For those of you who think Biden is in control of the price of oil, well..


Libs are the globalists who pander to foreign enrmies such as russia and china for basic supply chain needs just to save a few pennies or to punish domestic oil production
Panders to foreign enemies such as Russia?? The fact you typed that with a straight face is incredible....

2017-11-24 18.34.57.jpg
The guy that Trump picked to be his Sec Of State was a Russian oil exec...his sole purpose was to "PANDER TO RUSSIA" for the sake of "globalist profits"

The fact these 8 GOP elected Congress members went to spend 4th of July in Moscow...was to "pander to Russia" --

You Trump cultists have no problems with pandering to Russia.....and CHINA ....shut yo goofy ass up...

If I owned a company making a product that biden vows to strangle off the market why would invest billions in new production facilities?
I would.......if I made record profits year after year -- and I can simply buy politicians who will in turn, give me more corporate subsidies on top of those record profits I make....

Especially when I know there's a nation of morons who will kill themselves in defense of my profits...

It seems like oil is the only thing that makes reactionary right-wingers shut the fuck up about muslims ....because you folks don't say a peep about OPEC
Gas was 2.00 --- oil per barrel was 30 bucks or so a barrel.......
Now oil is back over 100 bucks a barrel and oil companies are trying to rake in as much profit as possible...

The cost to refiner to refine the oil into useful products has increased in other areas beside the cost of the crude oil. They are dealing with the same labor market and supply chain issues as everyone else.
Panders to foreign enemies such as Russia?? The fact you typed that with a straight face is incredible....

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The guy that Trump picked to be his Sec Of State was a Russian oil exec...his sole purpose was to "PANDER TO RUSSIA" for the sake of "globalist profits"

The fact these 8 GOP elected Congress members went to spend 4th of July in Moscow...was to "pander to Russia" --

You Trump cultists have no problems with pandering to Russia.....and CHINA ....shut yo goofy ass up...

the only people that pandered to putin was obama and xiden…they were more flexible and xiden froze the trump military aid repeatedly's down about $20 from the recent peak so I have no doubt you folks will be singing Joe's praises (wink) for bringing the price down. In reality, the drop is based on the belief, by the market, an anticipated global recession will result in demand destruction. Meaning the price of oil is set globally based on expectations for supply/demand dynamics largely out of Biden's control.

I think most Repubs know that but couldn't resist the opportunity to pin the blame for gas prices on the guy in the Oval Office with the midterms coming up. And it worked!

the only people that pandered to putin was obama and xiden…they were more flexible and xiden froze the trump military aid repeatedly
I like how you IGNORED THE ACTUAL EXAMPLES OF PANDERING just to say "blah blah, Obama did it"

Can you provide these examples of Obama pandering??

Did he defend Putin murdering political opponents and journalists??

Did he praise dictators declaring themselves presidents for life -- while urging that country to award his daughters special trade marks??

Did Obama outsource more jobs to China than Trump?

I provide examples of everything i say -- and all you provide is feelings...facts do not care about your fragile feels...mam...

President Biden waved Harry Potter's magic wand and said "explodo petroleum" or something I guess. Or, it coulda been the oil companies price gouging.
By June of 2014 average cost rose to $3.75 a gallon at around $100 a barrel. By the end of the year it fell to under $50 a barrel. By Jan 2015 gas was $2.20 a gallon. Right now oil is about $110 a barrel. The gas price difference between then and now is Bidenflation.
Yes, this would be true no matter who is president.....

It is a winning issue to lie and mislead voters about....but it doesn't change the fact that you are lying and misleading voters.....

Just like claiming gas prices being 2.00 a gallon during the pandemic is due to Trump and was a good wasn' least not for the "oil companies" -- which is why they are gouging the price of gas now...'s down about $20 from the recent peak so I have no doubt you folks will be singing Joe's praises (wink) for bringing the price down. In reality, the drop is based on the belief, by the market, an anticipated global recession will result in demand destruction. Meaning the price of oil is set globally based on expectations for supply/demand dynamics largely out of Biden's control.

I think most Repubs know that but couldn't resist the opportunity to pin the blame for gas prices on the guy in the Oval Office with the midterms coming up. And it worked!

Biden is in control of oil prices, and this just goes to prove it. Biden keeps prices high because he hates Americans and wants to destroy our country. But he knows he needs to keep Dems in power through elections long enough to eventually abolish elections, so he's finally reducing the prices a little bit and temporarily, to rally support for the upcoming election. Afterwards, he'll raise them again. That's just how oil prices work. Just like in Saudi Arabia, except in Saudi Arabia the government owns all the oil wells where in America businesses own the wells and they just do whatever Biden tells them, because they're in on the grift, too.

For those of you who think Biden is in control of the price of oil​

strawman, no one thinks that.

Didn't bother to read after that.
Yet Repubs accuse Biden of being responsible for the price of gas and the consequent inflation it causes.
Yes, this would be true no matter who is president.....

It is a winning issue to lie and mislead voters about....but it doesn't change the fact that you are lying and misleading voters.....

Just like claiming gas prices being 2.00 a gallon during the pandemic is due to Trump and was a good wasn' least not for the "oil companies" -- which is why they are gouging the price of gas now...

Yes, this would be true no matter who is president.....

It is a winning issue to lie and mislead voters about....but it doesn't change the fact that you are lying and misleading voters.....

Just like claiming gas prices being 2.00 a gallon during the pandemic is due to Trump and was a good wasn' least not for the "oil companies" -- which is why they are gouging the price of gas now...

Biden told you before the election he was going to eliminate fossil fuel use.

Biden told you before the election he was going to outlaw the internal combustion engine, which he has hm'guaranteed' by signing a document / EO calling for this by 2030.

Biden told oil companies before the election he would destroy them...and now has said he is 'surprised they took that personally'

Biden told you before the election he intended to drive the cost of gas so high it would force Americans to embrace theDemocrats' European Green-scam-influenced disastrous energy policies / agenda

Transportation Secretary Buttigieg has told you the goal of Biden's energy policies that have resulted in gas prices more than doubling is to makexfas unaffordable.
- "If you can't afford the price of gas, buy a $60,000 electric car."

Biden has told you as President several times that his plan has been to raise gas prices to unaffordable levels IOT force a transition from fossil fuel / gas use to electric cars...

and you're still trying to convince people none of this is Biden's doing or fault.

A course you would flunk with dishonors.
Putting yet another gratuitous insult aside, what did I write in that post you take exception to? Or do you just reflexively reply with insults because you are intellectually stunted?
Putting yet another gratuitous insult aside, what did I write in that post you take exception to? Or do you just reflexively reply with insults because you are intellectually stunted?
You don't know your ass from a hot rock on the subject of economics...This intellecctually arrested thread is proof....Sorry (not sorry) that you find the truth to be an "insult".
Biden told you before the election he was going to eliminate fossil fuel use.

Biden told you before the election he was going to outlaw the internal combustion engine, which he has hm'guaranteed' by signing a document / EO calling for this by 2030.

Biden told oil companies before the election he would destroy them...and now has said he is 'surprised they took that personally'

Biden told you before the election he intended to drive the cost of gas so high it would force Americans to embrace theDemocrats' European Green-scam-influenced disastrous energy policies / agenda

Transportation Secretary Buttigieg has told you the goal of Biden's energy policies that have resulted in gas prices more than doubling is to makexfas unaffordable.
- "If you can't afford the price of gas, buy a $60,000 electric car."

Biden has told you as President several times that his plan has been to raise gas prices to unaffordable levels IOT force a transition from fossil fuel / gas use to electric cars...

and you're still trying to convince people none of this is Biden's doing or fault.

Trump told you before the presidency he was going to give everyone universal healthcare, your point??

Not a single oil company believes Biden was going to put them out of business....they themselves know that oil is a finite commodity and not everlasting...that is just a fact.......that "Scarcity" is what they use in order to jack up prices.....oil companies are willfully holding back production for that reason -- and because morons like you will cape up to defend every excuse they give you...

How is it that none of this mean talk Biden is saying about oil companies stopped those oil companies from making record profits??

But hey, I think oil companies should actually be president....and every 4 years Exxon takes turn with Shell and Chevron...because freedom
Apparently you have never heard of OPEC+.
That ^^^^^^ was trump limiting supply.
Trump increased our ability to not depend on these people by drilling for our own resources. Biden has removed that ability and put us back into begging for oil.. You people are totally clueless.. My gawd the shear ignorance of basic supply and demand. Reality escapes you..
More facts for Repubs to deny.

U.S. oil production did increase a lot after 2010 — a trend that, as it happens, began under the Obama administration and continued for part of Donald Trump’s term.

But this had little to do with policy; it was all about new technology, specifically fracking. Oil production then slumped in 2020, not because of policy but because prices plunged during the pandemic. Now it’s coming back, again thanks to events rather than policy. It seems safe to say that nothing either Trump did or Biden did has had any appreciable effect on U.S. oil production, let alone U.S. gasoline prices.

Of course, that’s not what Republicans would have you believe. They want the public to give Trump credit for low prices in 2020, when demand for oil was low because Covid had the world economy on its back. They want voters to blame environmental concerns, which have blocked the Keystone XL pipeline and might block drilling on public land, for high prices at the pump right now — even though it will take years before these policy changes will have any effect, and that effect will be modest even then.

I suppose we shouldn’t be surprised. After all, we’re talking about a party that’s in denial about everything from climate change to vaccine effectiveness, so what’s a bit of economic nonsense thrown into the mix? But somehow I find myself shocked all the same. For you don’t need scientific understanding or even rudimentary statistical analysis to see that President Biden can’t possibly be responsible for high U.S. gasoline prices; all you need to do is spend five minutes looking at what’s happening in the rest of the world.

But will voters see through this latest Republican disinformation campaign? Will Democrats make an effective case for the truth? I wish I were more optimistic than I am.

That is an OPINON PIECE not based on facts... LOL....
Not a single oil company believes Biden was going to put them out of business....they themselves know that oil is a finite commodity and not everlasting....that "Scarcity" is what they use in order to jack up prices.....oil companies are willfully holding back production for that reason -- and because morons like you will cape up to defend every excuse they give you...
Speaking of economic illiterates......

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