For Those Interested in ET Visiting or Going to Another Planet

LOL Read Burrough's book when I was 12. Really don't remember that much of it, but I never looked at the night sky as just points of light again. My horizons definitely opened up for the reading of that book.
Yeah. I remember being a fan of Edgar Rice Burroughs books as a kid. Quite entertaining.
There are always ways to think out of the box that might be very simple that might solve these problems.. I always find it interesting that science fiction books are usually ahead of their times and come up with ideas that seem far fetched but become feasable when worked on... In other words we would still be living in caves and chasing down our food if someone didn't come along with a better way. I personally feel that moving through dimensions and time will be easier and more sensible then travelling long distances to different planets after all you are not moving at all just going backwards or forwards in the same physical space....

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