Forget 2018 / 2020 - Democrats Distracted, Focused on Division / Hate


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
Despite calls from D-Schumer to abandon the party path of division that has created the perception that the Democrats only have 'Hate' and 'Division' to offer voters, liberals have failed to relinguish their death-grip on the strategy.

Schumer's call was the result of recent polls that showed Americans do not care about 'Russia', that they are more focused in issues that effect their every-day lives.

Even before Hillary admitted defeat on election night the Obama administration began illegally working on ways to undermine / overthrow the Trump Administration.

Ever since Hillary admitted defeat the liberal-left has tried everything they could, legally or illegally, to seditiously undermine the Trump Administration.

The left has also, as they have for a long time, tried to divide / categorize Americans. For example, liberal leftist have declared that pro-life Democrats are not welcome in the party, separating party members into categories and deciding which ones are welcome in the party and which ones are not.

Even outside the party, Democrats continue to cause division amongst Americans. The last Charlottesville, Va incident and their escalation of the movement to eliminate parts of our history they do not like is such an example.

The liberal-left is still consumed and driven by hate and their desire to take down the President. They are still motivated by division. They are forcing identity politics and their own agenda on to the American people.

The far left has not only used violence to successfully deny Americans of their constitutional rights but they continue to justify such actions.

Meanwhile Americans are focused on and demand our politicians focus more on the issues that affect our daily lives, issues such as job creation and the economy.

As Schumer pointed out, this continued course of action by the Left will do nothing to help them gain seats in the election in 2014 and will do nothing to help them retake the White House in 2020.

It only serves to continue to undermine and destroy this nation's democracy and unity.
And if Schumer gets it (The crybaby is not the sharpest knife in the drawer) what does that tell you about the rest of the Dem Party?
Democrats believe, as they have openly declared in the past, that they should not let any tragedy or catastrophe go to waste, that they should take full political advantage of them.

The liberal-left is using the violence in Charlottesville to push their own racial divisionist agenda, seizing the opportunity to attack our history and have monuments and reminders of the past they deem to be offensive removed.

What we saw from the AntiFa in Charlottesvile, Va was the militarization and violent enforcement of liberal political correctness, using violence to strip Constitutional rights from American citizens.
Worry about the cloudy future of your own fucked-up party. Not sure you even realize how much these Nazi scumbags are going to damage your brand, but you will.
Lumping all of any party (except perhaps Nazis, or the remnants of the Communist party) together is absurd. I admire John McCain, Lindsey Graham, Bob and Elizabeth Dole, among other Republicans. I am disgusted by groups like Aryan Nation, The Peoples' Voice and other radical -0-'s. I voted for Dole, and McCain, and do not regret those votes.
Democrats are stuck on stupid, lets hope that continues.
Democrats are lousy strategists but I am not sure they could possibly fuck up so bad that it will help republicans after what has happened and what will surely come.
Worry about the cloudy future of your own fucked-up party. Not sure you even realize how much these Nazi scumbags are going to damage your brand, but you will.
They represent liberals more than anything, wanting you to live the way they want you to.
Democrats are lousy strategists but I am not sure they could possibly fuck up so bad that it will help republicans after what has happened and what will surely come.






Destruction of property

Threatening lives in an attempt to steal an already-decided election

Continuously debunked false accusations and scams supported by treasonous collusion with foreign agents to acquire fake reports containing Russia-generated propaganda to use against the President

Seditious calls for military coups, assassinations, and attempts to carry out those assassinations

Jeopardizing National Security through illeagal sharing & leaking of classified, illegaly unmasking Americans, and Felony Espionage for partisan benefit

Militarization and violent enforcement of political correctness and the liberal agenda by using violence to deny Americans their Constitutional Rights

Creating / escalating racial hatred / violence / division instead of attempting to difuse it....

Don't look now, but Democrats are already doing it, which is why Schumer tried to 'talk them down off the ledge'...
Despite calls from D-Schumer to abandon the party path of division that has created the perception that the Democrats only have 'Hate' and 'Division' to offer voters, liberals have failed to relinguish their death-grip on the strategy.

Schumer's call was the result of recent polls that showed Americans do not care about 'Russia', that they are more focused in issues that effect their every-day lives.

Even before Hillary admitted defeat on election night the Obama administration began illegally working on ways to undermine / overthrow the Trump Administration.

Ever since Hillary admitted defeat the liberal-left has tried everything they could, legally or illegally, to seditiously undermine the Trump Administration.

The left has also, as they have for a long time, tried to divide / categorize Americans. For example, liberal leftist have declared that pro-life Democrats are not welcome in the party, separating party members into categories and deciding which ones are welcome in the party and which ones are not.

Even outside the party, Democrats continue to cause division amongst Americans. The last Charlottesville, Va incident and their escalation of the movement to eliminate parts of our history they do not like is such an example.

The liberal-left is still consumed and driven by hate and their desire to take down the President. They are still motivated by division. They are forcing identity politics and their own agenda on to the American people.

The far left has not only used violence to successfully deny Americans of their constitutional rights but they continue to justify such actions.

Meanwhile Americans are focused on and demand our politicians focus more on the issues that affect our daily lives, issues such as job creation and the economy.

As Schumer pointed out, this continued course of action by the Left will do nothing to help them gain seats in the election in 2014 and will do nothing to help them retake the White House in 2020.

It only serves to continue to undermine and destroy this nation's democracy and unity.
the democrats party has never been this low or broken, they act like it too.
Democrats are stuck on stupid, lets hope that continues.
Democrats are lousy strategists but I am not sure they could possibly fuck up so bad that it will help republicans after what has happened and what will surely come.
The reputation of the alt left should be a wake up call. The alt left are terrorist.

Keep pushing that narrative and it will blow up in your face. It's not just anarchists and hippies who hate the nazis but a hell of a lot of regular everyday people that your news sources neglect to show you. It's probably already too late to repair the damage caused by conservatives closing ranks around the hate groups.
Democrats are stuck on stupid, lets hope that continues.
Democrats are lousy strategists but I am not sure they could possibly fuck up so bad that it will help republicans after what has happened and what will surely come.
The reputation of the alt left should be a wake up call. The alt left are terrorist.

Keep pushing that narrative and it will blow up in your face. It's not just anarchists and hippies who hate the nazis but a hell of a lot of regular everyday people that your news sources neglect to show you. It's probably already too late to repair the damage caused by conservatives closing ranks around the hate groups.
They murder, loot and burn down towns. Make sure you keep supporting that. I don't support the Nazi's but I support the first amendment. To bad you don't.
Democrats are lousy strategists but I am not sure they could possibly fuck up so bad that it will help republicans after what has happened and what will surely come.






Destruction of property

Threatening lives in an attempt to steal an already-decided election

Continuously debunked false accusations and scams supported by treasonous collusion with foreign agents to acquire fake reports containing Russia-generated propaganda to use against the President

Seditious calls for military coups, assassinations, and attempts to carry out those assassinations

Jeopardizing National Security through illeagal sharing & leaking of classified, illegaly unmasking Americans, and Felony Espionage for partisan benefit

Militarization and violent enforcement of political correctness and the liberal agenda by using violence to deny Americans their Constitutional Rights

Creating / escalating racial hatred / violence / division instead of attempting to difuse it....

Don't look now, but Democrats are already doing it, which is why Schumer tried to 'talk them down off the ledge'...
As I said, worry about your own party, it's the one most endangered at this point. The democrats will either get it together or they won't for 2018, not your problem. Also since you think it is OK to categorize a party by by it's fringe you will not mind if I stop differentiating between Republicans and the Nazis will you? Up until now I merely criticized republicans for their willingness to defend Nazi haters but by your method I can now simply call you all nazis. How do you like that you nazi troll?
If all they do is protest and rally, then who is at the counters asking you if you want to supersize your fries or waving and saying hello welcome to Walmart as a
Walmart Greeter?
Democrats are lousy strategists but I am not sure they could possibly fuck up so bad that it will help republicans after what has happened and what will surely come.






Destruction of property

Threatening lives in an attempt to steal an already-decided election

Continuously debunked false accusations and scams supported by treasonous collusion with foreign agents to acquire fake reports containing Russia-generated propaganda to use against the President

Seditious calls for military coups, assassinations, and attempts to carry out those assassinations

Jeopardizing National Security through illeagal sharing & leaking of classified, illegaly unmasking Americans, and Felony Espionage for partisan benefit

Militarization and violent enforcement of political correctness and the liberal agenda by using violence to deny Americans their Constitutional Rights

Creating / escalating racial hatred / violence / division instead of attempting to difuse it....

Don't look now, but Democrats are already doing it, which is why Schumer tried to 'talk them down off the ledge'...
As I said, worry about your own party, it's the one most endangered at this point. The democrats will either get it together or they won't for 2018, not your problem. Also since you think it is OK to categorize a party by by it's fringe you will not mind if I stop differentiating between Republicans and the Nazis will you? Up until now I merely criticized republicans for their willingness to defend Nazi haters but by your method I can now simply call you all nazis. How do you like that you nazi troll?
I listed factual events, factual accounts, factual Hate-driven Constitution and Law-violaring liberal acts...

...and you post opinionated, hate-driven dribble and prrsonal attacks.

No, I don't mind if you continue to add onto the list of what liberals have done and continue to do. Feel free...knock yourself out.

Bwuhahahaha... :p
If all they do is protest and rally, then who is at the counters asking you if you want to supersize your fries or waving and saying hello welcome to Walmart as a
Walmart Greeter?
Remember, liberal businesses / managers give their snowflakes time off to go violently protest, or they call in 'sick', forcing others to carry their slack asses by doing their jobs for them.
Worry about the cloudy future of your own fucked-up party. Not sure you even realize how much these Nazi scumbags are going to damage your brand, but you will.

I would say you are a member in good standing of the Mass Hysteria Bubble.

See Article. Here's an excerpt which applies to this absurd post of yours...absurd, yet a very typical Bolshevik post on this board.

5. The Insult without supporting argument
When people have actual reasons for disagreeing with you, they offer those reasons without hesitation. Strangers on social media will cheerfully check your facts, your logic, and your assumptions. But when you start seeing ad hominem attacks that offer no reasons at all, that might be a sign that people in the mass hysteria bubble don’t understand what is wrong with your point of view except that it sounds more sensible than their own.

Dilbert's Scott Adams Explains "How To Know You're In A Mass Hysteria Bubble" | Zero Hedge
Democrats are lousy strategists but I am not sure they could possibly fuck up so bad that it will help republicans after what has happened and what will surely come.






Destruction of property

Threatening lives in an attempt to steal an already-decided election

Continuously debunked false accusations and scams supported by treasonous collusion with foreign agents to acquire fake reports containing Russia-generated propaganda to use against the President

Seditious calls for military coups, assassinations, and attempts to carry out those assassinations

Jeopardizing National Security through illeagal sharing & leaking of classified, illegaly unmasking Americans, and Felony Espionage for partisan benefit

Militarization and violent enforcement of political correctness and the liberal agenda by using violence to deny Americans their Constitutional Rights

Creating / escalating racial hatred / violence / division instead of attempting to difuse it....

Don't look now, but Democrats are already doing it, which is why Schumer tried to 'talk them down off the ledge'...
As I said, worry about your own party, it's the one most endangered at this point. The democrats will either get it together or they won't for 2018, not your problem. Also since you think it is OK to categorize a party by by it's fringe you will not mind if I stop differentiating between Republicans and the Nazis will you? Up until now I merely criticized republicans for their willingness to defend Nazi haters but by your method I can now simply call you all nazis. How do you like that you nazi troll?
I listed factual events, factual accounts, factual Hate-driven Constitution and Law-violaring liberal acts...

...and you post opinionated, hate-driven dribble and prrsonal attacks.

No, I don't mind if you continue to add onto the list of what liberals have done and continue to do. Feel free...knock yourself out.

Bwuhahahaha... :p
Alright! It was actual work to have a nuanced view of conservatives but this is so much easier. Thanks random nazi troll. Seriously, to attain the kind of intellectual laziness many conservatives engage in I would have to suffer a catastrophic brain injury.
Alright! It was actual work to have a nuanced view of conservatives but this is so much easier. Thanks random nazi troll. Seriously, to attain the kind of intellectual laziness many conservatives engage in I would have to suffer a catastrophic brain injury.
Wow, what a tantrum / violent / triggered...they become that way when they have nothing to offer but personal attacks.

Thank you for the attacks, lil' snowflake, now make your way back to the kids' table so the grown-ups can talk.


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