutionalist with The Claremont Institute would be used as if
the best example them lefties could make out of a Punch and Judy
show.History will have no choice but to place this degree of Unamericanism
at the top of our Country's most despicable time period.The Post Obama years.
The guy who Did Transform the Country.NOT for the better.
His Deep State is the tell-all.
As it stands today, Trump, or his anointed successor, and the Republicans are poised, in their word, to "steal" from Democrats the presidential election in 2024 that they falsely claim the Democrats stole from them in 2020. But there is a difference between the falsely claimed "stolen" election of 2020 and what would be the stolen election of 2024. Unlike the Democrats' theft claimed by Republicans, the Republicans' theft would be in open defiance of the popular vote and thus the will of the American people: poetic, though tragic, irony for America's democracy.
I refer yuz to post # 7.
Forget about the Beatles and Number Nine.
Number Nine
Number Nine
Number Nine
Number Nine
Gray area ... anyone
As it stands today, Trump, or his anointed successor, and the Republicans are poised, in their word, to "steal" from Democrats the presidential election in 2024 that they falsely claim the Democrats stole from them in 2020. But there is a difference between the falsely claimed "stolen" election of 2020 and what would be the stolen election of 2024. Unlike the Democrats' theft claimed by Republicans, the Republicans' theft would be in open defiance of the popular vote and thus the will of the American people: poetic, though tragic, irony for America's democracy.
Go read the constitution, crybaby.

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