For those who suffer anti Zionist mental disorder


Diamond Member
Mar 16, 2012
and say they are “not” anti-Semitic or try to point out how “pro”-Jewish they are, but are willing to more than side with those whom want to promote totalitarianism, facism, anti Semtism, and barbaric Islamism in the Middle East.

[ame=]Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. - A Supporter of Israel - YouTube[/ame]
Next you will be claiming King was a Hebe :lol:
You mean like the way Islam claims that Jesus and Moses were Muslims and didn't even know it, thousands of years before Islam appeared? Heh heh heh!
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and say they are “not” anti-Semitic or try to point out how “pro”-Jewish they are, but are willing to more than side with those whom want to promote totalitarianism, facism, anti Semtism, and barbaric Islamism in the Middle East.

i think this is a desecration of the memory of a great civil rights leader. it is inconceivable to me that the rev. dr. martin luther king jr. would support things like the war crimes committed during the july war in lebanon,, the war crimes committed during operation cast lead in gaza, the subjugation of an occupied people and the apartheid that goes on in the israeli state, the seige of gaza, and the acts of genocide that are being committed against the palestinian people and the bedouin people.

the rev. dr. king was assassinated in 1968, shortly after the '67 war, and for you to even suggest that he would have supported the actions of israel today is beyond disgusting. for you to use the memory of a man who believed in peaceful, non-violent solutions to disputes is despicable. i myself do not entirely believe in dr. king's approach to conflict resolution but i do believe he had a good, kind, and loving heart and i believe you are abusing his legacy with such a film.

i have contacted the king center about "jewish independent films" and this video as well as about the post you have made. they will be getting back to me. i am also going to contact the administrators of this board about it to see if i can have it pulled.
the number for the King Center is 404-526-8900 for anyone who would like to object to this film or the poster. i think it is beyond disgraceful to tarnish the legacy of a great civil rights leader to justify war crimes and apartheid. i encourage everyone who reads this disgusting post by roudy to call them.
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People can be Jewish as they wish.
People can be Jewish and be Zionist.
People can be Jewish and not be Zionist.
People can be other than Zionist.
It is not anti-semitic to not be pro-Zionist.
It is not anti-semitic to have other ideas than those already in circulation, especially when the latter are not working.
The ideas of the Zionists can be questioned.
i think this is a desecration of the memory of a great civil rights leader. it is inconceivable to me that the rev. dr. martin luther king jr. would support things like the war crimes committed during the july war in lebanon,, the war crimes committed during operation cast lead in gaza, the subjugation of an occupied people and the apartheid that goes on in the israeli state, the seige of gaza, and the acts of genocide that are being committed against the palestinian people and the bedouin people.

the rev. dr. king was assassinated in 1968, shortly after the '67 war, and for you to even suggest that he would have supported the actions of israel today is beyond disgusting. for you to use the memory of a man who believed in peaceful, non-violent solutions to disputes is despicable. i myself do not entirely believe in dr. king's approach to conflict resolution but i do believe he had a good, kind, and loving heart and i believe you are abusing his legacy with such a film.

i have contacted the king center about "jewish independent films" and this video as well as about the post you have made. they will be getting back to me. i am also going to contact the administrators of this board about it to see if i can have it pulled.
You have to admit, Roudy is a good example of a really fucked human being.
i think this is a desecration of the memory of a great civil rights leader. it is inconceivable to me that the rev. dr. martin luther king jr. would support things like the war crimes committed during the july war in lebanon,, the war crimes committed during operation cast lead in gaza, the subjugation of an occupied people and the apartheid that goes on in the israeli state, the seige of gaza, and the acts of genocide that are being committed against the palestinian people and the bedouin people ... i have contacted the king center about "jewish independent films" and this video as well as about the post you have made. they will be getting back to me. i am also going to contact the administrators of this board about it to see if i can have it pulled.
Agitprop nazis trying to censor free speech and opponents through intimidation and bullying. Bog off.
"You have to admit, Roudy is a good example of a really fucked human being."

^ LB's coy way of acknowledging that Roudy has a sex life as opposed to his own dearth of experience with anyone beyond himself....
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and say they are “not” anti-Semitic or try to point out how “pro”-Jewish they are, but are willing to more than side with those whom want to promote totalitarianism, facism, anti Semtism, and barbaric Islamism in the Middle East.

i think this is a desecration of the memory of a great civil rights leader. it is inconceivable to me that the rev. dr. martin luther king jr. would support things like the war crimes committed during the july war in lebanon,, the war crimes committed during operation cast lead in gaza, the subjugation of an occupied people and the apartheid that goes on in the israeli state, the seige of gaza, and the acts of genocide that are being committed against the palestinian people and the bedouin people.

the rev. dr. king was assassinated in 1968, shortly after the '67 war, and for you to even suggest that he would have supported the actions of israel today is beyond disgusting. for you to use the memory of a man who believed in peaceful, non-violent solutions to disputes is despicable. i myself do not entirely believe in dr. king's approach to conflict resolution but i do believe he had a good, kind, and loving heart and i believe you are abusing his legacy with such a film.

i have contacted the king center about "jewish independent films" and this video as well as about the post you have made. they will be getting back to me. i am also going to contact the administrators of this board about it to see if i can have it pulled.
You're fucking pathetic! But let us know how that works out, will ya? Ha ha ha!!

[ame=]Do you know these famous Zionists? - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=]DR MARTIN LUTHER KING 1 - YouTube[/ame]
and say they are “not” anti-Semitic or try to point out how “pro”-Jewish they are, but are willing to more than side with those whom want to promote totalitarianism, facism, anti Semtism, and barbaric Islamism in the Middle East.

i think this is a desecration of the memory of a great civil rights leader. it is inconceivable to me that the rev. dr. martin luther king jr. would support things like the war crimes committed during the july war in lebanon,, the war crimes committed during operation cast lead in gaza, the subjugation of an occupied people and the apartheid that goes on in the israeli state, the seige of gaza, and the acts of genocide that are being committed against the palestinian people and the bedouin people.

the rev. dr. king was assassinated in 1968, shortly after the '67 war, and for you to even suggest that he would have supported the actions of israel today is beyond disgusting. for you to use the memory of a man who believed in peaceful, non-violent solutions to disputes is despicable. i myself do not entirely believe in dr. king's approach to conflict resolution but i do believe he had a good, kind, and loving heart and i believe you are abusing his legacy with such a film.

i have contacted the king center about "jewish independent films" and this video as well as about the post you have made. they will be getting back to me. i am also going to contact the administrators of this board about it to see if i can have it pulled.

I have to say that I strongly agree with Seal's post, the video is disgusting on several different levels . Seal has already said far better than I could about the basic misuse of MLK in both this film and also in Roudy's posts. The man was a beleiver in peace and I beleive that if he had lived unto today he would regret his words about Israel and would take them back. That is if the words that were attributed to him in the video are even his. In a quick check I have already found that the quote that says " When people criticize Israel they mean Jews " appears to be a fabrication. This video is also basically dishonest in that it takes MLK's iconic speech and that strings togeather a bunch of quotes that really have nothing to do with the speech. It is also dishonest in that it does not provide any source material with witch we could verify the quotes.
I too have called the King Center and beleive that this video should be taken down immediatly.
Also Roudy before you talk about other peoples supposed mental disorders you should look in the mirror.
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I have to say that I strongly agree with Seal's post, the video is disgusting on several different levels . Seal has already said far better than I could about the basic misuse of MLK in both this film and also in Roudy's posts. The man was a beleiver in peace and I beleive that if he had lived unto today he would regret his words about Israel and would take them back. That is if the words that were attributed to him in the video are even his. In a quick check I have already found that the quote that says " When people criticize Israel they mean Jews " appears to be a fabrication. This video is also basically dishonest in that it takes MLK's iconic speech and that strings togeather a bunch of quotes that really have nothing to do with the speech. It is also dishonest in that it does not provide any source material with witch we could verify the quotes.
I too have called the King Center and beleive that this video should be taken down immediatly.
Also Roudy before you talk about other peoples supposed mental disorders you should look in the mirror.

"You have to admit, Roudy is a good example of a really fucked human being."

^ LB's coy way of acknowledging that Roudy has a sex life as opposed to his own dearth of experience with anyone beyond himself....

No need to get personal. LB is just misinformed. He thinks Palestinians are mistreated. In reality, they are psychotic. Israelis haven't forgotten when they let the tiger out of the cage. The suicide bombings in busses, pizzarias and shopping malls. The rockets out of Gaza. No, Israel should just "get the fuck out of there", and be damned with everything else. That is not realistic. No responsible Israeli leader would do that.
i think this is a desecration of the memory of a great civil rights leader. it is inconceivable to me that the rev. dr. martin luther king jr. would support things like the war crimes committed during the july war in lebanon,, the war crimes committed during operation cast lead in gaza, the subjugation of an occupied people and the apartheid that goes on in the israeli state, the seige of gaza, and the acts of genocide that are being committed against the palestinian people and the bedouin people ... i have contacted the king center about "jewish independent films" and this video as well as about the post you have made. they will be getting back to me. i am also going to contact the administrators of this board about it to see if i can have it pulled.
Agitprop nazis trying to censor free speech and opponents through intimidation and bullying. Bog off.

so is that what your doing, huh? trying to intimidate me into not expressing my opinion about some jewish people who think thay can tarnish the legacy of a great civil rights leader manipulating his words that he spoke in the past to address a current issue that king would have no truck with.

i'm not intimidated.

if anyone wonders why jews are regarded with such disdain and disgust by black communities across the united states today, all they have to do is look at the first post on this thread. jews deserve it. you use the black man in life strictly for your advantage, and now you use him after life as well.

you should be all should...and that goes for you too hossfly.
I have to say that I strongly agree with Seal's post, the video is disgusting on several different levels . Seal has already said far better than I could about the basic misuse of MLK in both this film and also in Roudy's posts. The man was a beleiver in peace and I beleive that if he had lived unto today he would regret his words about Israel and would take them back. That is if the words that were attributed to him in the video are even his. In a quick check I have already found that the quote that says " When people criticize Israel they mean Jews " appears to be a fabrication. This video is also basically dishonest in that it takes MLK's iconic speech and that strings togeather a bunch of quotes that really have nothing to do with the speech. It is also dishonest in that it does not provide any source material with witch we could verify the quotes.
I too have called the King Center and beleive that this video should be taken down immediatly.
Also Roudy before you talk about other peoples supposed mental disorders you should look in the mirror.


what? is that a pic of yourself looking in the mirror as patcat has suggested...examining the results of the bad snip snip job i imagine. hope they got the whole damn thing. the thought of you breeding is nauseating.
These two girls kick IDF ass!

[ame=]Words vs. Israeli soldiers- Demonstration in Nabi Salih, Palestine, 25.11.2011 - YouTube[/ame]

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