For those who falsley accuse mccain of being another bush

John McCain then and now - Glenn Greenwald -

So when McCain does disagree with Bush, it is only on issues that aren't important to the American people?

I wonder why anyone would think that a McCain presidency would be a continuation of Bush policies?

you pick a 3 year old quote ... enough said and the quote actually disproves obama's stance that electing mccain would be electing bush, so obama is a liar...again
you pick a 3 year old quote ... enough said and the quote actually disproves obama's stance that electing mccain would be electing bush, so obama is a liar...again

He agreed with Bush in 2005. Have Bush's stances changed considerably since then? I don't see it. Has McCain publicly distanced himself from Bush recently? I don't see it (although that would just make him a flip-flopper).

How does this disprove anything?
He's a flipflopping member of the upper military caste of the military industrial complex, and a toady to the value system of the neo-cons which is bankrupting this nation.

Aside from that he'd make a helluva POTUS
How's this for irony?

Turd said this:

Yurt said:
watching dems support a racist asshole is not funny, its scary how bad dems want to destroy this country

I said this:
Your friendly neighborhood manifold said:
Even less funny again is how partisan turds like you can't even acknowledge that both dems and reps actually want what's best for this country, they just happen to disagree on what is actually best.

Then Turd said this:

Turd said:
do you have proof for this stupid diatribe of yours? let me guess, this is another diarrhea of the mouth moment for you...nothing to debate so you insult with baseless accusations....:clap2:

I need to supply proof that Americans basically want what's best for America, but Turd doesn't need to supply proof that half of America wants it destroyed. :rofl:
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Personally, I stay away from extreme groups like moveon and even right wingers. You are never going to get unbias opinions.
You can still listen and differentiate the truth from the crap... I listen to beck, baugh and even fox news on occasion.. Its actually a good piece..
He agreed with Bush in 2005. Have Bush's stances changed considerably since then? I don't see it. Has McCain publicly distanced himself from Bush recently? I don't see it (although that would just make him a flip-flopper).

How does this disprove anything?

not necessarily (and you don't understand the term flip-flopper), you forget the possibility that mccain has distanced himself from bush SINCE 2005, even more so than before. that is not a flip flopper. that is someone who saw that bush was not someone he could agree with any longer as bush was not producing the results promised and not delivering on what he promised and mccain had finally had enough.

if you support your racist asshole, how can you bitch about mccain when your guy left his church AFTER 20 years .... no flip flop there.....oh wait, just a flop.... right.....
mccain is bush. pick any issue. tax the rich or companies, stop the war, tap alaska, close loopholes, appoint neo con lobbyists and judges, nafta, etc. what's crazy is he used to be correct on all these issues, so you know the same people pulling bushs strings are now pulling mccains. rove, delay, chaney, mccain, abramoff are all evil. mccain used to be different. who's his evil vp gonna be? mccains boss hasn't decided. who owns the fed reserves? is it not a part private company? who owns it? that's who the gop works 4. are you rich? if not, wake up.

What's wrong with Nafta? MCcain is actually against ANWR drilling.....Why are high corporate tax rates good, he wants to win the war instead of running when we are winning the war in Iraq, when the top 50% income earners pay 97% of income taxes why should they pay more? Should I go on with your uninformed post...
The difference here should be obvious even to you, but just in case you are as stupid as your posts, Bush has a record, he is president, his failure is obvious. Need I explain more. Pick on Obama after his eight years and you'll have some groundwork.

tell me of bush's failures in africa fighting aids and liberia......

tell me of which president prior to bush that funded stem cells....

tell me how many countries did bill clinton invade or attack with us forces.....

tell me how many countries did bill cut and run from and how many millions died....

tell me did bill cut or raise taxes.....

so do you think obama will follow in the great dem's foot steps or cut a new path......
name three


from source

The United States should not withdraw its troops from Iraq. The funds that have already been authorized and appropriated should be dispensed. We must financially support the reconstruction effort. We need to be prepared to spend what it takes to assure success.

The United States should not lift the travel ban to Cuba.

Supports the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA).

Supports the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT).

Supports U.S. membership in the World Trade Organization (WTO).

Does not agree that a nation's human rights record should affect its normal trade relations (most favored nation) status with the United States.

Supports the trade embargo against Cuba.

Trade agreements should not include provisions to address environmental concerns and to protect workers' rights.

Supports using military tribunals to try suspected terrorists when ordinary civilian courts are deemed inappropriate or impractical.

Supports a policy of pre-emptive strikes against countries deemed to be a threat to national security, evaluated on a case by case basis depending on the severity of the threat.

Workers should be allowed to invest a portion of their payroll tax in private accounts which they manage themselves.
Why are high corporate tax rates good...," Why are corporate tax subsides good?

I've never really understood corporate taxes so I can't debate the value of having them or getting rid of them.

I run a coporation and I still don't get it. (then too, I am wholly unqualified to file our taxes, too. An accountant, I'm not)

The only thing that makes any sense is that sans corporate taxes, corporations could simply horde their profits from taxation by never paying a dividend like many privately controlled families of corporations are prone to do, anyway.

If this often confused for a liberal were in charge of tax policies it would be far different than the mess we have today.

It would be much simplier, that's for damned sure.

Some day I'll share my plan with you my brilliant plan to eliminate ALL taxes..federal income, social secutity, local, state, sales VAT taxes all of them.. but one single tax that no human alive would ever have to pay.

NOBODY but me, no liberal and no conservative I have ever run the idea past thinks its a good idea, of course.

That's why I KNOW it's probably a great idea.

Nobody likes it.
50 percent might pay 100 percent but top 1 percent not paying their fair share. your gop talking points won't work with me. yes the whole tax and spend is out of wack but when the gop gave unfair breaks to the rich and spent out of control, it ruined the economy. I coud go on but you won't see so screw it. nafta is not fair. mexico and canada have rules to protect them but usa ceo's don't care about american workers. for 6 yrs bush lied And said wages were up. he used ceo pay and minimum wage increase in those numbers. but we all know the middle classes wages have gone down. think of all the big 3 buyouts. those people did not find better paying jobs. i'm in sales. consumer confidence is low, so sales are down. but economy is "strong" and corp. profts r up because they found a way to save, US! why do you care so much that line workers make 30 hr but you don't care that ceo's make 50 mii yr? either you aren't affeced or benefit from the bad economy or you r dumb. i've already squashed all your taking point with other dumb voters who can't admit we have a problem. or when they do admit, they r wrong where they place the blame.. ps. learn your history. companies should be paying taxes, not us. taxing income is unconstitutional. pps. what do you do for work? if you work for money you are a dem..if your money does all your work and you live off the interest then you are gop.
The often quoted tax distribution, while possible technical correct, is also wildly misleading.

It presumes that the only taxes people pay are federal taxes.

Of course the majority of government debts that working class people pay are real estate and sales taxes supporting state and local governments.

Those numbers are never included in this neo-con libertarian talking point about tax distribution over the classes of taxpayers.

One rather hopes that these self proclaimed Altas will finally shug and get it over with.

Surely they should all go join John Galt and leave us to fix the freaking mess they've made of our economy.
what i find funny is clinton ....both of them agree with all these....

you got me there.....look forword to free trade with cuba no free trade with mexico or canada.....lots of tarriffs on imports cutting of chineses goods dure to their human rights issues....having all our troops redeploy into afganistan.....pulling out of wto....not stirking any country that is a threat and having the government invest my money for me.....


from source

The United States should not withdraw its troops from Iraq. The funds that have already been authorized and appropriated should be dispensed. We must financially support the reconstruction effort. We need to be prepared to spend what it takes to assure success.

The United States should not lift the travel ban to Cuba.

Supports the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA).

Supports the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT).

Supports U.S. membership in the World Trade Organization (WTO).

Does not agree that a nation's human rights record should affect its normal trade relations (most favored nation) status with the United States.

Supports the trade embargo against Cuba.

Trade agreements should not include provisions to address environmental concerns and to protect workers' rights.

Supports using military tribunals to try suspected terrorists when ordinary civilian courts are deemed inappropriate or impractical.

Supports a policy of pre-emptive strikes against countries deemed to be a threat to national security, evaluated on a case by case basis depending on the severity of the threat.

Workers should be allowed to invest a portion of their payroll tax in private accounts which they manage themselves.

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