'Force field' technology could make US tanks unstoppable


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2012
Soldiers lives matters. Great to see America tries to provide them the best.

'Force field' technology could make US tanks unstoppable

Astonishingly futuristic new tech creates a seemingly invisible, impenetrable, protective bubble around military armored vehicles making enemy attempts to fire at U.S. tanks pretty pointless – those rounds won’t hit the tank, they’ll explode mid-air.

Think of it almost like making a tank smart enough to defend itself. With the upgrade, tanks automatically protect the crew inside and prevent enemy rounds from making contact with the armor.

Within the blink of an eye, this remarkable technology detects the enemy fire, locates it and launches a response that destroys the threat at a safe distance from the vehicle.

It is sort of like a tiny missile defense system used to protect countries– but one designed to ride along with armored vehicles.

RPGs (Rocket Propelled Grenades) and even Anti-Tank Guided Missiles that can slay tanks are stopped mid-air, precisely intercepted and prevented from hitting the U.S. military tank.

Most types of enemy fire will never reach a tank protected with this tech. It will change warfare forever.
Can it stop hyper sonic projectiles, or missiles? Armor isn't the only technology that is advancing...
Unless I misunderstood it doesn't appear to be a real shield as in like the ones they had in Star Trek. It seems to be a way to detonate incoming ordinance, target the source and return fire.
Soldiers lives matters. Great to see America tries to provide them the best.

'Force field' technology could make US tanks unstoppable

Astonishingly futuristic new tech creates a seemingly invisible, impenetrable, protective bubble around military armored vehicles making enemy attempts to fire at U.S. tanks pretty pointless – those rounds won’t hit the tank, they’ll explode mid-air.

Think of it almost like making a tank smart enough to defend itself. With the upgrade, tanks automatically protect the crew inside and prevent enemy rounds from making contact with the armor.

Within the blink of an eye, this remarkable technology detects the enemy fire, locates it and launches a response that destroys the threat at a safe distance from the vehicle.

It is sort of like a tiny missile defense system used to protect countries– but one designed to ride along with armored vehicles.

RPGs (Rocket Propelled Grenades) and even Anti-Tank Guided Missiles that can slay tanks are stopped mid-air, precisely intercepted and prevented from hitting the U.S. military tank.

Most types of enemy fire will never reach a tank protected with this tech. It will change warfare forever.

Spam in a can.

I wonder how much space the Bradley system will take up in the back. Space is already highly limited. Cool concept nevertheless. I am picturing rolling away from danger in an M113 at the mighty escape speed of 35 mph, if you're lucky.
I wonder how much space the Bradley system will take up in the back. Space is already highly limited. Cool concept nevertheless. I am picturing rolling away from danger in an M113 at the mighty escape speed of 35 mph, if you're lucky.
It's not that big, in this picture you can see it mounted on the back of a much smaller vehicle. Two launchers covering different firing arcs, looks like two rounds each. There are also small sensors mounted on the corners.


Obviously this system isn't a "force field" like spammy article title implies, it doesn't allow a vehicle to just drive along slowly impregnable to any and all fire laughing at the futility of their attacks. It's a last ditch defense that gives them a couple more lives until they can manually reload it.

The tank version Trophy is bigger than Iron Fist and uses something akin to a shotgun pellets countermeasure (as opposed to an anti-missile round of Iron Fist), setup is similar with two launchers near the back covering both sides launch arcs. The tank below has trophy installed, the darker flat panels in front of the turret are sensors and the countermeasures can be see on top back of turret sticking up.

Much ado from video game addicts.
Trophy is already combat proven, it has successfully intercepted both rocket propelled grenades and Kornet anti-tank missiles dozens of times to protect IDF tanks.

Something I've always wondered with APS systems like this coming online is how much of a threat is it to nearby friendlies. I sure wouldn't to be in a Hummer or on foot near a tank that decides it needs to shotgun a cloud of pellets to one side to defeat a potential incoming threat.
China, Russia, N.Korea and the entire Middle East just collectively shit their pants. Kewel stuff!

Yo.........................Moron with the buck teeth..................if you had bothered to read the link provided, you would know that both Russia and Israel already have this tech.
Why? It won’t stop any nukes, which are sure to be used if it comes to war.
The last few times there have been conflicts where opponents have fired on US armored vehicles there were no nukes, what makes you think they'll be used the next time?
The last few times we weren’t fighting wars against Russia, or China, or one of Pakistan’s friends. This will cost billions of dollars, will be put on a handful of tanks, and will probably be cancelled after heavy monetary loss. How many tanks did we lose in the Iraq war without it?
The last few times we weren’t fighting wars against Russia, or China, or one of Pakistan’s friends. This will cost billions of dollars, will be put on a handful of tanks, and will probably be cancelled after heavy monetary loss. How many tanks did we lose in the Iraq war without it?
Sure, but the last few times not fighting Russia/China does not mean the next conflict where USA deploys armored vehicles will, that is where I don't get your logic. I also don't understand why you're convinced they will be canceled, they are actually one of the few military programs that has been battle tested and proven to work by IDF.

Either way nobody is planning on spending billions, at least initially. They are installing Trophy on 261 M1-1A2 MBTs at a cost of about 91 million dollars, presumably in brigades more likely to be involved in asymmetric warfare. I don't know how many M-1s were lost, but they have been taken out by everything from RPGs to antitank missiles. We haven't lost any F-15s yet continue to advance and improve their capabilities, you never say "well good enough" and stand still with military technology especially on a tank design that is getting long in the tooth.
The last few times we weren’t fighting wars against Russia, or China, or one of Pakistan’s friends. This will cost billions of dollars, will be put on a handful of tanks, and will probably be cancelled after heavy monetary loss. How many tanks did we lose in the Iraq war without it?
Sure, but the last few times not fighting Russia/China does not mean the next conflict where USA deploys armored vehicles will, that is where I don't get your logic. I also don't understand why you're convinced they will be canceled, they are actually one of the few military programs that has been battle tested and proven to work by IDF.

Either way nobody is planning on spending billions, at least initially. They are installing Trophy on 261 M1-1A2 MBTs at a cost of about 91 million dollars, presumably in brigades more likely to be involved in asymmetric warfare. I don't know how many M-1s were lost, but they have been taken out by everything from RPGs to antitank missiles. We haven't lost any F-15s yet continue to advance and improve their capabilities, you never say "well good enough" and stand still with military technology especially on a tank design that is getting long in the tooth.
The answer was zero tanks. If a war breaks out against China or Russia, nukes would be used. That’s why MAD worked, and we never went to war against the USSR.
The last few times we weren’t fighting wars against Russia, or China, or one of Pakistan’s friends. This will cost billions of dollars, will be put on a handful of tanks, and will probably be cancelled after heavy monetary loss. How many tanks did we lose in the Iraq war without it?
Sure, but the last few times not fighting Russia/China does not mean the next conflict where USA deploys armored vehicles will, that is where I don't get your logic. I also don't understand why you're convinced they will be canceled, they are actually one of the few military programs that has been battle tested and proven to work by IDF.

Either way nobody is planning on spending billions, at least initially. They are installing Trophy on 261 M1-1A2 MBTs at a cost of about 91 million dollars, presumably in brigades more likely to be involved in asymmetric warfare. I don't know how many M-1s were lost, but they have been taken out by everything from RPGs to antitank missiles. We haven't lost any F-15s yet continue to advance and improve their capabilities, you never say "well good enough" and stand still with military technology especially on a tank design that is getting long in the tooth.
The answer was zero tanks. If a war breaks out against China or Russia, nukes would be used. That’s why MAD worked, and we never went to war against the USSR.

Nuclear weapons are always the last resort weapon to be used. No, I don't think that there will be nukes used in a war with China or Russia, because they feel the same way about them as we do. How do I know nukes are a last resort weapon? Because I was a member of the Personnel Reliability Program when I was stationed with VFA-131 Wildcats in the late 80's/early 90's. That meant that I was a member of the teams that loaded nuclear weapons onto the FA-18.

And, whenever we had loading drills, we weren't told if the weapon was active or a dummy round. We treated it like it was an active weapon at all times.
Soldiers lives matters. Great to see America tries to provide them the best.

'Force field' technology could make US tanks unstoppable

Astonishingly futuristic new tech creates a seemingly invisible, impenetrable, protective bubble around military armored vehicles making enemy attempts to fire at U.S. tanks pretty pointless – those rounds won’t hit the tank, they’ll explode mid-air.

Think of it almost like making a tank smart enough to defend itself. With the upgrade, tanks automatically protect the crew inside and prevent enemy rounds from making contact with the armor.

Within the blink of an eye, this remarkable technology detects the enemy fire, locates it and launches a response that destroys the threat at a safe distance from the vehicle.

It is sort of like a tiny missile defense system used to protect countries– but one designed to ride along with armored vehicles.

RPGs (Rocket Propelled Grenades) and even Anti-Tank Guided Missiles that can slay tanks are stopped mid-air, precisely intercepted and prevented from hitting the U.S. military tank.

Most types of enemy fire will never reach a tank protected with this tech. It will change warfare forever.

Sounds like a more advanced version of reactive armor.
Soldiers lives matters. Great to see America tries to provide them the best.

'Force field' technology could make US tanks unstoppable

Astonishingly futuristic new tech creates a seemingly invisible, impenetrable, protective bubble around military armored vehicles making enemy attempts to fire at U.S. tanks pretty pointless – those rounds won’t hit the tank, they’ll explode mid-air.

Think of it almost like making a tank smart enough to defend itself. With the upgrade, tanks automatically protect the crew inside and prevent enemy rounds from making contact with the armor.

Within the blink of an eye, this remarkable technology detects the enemy fire, locates it and launches a response that destroys the threat at a safe distance from the vehicle.

It is sort of like a tiny missile defense system used to protect countries– but one designed to ride along with armored vehicles.

RPGs (Rocket Propelled Grenades) and even Anti-Tank Guided Missiles that can slay tanks are stopped mid-air, precisely intercepted and prevented from hitting the U.S. military tank.

Most types of enemy fire will never reach a tank protected with this tech. It will change warfare forever.

Sounds like a more advanced version of reactive armor.

Reactive armor doesn't destroy the fired round. The armor has to be hit by the ordnance first to be useful. This system kills the threat before it gets close to the tank.

No, nothing like reactive armor.
Soldiers lives matters. Great to see America tries to provide them the best.

'Force field' technology could make US tanks unstoppable

Astonishingly futuristic new tech creates a seemingly invisible, impenetrable, protective bubble around military armored vehicles making enemy attempts to fire at U.S. tanks pretty pointless – those rounds won’t hit the tank, they’ll explode mid-air.

Think of it almost like making a tank smart enough to defend itself. With the upgrade, tanks automatically protect the crew inside and prevent enemy rounds from making contact with the armor.

Within the blink of an eye, this remarkable technology detects the enemy fire, locates it and launches a response that destroys the threat at a safe distance from the vehicle.

It is sort of like a tiny missile defense system used to protect countries– but one designed to ride along with armored vehicles.

RPGs (Rocket Propelled Grenades) and even Anti-Tank Guided Missiles that can slay tanks are stopped mid-air, precisely intercepted and prevented from hitting the U.S. military tank.

Most types of enemy fire will never reach a tank protected with this tech. It will change warfare forever.

Sounds like a more advanced version of reactive armor.

Reactive armor doesn't destroy the fired round. The armor has to be hit by the ordnance first to be useful. This system kills the threat before it gets close to the tank.

No, nothing like reactive armor.

Yeah and?

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