For the ones that say inflation and shortages aren't real.

In Jan 2020 I was driving 70 miles a day round trip to work. Now I walk 70 feet to my office. Thus I still pay less in gas than I did then.

Also, tend to get my gas in Mo, much cheaper across the river.
Nice try at deflection--MO prices were lower yet in Jan. so you made my point. As for your 70 foot commute, how's it feel to be incarcerated in your own home?
Nice try at deflection--MO prices were lower yet in Jan. so you made my point. As for your 70 foot commute, how's it feel to be incarcerated in your own home?

Incarcerated in my own home?

It just sucks not to have to waste 1.5 to 2 hours of my life each day getting to and from work. It just sucks to be able to get off work and still have time to get in a round of golf since I do not have to drive home. It is just the worst getting up at 5:50 and being at work at 6. It sucks to not have put an extra 10,000 plus miles on my car. It just sucks to be able to take my dog for a walk on my lunch break, she really hates it let me tell you. Plus those "lunch breaks" with the wife when she is not working are just the worst....

And it sucks to work in shorts and a t-shirt instead of "business casual".

It is just terrible. So terrible that people all across the country are telling their employers they are not coming back to the office if they tell them to.
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My wife and I went to a new place this weekend for breakfast to try it out. And when we sat down I saw a sign on our tables and the other tables.

So yes shortages and inflation is real. So real this place actually had nice quality signs printed for every table.

I just see people who say it isn't real and it baffles me how they can say it isn't real. And the worse ones are the ones who argue that it is a good sign the economy is doing better. Of things were better things would plentiful, and they would cost less because they would have to compete for your business with sales and lower prices.

The prices are inflating back the way it was before Pres. Trump entered into office. That is why they call it the great reset. To reset the stage back to the way it was before Pres. Trump came into office. But before they have taken lots of time to inflate the prices. Like blaming it on all kinds of viruses and 9/11 incidents. But the great reset means that they have to do it all in a hurry in short limit of time. That they have to pick up the pace where they have left off.

obama boogie.gif

So terrible that people all across the country are telling their employers they are not coming back to the office if they tell them to.
So terrible that people all across the country are saying, "why work? The government will send me money to stay home." Naw, I don't work. Happily retired and damn tired of democrat lockdowns and economic warfare on the populace. I am fortunate that I worked hard and planned for this time, but feel really bad for the clueless unfortunates that the democrats have been pandering to with one hand while robbing them with the other. You display perfectly that, ignorance is bliss.
You can bet that those filling their cars only had to pay a 5% increases from 2020. In Canada, all home owners are dreading this upcoming winter.

I'm not looking forward to it myself. I know it will hit me.

I'm a building engineer for a living. I spoke with the local energy rep for our facility and he told me to expect our facilities gas bill to climb 7% this winter and electricity almost 11%. Now if that's going to also effect my residential home I don't know but I also use the same company for my homes gas and electric.
So terrible that people all across the country are saying, "why work? The government will send me money to stay home."

Most people are working.

Naw, I don't work. Happily retired and damn tired of democrat lockdowns and economic warfare on the populace. I am fortunate that I worked hard and planned for this time

Good on you. I am less than a decade behind you. We will have a great retirement, well funded and able to do what we want.

You display perfectly that, ignorance is bliss.

Nope, I am just not a blind partisan sheep like you. Our life has never been better, making more money and have less expensive than at any time in our life. Now that I can work from home I have even less expenses, and you think that working form home is like being in prison, you seem to be the ignorant one.
Most people are working.
Take a walk around any business area of your town and take a count of the help wanted signs. Yeah, most people are working my ass. You just don't see them as they have dropped off of the unemployment rolls. Next go look at the homeless numbers in your area. Yep, most of them are working too, eh? You are clueless. Stay in your basement. I am free to travel around the country, albeit a bit more expensive.
Take a walk around any business area of your town and take a count of the help wanted signs. Yeah, most people are working my ass.

Yeah, most people are still working. Those are the facts.

Stay in your basement. I am free to travel around the country, albeit a bit more expensive.

Basement? what are you talking about? My office is the spare bedroom on the 2nd floor. Have a great view of the woods in the back yard. I am also free to travel around the country, now more than ever. I can do my job from anywhere now. We have been travelling more in the last year than we had in a long time.
"Sorry you missed the point, but we are used to it.

A single sign in one eatery is not proof of anything.

Sad that has to explained to you."

Yes, I was pointing out that a sign at one restaurant in one town was not proof of a nationwide shortage or even of inflation. not sure what your point is.

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