For the “the parties are one and the same” folks…After 2 days of Trump policy do you still believe that?

Did the Democrat Party roll-out one policy after the next after the next that was of clear benefit to America and the American people? Hasn’t Trump at least tried to do more good for America in two days than Biden did in four years?

Did the Democrat Party roll-out one policy after the next after the next that was of clear benefit to America and the American people? Hasn’t Trump at least tried to do more good for America in two days than Biden did in four years?
The ONLY people who say 'Both Parties Are The Same' is dimocrap scum trying to rationalize the scumbaggery of their own party.

Sounds like someone was listening to Brannon Howse on the Worldview Weekend Hour.

Ask me how I know that? :04:

^ Nope, and I don't know who you're even talking about.

Getting back to what we were talking about earlier... Anyone who thinks Larry Ellison genuinely cares about your health is so laughably out of touch and completely lacking in discernment, that it actually makes me feel sorry for such a person... and want to pray for anyone like that, lol.

Fun fact, anyone remember the Theranos fraud?

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^ Nope, and I don't know who you're even talking about.

Getting back to what we were talking about earlier... Anyone who thinks Larry Ellison genuinely cares about your health is so laughably out of touch and completely lacking in discernment, that it actually makes me feel sorry for such a person, and want to pray for anyone like that, lol.

Fun fact, anyone with remember the Theranos fraud?

Well you should. He was covering pretty much the same things on the radio today, that you were posting on here: Technocrats, transhumanists, artificial intelligence, end of times, the Apocalypse the Rapture, and the Book of Revelation in the Bible.
Well you should. He was covering pretty much the same things on the radio today, that you were posting on here: Technocrats, transhumanists, artificial intelligence, end of times, the Apocalypse the Rapture, and the Book of Revelation in the Bible.

Oh. Well I'll look for that show when I have more time (I have to get ready to go somewhere in a few minutes.) I posted a thread on transhumanism recently...and all those topics are interesting to me. I know that to some folks this sort of thing sounds crazy, but I think it's so clear that we're heading in that direction, toward technocracy, transhumanism and the other things you mentioned. Read my current sig, btw. Even Elon admitted that it has the potential to be disastrous, and he's not even a Christian.
Oh. Well I'll look for that show when I have more time (I have to get ready to go somewhere in a few minutes.) I posted a thread on transhumanism recently...and all those topics are interesting to me. I know that to some folks this sort of thing sounds crazy, but I think it's so clear that we're heading in that direction, toward technocracy, transhumanism and the other things you mentioned. Read my current sig, btw. Even Elon admitted that it has the potential to be disastrous, and he's not even a Christian.

He's on at 1:00 CST in the afternoon on VCY America.

in almost ever way economically, culturally , constitutionally and morally Dark one

further, i was a democrat for decades , until i started to see them as such

i guess you could say i'm a recovering democrat who probably needs someone to talk to , ( Post Traumatic Democrat Syndrome) 😣 ????? seems the ones opining off their leash and losing their sh*t here certainly do

JMHstill recovering O

I've seen nothing that would damage people and plenty that will encourage economic growth. Not sure what you mean by culturally. If his policies harms a Marxist culture, GOOD. As for Constitutionally, he will get ome pushback, but there is really only one policy that I see that is unConstitional. As fo rmorally, see "Culturally" in an earlier sentence.

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