For the “the parties are one and the same” folks…After 2 days of Trump policy do you still believe that?

Doing a couple good things to maintain people's trust doesn't cancel out pushing a new mRNA vaccine and an AI-governed technocratic control grid initiative (surveillance state) on his second flippin day in office.

I haven't seen any threads on that at all, and hardly anyone talking about. So no, what happened yesterday just confirmed what I already thought about him.

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Never fear, the RINOs in Congress has not put their 2 cents in yet.....They don't know how to go for the throats of "my friends across the aisle"......It's all Trump team action right now.
I believe there’s a duty to perform this go-around that wasn’t there during Trumps last presidency. I think there’s enough MAGA influence now and those who don’t perform will certainly be primaried.
Did the Democrat Party roll-out one policy after the next after the next that was of clear benefit to America and the American people?
Sorry, no.....just about all of their recent policies have proven to do more harm than good
Hasn’t Trump at least tried to do more good for America in two days than Biden did in four years?
Yes , and exposing their policies as bogus, inefficient and shill is why the Dems hate him


Doing a couple good things to maintain people's trust doesn't cancel out pushing a new mRNA vaccine and an AI-governed technocratic control grid initiative (surveillance state) on his second flippin day in office.

I haven't seen any threads on that at all, and hardly anyone talking about. So no, what happened yesterday just confirmed what I already thought about him.

I don't think too much of it unless they plan on fast-tracking modular nuke plants for the power needed.

Virginia is fighting that fight now with all the proposed data centers sprouting up. The last I heard there were four more going through the approval process....Three in NOtVA and one just outside in Culpepper Co.

It's a tough fight as all the boards of supervisors want them for the revenue, it does not matter if they are Ds or Rs.....Huge power drains and only 50 full time jobs upon completion......Most of the construction done by out of state contractors.

This fight will come down to the people because given the power currently available they will happily brown-out citizens to get the power needed.
I believe there’s a duty to perform this go-around that wasn’t there during Trumps last presidency. I think there’s enough MAGA influence now and those who don’t perform will certainly be primaried.
Have you looked at who is running the gop Senate?.....It did not improve any with the exit of The Turtle from the leadership role.
Doing a couple good things to maintain people's trust doesn't cancel out pushing a new mRNA vaccine and an AI-governed technocratic control grid initiative (surveillance state) on his second flippin day in office.

I haven't seen any threads on that at all, and hardly anyone talking about. So no, what happened yesterday just confirmed what I already thought about him.

Nobody's going to force you to get a jab and nobody's spying on you.

Come on now. Loosen up your tinfoil hat a little bit. I think it's cutting off the circulation to your brain. :laughing0301:
I don't think too much of it unless they plan on fast-tracking modular nuke plants for the power needed.

Virginia is fighting that fight now with all the proposed data centers sprouting up. The last I heard there were four more going through the approval process....Three in NOtVA and one just outside in Culpepper Co.

It's a tough fight as all the boards of supervisors want them for the revenue, it does not matter if they are Ds or Rs.....Huge power drains and only 50 full time jobs upon completion......Most of the construction done by out of state contractors.

This fight will come down to the people because given the power currently available they will happily brown-out citizens to get the power needed.

I understand your POV. But what can't be denied is that he's partnering with technocrats, transhumanists and authoritarian-minded bad people (Like Ellison, for example.) And his own actions are showing that he's moving us in the direction of Technocracy. I think the problem is many here don't seem to know what Technocracy is all about. That's a thread in and of itself.
Doing a couple good things to maintain people's trust doesn't cancel out pushing a new mRNA vaccine and an AI-governed technocratic control grid initiative (surveillance state) on his second flippin day in office.

But as I have several times suggested .:-
He is there as a Deep State representative and it his job to produce "second rate "ideas to create division but , more importantly , deflect from the main agenda.

And he did a great job .
Fooled all of them .
Many of them are now earnestly debating the merits or otherwise of" invading " Panama . They are that dense .
I understand your POV. But what can't be denied is that he's partnering with technocrats, transhumanists and authoritarian-minded bad people (Like Ellison, for example.) And his own actions are showing that he's moving us in the direction of Technocracy. I think the problem is many here don't seem to know what Technocracy is all about. That's a thread in and of itself.
I'll be dead before it bothers me much, let the youngins' fight that one out but power usage can bother me in the short term as the data centers come online.

They have already doubled up on the powerlines crossing my AO and have used-up their right-of-way.....Eminent domain battles are next and there is little appetite to cede land to them.
Doing a couple good things to maintain people's trust doesn't cancel out pushing a new mRNA vaccine and an AI-governed technocratic control grid initiative

^^^^^^^^^^Proof once again that the human mind always sees and finds what it expects and wants to see,^^^^^^^^^^^^^
  • A couple good things.
  • A possible new treatment to combat cancer! Oh the horror!
  • An an intelligent grid to improve effectiveness and to stay ahead of enemies developing AI--- Aaaaaaaagh! :FIREdevil:
It's all a big conspiracy!!!
Come on now. Loosen up your tinfoil hat a little bit.


I think he at least have started a real discourse, not just ssdd. It would take 4 administrations working together to really take on the inbred corruption here with the will and the help of the people, which is asking a lot, and I hope I'm wrong. It's like MLK said, I may not make it there with you, but we as a people will get there. The sad thing is that one "big event" of any kind would take us right back to the nanny state. Real self determination here is going to require a big dose of personal responsibility from the masses and I just don't think that's likely at all, we've been addicted to the TV drugs for so long.
In what way?
in almost ever way economically, culturally , constitutionally and morally Dark one

further, i was a democrat for decades , until i started to see them as such

i guess you could say i'm a recovering democrat who probably needs someone to talk to , ( Post Traumatic Democrat Syndrome) 😣 ????? seems the ones opining off their leash and losing their sh*t here certainly do

JMHstill recovering O

Did the Democrat Party roll-out one policy after the next after the next that was of clear benefit to America and the American people? Hasn’t Trump at least tried to do more good for America in two days than Biden did in four years?
As far as today's parties go, I never believed that. As far as the establishment goes, I still do.
I understand your POV. But what can't be denied is that he's partnering with technocrats, transhumanists and authoritarian-minded bad people (Like Ellison, for example.) And his own actions are showing that he's moving us in the direction of Technocracy. I think the problem is many here don't seem to know what Technocracy is all about. That's a thread in and of itself.

Sounds like someone was listening to Brannon Howse on the Worldview Weekend Hour.

Ask me how I know that? :04:

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