For those who believes in reincarnation I have a question

I think god recycles all the old ones.
lol, you don't believe in God. Want to try again?
You asked. I told. Man up.
You must not believe in incarnation after all then. That figures.
Old souls getting recycled. What do you think that is?
Like I wrote before, there is a problem with the numbers.
You think that because so many are here at this present time? If the children are as many as the sands of the seas earth could not contain them all at one time.

Even people who may believe that they are awaken already by the Lord are they truly awake or could they still be in that spiritually groggy state between being awake and still half asleep in the dust of the earth? (this doesn't mean that there is not a sleep unto death as there is and the angels fear it)

What or how long does Adam= 'that red earth human' stay asleep in the garden of its own pleasure before the Lord awakens Adam with its helpmeet (Eve= 'life, to show where life is and how to breath life'). Wouldn't the initial start of that process of being awakened to the better half of oneself. The Lord puts the call out in the human's heart and mind to come forth to meet the Son living in the flesh that was breathed into the human?

I haven't seen any time limits anywhere in that initial walk in the garden the human does while it is living to its own pleasures (the garden of Eden= pleasure) initially. Yet Adam according to the word lives for 120 years as an Adam= 'human made of red earth' from there is another portion of Adam's journey in the world as the human learns to overcome the world.

God waste nothing so that piece or portion in humans that is a living soul made from eternal breath is not wasted as God isn't going to waste that spirit of breath that made the living soul unless it totally fails and refuses to answer the call when the call comes. His mercy continues to endure until the end. The humans that deny that call from the spirit within them may get pretty miserable but that is a different issue. If or when it is denied the spirit is dead in them and they remain asleep in the dust (confusion) of the earth.

Jesus told the disciples that they would be as the angels. Jacob among others have seen angels ascending and descending [coming and going] from the heavenly realm.
Not knowing is a necessary part of the freedom to choose our actions. If we knew for certain there was a God and we are accountable for everything we do, it would greatly inhibit us.
Why? If we know that there are ten absolute commands that we shall not do that seems pretty easy. Even our laws make it easy as we do have the ability to take the fifth so we do not even have to self incriminate upon being questioned.
What's the point if you don't remember what happened and what you learned in a past life?
I never understood why anyone would believe that one.

The whole point is that you don't usually remember past lives because your memories in this body are only from birth, or early childhood. If you could remember all you have done in past lives it might drive you to distraction.
Mercifully we are protected from the actions of lives we cannot remember when we were less spiritually evolved.
We might have been barbaric in past ages and now some of us are more spiritually developed. We still have to account for all past actions but the details are dealt with by the angels of karma who select the experiences of our current incarnation to settle karmic debts we may owe. The angels of karma are a separate species that never incarnate, and whose job it is to guide the collective souls of mankind to evolve.
We still have to account for all past actions but the details are dealt with by the angels of karma who select the experiences of our current incarnation to settle karmic debts we may owe

there is no logic if one is not aware to being subjected to something they have no experience of having previously been involved.

you are giving reason to the serial killer whose prey then are not victims but deserving recipients.

The theory of reincarnation is that we evolve spiritually through many hundreds of lives. We are learning by trial and error. Every action has a reaction which must be accounted for. We may be led into suffering because of past bad actions, not so much as a punishment, but as a way of teaching us compassion and sensitivity we may have lacked before having hard experiences of our own.

All memory of past lives is stored in the soul body, and every detail will eventually be recalled by a soul that completes its earthly evolution. On that day the soul will probably see the pointing finger that led them to harsh circumstances, and will see that it was a kind of justice. Todays killer may well be tomorrow's victim.
We may be led into suffering because of past bad actions, not so much as a punishment, but as a way of teaching us compassion and sensitivity we may have lacked before having hard experiences of our own.

that sortof works, maybe - what you are saying is everyone on the planet is acting out a role, either receiving the lesson or administering it, without knowing their role ... that is possible, and in my example the victim who dies is also playing the role of maybe the killer will have remorse for killing them ... :eusa_shifty: - if everyone knew it would be kind of fun.

And to consider the social justice/ political angle,.... suppose Donald Trump was a poor black share cropper in a past life, or even a slave coming across on a ship. And suppose, some black guy sitting in prison doing 30 to life was once a plantation owner in his past life. This pretty much nullifies the need for reparations.
How do new souls get created?

Given the fact that every person who has ever or will ever walk this planet was present at the moment space and time were created

Looks like you answered your own question ding.
Yes and no. They were present in matter and changed form. The question I am asking is where were they until they were needed. Do you know?
Not knowing is a necessary part of the freedom to choose our actions. If we knew for certain there was a God and we are accountable for everything we do, it would greatly inhibit us.
Not knowing is a necessary part of the freedom to choose our actions.

that is the starting point especially without reincarnation and not a reason for it, is kinda the point - freedom and reincarnation does not seem an intuitive pairing.

If we knew for certain there was a God and we are accountable for everything we do, it would greatly inhibit us.

inhibition already exists, most already know they are accountable for everything they do by their society.

reincarnation is administered by a god - that sortof fits my scenario of an Almighty, the one that Triumphed Good vs Evil. that being the goal in one's lifetime should be enough. really not sure multiple attempts makes sense, wishful thinking.

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