Forget The Negro Basketball Association It Is Time To Start The White Basketball Association


Gold Member
Feb 3, 2018
" Forget The Negro Basketball Association It Is Time To Start The White Basketball Association "

* Things Happening To Their Kind Forget About The Statistics Of What Their Kind Does To Our Kind *

How idiotic are the over paid actors of the negro basketball association that they are protesting an individual so damned arrogant and stupid as to ignore the police and reach into their car for anything ?
" Forget The Negro Basketball Association It Is Time To Start The White Basketball Association "

* Things Happening To Their Kind Forget About The Statistics Of What Their Kind Does To Our Kind *

How idiotic are the over paid actors of the negro basketball association that they are protesting an individual so damned arrogant and stupid as to ignore the police and reach into their car for anything ?
Dreadful, isn't it?
I actually think a 6 ft and under pro league would be fun to watch....let the NBA move to China.....they can double dribble and travel all they want....and Leflop James can get paid with yen.....instead of dollars....
The sports players are playing another type of game. A dangerous one. For their leagues could collapse. Those stadiums are expensive to build and the monthly nut they pay is enormous on the loans. They have to keep some things operating in them that costs a lot also. With nothing going on they are going negative. The old stadiums you could shut the lights and that was that. Watch them go to the taxpayer in every city and community and beg for massive amounts of money for their closed stadiums as to keep them in operating condition. Just say no. They can remove the expensive eye candy high tech from those stadiums to save some money. If it happens it has been a long time in coming.
" Forget The Negro Basketball Association It Is Time To Start The White Basketball Association "

* Things Happening To Their Kind Forget About The Statistics Of What Their Kind Does To Our Kind *

How idiotic are the over paid actors of the negro basketball association that they are protesting an individual so damned arrogant and stupid as to ignore the police and reach into their car for anything ?
Dreadful, isn't it?
The old NBA was predominantly Jewish
Do you remember the Philadelphia Hebrews ??
Those guys were good .
Boston Bagel boys
New York Macabbes
Detroit Dreidals
Chicago Stars of David
To name a few
No one but retards and hard core racists would actually watch a bunch of slow nonathletic white boys try to play basketball. The league would fold after 2 games if that.
All white basketball. That sure would be exciting. Let's replace the NFL with an all Vietnamese football league while we're at it. Or we can just replace all the quarterbacks in the NFL with black people.
" Competing For Attention And Afflulence Through The Physical Arts "

* Quintuple Staged Pop Genre New Teams Arena With Memorobilia *

All white basketball. That sure would be exciting. Let's replace the NFL with an all Vietnamese football league while we're at it. Or we can just replace all the quarterbacks in the NFL with black people.
Such a plan of team representation is implicit with an expectation for a white sports league .

The secular humanists and sports fans around the world would shutter with intrigue watching internal draft decisions about genotype and phenotype qualifications for inclusion as a player in some private team .

At issue is whether such representations of teams should be provided arena attention , or whether the current basketball association would accept such a motive to field such teams .

Blacks are pretending to reign over viewer and player patronage , while there would be an equal amount of interest in teams classified by genome and phenome .

A larger public interest in the game is for a distraction , as to many the technical or tactical aspects of the game itself are less important than association with the excitement around a competitive dynamic .

A heterogeneous demographic of races divided by location would likely identify with and attend longer to players with which they identify , irrespective of the overall abilities of players competing in the event .

Each league of " diversity " would produce players with aptitudes of ability , which would develop given that there is an opportunity to develop , and it is proposed that fan bases would aligned as patrons to teams which represented the interests of their demographic .
MLB was all white until 1947 or so, and it did OK. Nobody questions Ruth's, Gehrig's, or Honus Wagner's bona fides because they didn't compete against Negros. But those days are long gone.

The thing with an under-6' BB league is that Blacks would dominate EVEN MORE than they do in the NBA. It is quickness and athleticism that separates Blacks from the General Population, not height.

I'm not sure why every other private sector enterprise in the country can prohibit political activity "on the job," but professional sports teams cave in to this shit like a whore on prom night.

There is really no reason why the Owners could not get together and revise the standard contract to say that political bullshit while in uniform or on the job is a breach of contract, and GTFO. Then ENFORCE IT.

Otherwise, it is here to stay.
" Opportunity To Maintain Diversity Through Distinctions Recoverable Through Motivation "

" So Much For Diversity "

MLB was all white until 1947 or so, and it did OK. Nobody questions Ruth's, Gehrig's, or Honus Wagner's bona fides because they didn't compete against Negros. But those days are long gone.
Now there is not even a decent representation of diversity by team for good sportsmanship rivalry .

* Affirmative Action *
The thing with an under-6' BB league is that Blacks would dominate EVEN MORE than they do in the NBA. It is quickness and athleticism that separates Blacks from the General Population, not height.
A homogeneous league with teams divided by race and competing within the same race , or a heterogeneous league with teams divided by race and competing between races , would be more appealing than the attenuation of diversity being exemplified by the negro basketball association .

* Emperors And Gladiator Popularity Contests And Supply Versus Demand *
I'm not sure why every other private sector enterprise in the country can prohibit political activity "on the job," but professional sports teams cave in to this shit like a whore on prom night.

There is really no reason why the Owners could not get together and revise the standard contract to say that political bullshit while in uniform or on the job is a breach of contract, and GTFO. Then ENFORCE IT.

Otherwise, it is here to stay.
The private sector enterprise is only able to dismiss individuals over which they have direct control and have a capacity to replace .
Any player - or ten players - could be gone in a millisecond and not missed a week later. LeBron, or anyone else. It happens due to injuries and whatnot all the time. Who cares?
The sports players are playing another type of game. A dangerous one. For their leagues could collapse. Those stadiums are expensive to build and the monthly nut they pay is enormous on the loans. They have to keep some things operating in them that costs a lot also. With nothing going on they are going negative. The old stadiums you could shut the lights and that was that. Watch them go to the taxpayer in every city and community and beg for massive amounts of money for their closed stadiums as to keep them in operating condition. Just say no. They can remove the expensive eye candy high tech from those stadiums to save some money. If it happens it has been a long time in coming.

Most of the stadiums were paid for by taxpayers. Off the top of my head, I recall exactly one NFL venue paid for privately. (Gillette Stadium.) I'm not sure ANY basketball team actually owns their arena.
" Call For Racial Only Team Try Outs To Form A Local Area Leagues Then Build Up Competition Events "

* Diversity Requires Distinctions *

Any player - or ten players - could be gone in a millisecond and not missed a week later. LeBron, or anyone else. It happens due to injuries and whatnot all the time. Who cares?
As it became , an entire culture of adherents to a white league , to a black league , to a whichever league , has apparently not been missed .

* Soliciting Commerce *

Those who care are likely the sponsors who apparently have something to get across where the public must be thrilled with whichever they are handed .
The sports players are playing another type of game. A dangerous one. For their leagues could collapse. Those stadiums are expensive to build and the monthly nut they pay is enormous on the loans. They have to keep some things operating in them that costs a lot also. With nothing going on they are going negative. The old stadiums you could shut the lights and that was that. Watch them go to the taxpayer in every city and community and beg for massive amounts of money for their closed stadiums as to keep them in operating condition. Just say no. They can remove the expensive eye candy high tech from those stadiums to save some money. If it happens it has been a long time in coming.

Most of the stadiums were paid for by taxpayers. Off the top of my head, I recall exactly one NFL venue paid for privately. (Gillette Stadium.) I'm not sure ANY basketball team actually owns their arena.
Newer stadiums even when empty or more "active". There is a cost that accrues without using them. Modern electronics and anything using electricity makes the monthly bill expensive. Wear and tear must be dealt with. The care is much more intensive then the older more "passive" stadiums. The removal of the modern tech in these stadiums may be possible. Or to mothball most of it.
The sports players are playing another type of game. A dangerous one. For their leagues could collapse. Those stadiums are expensive to build and the monthly nut they pay is enormous on the loans. They have to keep some things operating in them that costs a lot also. With nothing going on they are going negative. The old stadiums you could shut the lights and that was that. Watch them go to the taxpayer in every city and community and beg for massive amounts of money for their closed stadiums as to keep them in operating condition. Just say no. They can remove the expensive eye candy high tech from those stadiums to save some money. If it happens it has been a long time in coming.

Most of the stadiums were paid for by taxpayers. Off the top of my head, I recall exactly one NFL venue paid for privately. (Gillette Stadium.) I'm not sure ANY basketball team actually owns their arena.
Newer stadiums even when empty or more "active". There is a cost that accrues without using them. Modern electronics and anything using electricity makes the monthly bill expensive. Wear and tear must be dealt with. The care is much more intensive then the older more "passive" stadiums. The removal of the modern tech in these stadiums may be possible. Or to mothball most of it.

Most NBA arenas have many uses...from concerts to conventions to trade shows to Monster Jam. NFL and MLB stadiums, not so much. Yes, most host other things (I have seen concerts at Fenway Park and Gillette Stadium), but most are poorly suited for anything but sports.
" Forget The Negro Basketball Association It Is Time To Start The White Basketball Association "

* Things Happening To Their Kind Forget About The Statistics Of What Their Kind Does To Our Kind *

How idiotic are the over paid actors of the negro basketball association that they are protesting an individual so damned arrogant and stupid as to ignore the police and reach into their car for anything ?
Dreadful, isn't it?
The old NBA was predominantly Jewish
Do you remember the Philadelphia Hebrews ??
Those guys were good .
Boston Bagel boys
New York Macabbes
Detroit Dreidals
Chicago Stars of David
To name a few
Never heard of them. Did they get a nickel a basket ?
" Forget The Negro Basketball Association It Is Time To Start The White Basketball Association "

* Things Happening To Their Kind Forget About The Statistics Of What Their Kind Does To Our Kind *

How idiotic are the over paid actors of the negro basketball association that they are protesting an individual so damned arrogant and stupid as to ignore the police and reach into their car for anything ?
Dreadful, isn't it?
The old NBA was predominantly Jewish
Do you remember the Philadelphia Hebrews ??
Those guys were good .
Boston Bagel boys
New York Macabbes
Detroit Dreidals
Chicago Stars of David
To name a few
Never heard of them. Did they get a nickel a basket ?
It was a predominately East coast Jewish league
Most don’t know that
Some names I made up lol
There was Philadelphia Hebrews group

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