CDZ For the 100th time, yes, you ARE coming after our guns.


Diamond Member
Oct 13, 2011
In Liberal minds, rent free.
Perhaps you don’t know it. Perhaps you haven’t though it through and perhaps you do know it and are being dishonest, but the fact is that you are coming after our guns.

Just because they aren’t at my door today doesn’t mean they won’t be later.

Just because none of the laws being proposed now take away my guns, that doesn’t mean they won’t later.

There are two ways you can take away my guns. The first is an outright ban and confiscation, the second is to legislate my guns into useless paperweights. It’s the latter that is the most likely.

Take for example the current efforts. Ostensively they are designed to stop school shootings. A 3 day waiting period to buy a rifle, a ban on “assault” weapons, and raising the age to buy a rifle to 21.

In the rush to DO SOMETHING, they have really done nothing. Except infringe on our rights.

Most, if not all school shootings are planned out, likely over a lot more than 3 days. Kids can get their hands on the guns of others and in fact they have. Assault weapons are not the only weapons that can be used in these shootings and are in fact no worse than any other guns. 17 or more people can be killed by pistols, or a pump shotgun or even a bolt action rifle. The kid that shot up Virginia Tech killed almost twice the number of people Cruz killed, and did it with two pistols. As for raising the age to buy a gun to 21, a killer can get a gun from others.

The point being that these laws will not stop the killings. And when, not if, the next killing happens, what then? More laws. Those laws also will not work and then the next killing after that happens, then more laws. Finally, guns, if not confiscated, will be rendered useless.

So, just stop with the “no one is coming after your guns” nonsense.

Just like in the Obama days when they came around and took all our guns.
The gun grab is a marathon for the left, not a sprint. They are slowly un-peeling the onion

The problem is that, even if a majority are not going after the guns, there are still some who are. So while those who bring this up are mocked, there is indeed some accuracy in their point.

The same thing happens on the Right: A person may argue that conservatives are not racist by and large, but then a good ol' fashioned obvious racist will chime in and there goes that argument.

This is what happens when more and more of the conversation is controlled by dishonest, tribal people who only attack and have no interest in communication. Fixing problems becomes more and more difficult.

Just like in the Obama days when they came around and took all our guns.
in the first 2 years of Obama's regime, Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid could of enacted gun laws that could of prevented the Broward County School shooting, but only passed the Obama unaffordable healthcare law. But since you are a dumb liberal(had to leave ass out) you probably forgot all about that, didn't you?
Perhaps you don’t know it. Perhaps you haven’t though it through and perhaps you do know it and are being dishonest, but the fact is that you are coming after our guns.

Just because they aren’t at my door today doesn’t mean they won’t be later.

Just because none of the laws being proposed now take away my guns, that doesn’t mean they won’t later.

There are two ways you can take away my guns. The first is an outright ban and confiscation, the second is to legislate my guns into useless paperweights. It’s the latter that is the most likely.

Take for example the current efforts. Ostensively they are designed to stop school shootings. A 3 day waiting period to buy a rifle, a ban on “assault” weapons, and raising the age to buy a rifle to 21.

In the rush to DO SOMETHING, they have really done nothing. Except infringe on our rights.

Most, if not all school shootings are planned out, likely over a lot more than 3 days. Kids can get their hands on the guns of others and in fact they have. Assault weapons are not the only weapons that can be used in these shootings and are in fact no worse than any other guns. 17 or more people can be killed by pistols, or a pump shotgun or even a bolt action rifle. The kid that shot up Virginia Tech killed almost twice the number of people Cruz killed, and did it with two pistols. As for raising the age to buy a gun to 21, a killer can get a gun from others.

The point being that these laws will not stop the killings. And when, not if, the next killing happens, what then? More laws. Those laws also will not work and then the next killing after that happens, then more laws. Finally, guns, if not confiscated, will be rendered useless.

So, just stop with the “no one is coming after your guns” nonsense.

I hope you are building your fortified bunker now because the boogie man is coming for your guns. Those drones you see outside your window are watching your every move. Get in your bunker quick "chicken little".
Some day Debbie, when you hear Allah Ooh Akbar and see the guy coming at you with a knife, just let me know that I need to step aside.,280
A man beheaded one woman and stabbed another at an Oklahoma food processing plant from which he had just been fired, authorities said.
"After conducting interviews with Nolen's co-workers, information was obtained that he recently started trying to convert several employees to the Muslim religion," police said in a statement.
Those damn boogey men show up in the darndest places.
There are victims of liberalism like the children of Broward County School and there are those that protect themselves and others by exercising their 2nd amendment. People like downer, is a future victim, just is a matter of time.


Just like in the Obama days when they came around and took all our guns.
in the first 2 years of Obama's regime, Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid could of enacted gun laws that could of prevented the Broward County School shooting, but only passed the Obama unaffordable healthcare law. But since you are a dumb liberal(had to leave ass out) you probably forgot all about that, didn't you?
Trump could have also yet here we are...

Of course you will ignore the FACTS I just presented. So Debbie should I step aside or take action and draw in your defense? Come on, not that hard of a question, are you willing to die for the liberal cause or have a REAL man step up?
A real man..............Liberal man..........
Perhaps you don’t know it. Perhaps you haven’t though it through and perhaps you do know it and are being dishonest, but the fact is that you are coming after our guns.

Just because they aren’t at my door today doesn’t mean they won’t be later.

Just because none of the laws being proposed now take away my guns, that doesn’t mean they won’t later.

There are two ways you can take away my guns. The first is an outright ban and confiscation, the second is to legislate my guns into useless paperweights. It’s the latter that is the most likely.

Take for example the current efforts. Ostensively they are designed to stop school shootings. A 3 day waiting period to buy a rifle, a ban on “assault” weapons, and raising the age to buy a rifle to 21.

In the rush to DO SOMETHING, they have really done nothing. Except infringe on our rights.

Most, if not all school shootings are planned out, likely over a lot more than 3 days. Kids can get their hands on the guns of others and in fact they have. Assault weapons are not the only weapons that can be used in these shootings and are in fact no worse than any other guns. 17 or more people can be killed by pistols, or a pump shotgun or even a bolt action rifle. The kid that shot up Virginia Tech killed almost twice the number of people Cruz killed, and did it with two pistols. As for raising the age to buy a gun to 21, a killer can get a gun from others.

The point being that these laws will not stop the killings. And when, not if, the next killing happens, what then? More laws. Those laws also will not work and then the next killing after that happens, then more laws. Finally, guns, if not confiscated, will be rendered useless.

So, just stop with the “no one is coming after your guns” nonsense.

I hope you are building your fortified bunker now because the boogie man is coming for your guns. Those drones you see outside your window are watching your every move. Get in your bunker quick "chicken little".

Mocking is easy, making sense, using logic and reason are hard. I see you chose the easy route.
The problem is that, even if a majority are not going after the guns, there are still some who are. So while those who bring this up are mocked, there is indeed some accuracy in their point.

The same thing happens on the Right: A person may argue that conservatives are not racist by and large, but then a good ol' fashioned obvious racist will chime in and there goes that argument.

This is what happens when more and more of the conversation is controlled by dishonest, tribal people who only attack and have no interest in communication. Fixing problems becomes more and more difficult.

The simple fact is the Democrat's proposed legislation would pretty much ban all semi-auto rifles (except things like the Garand, which has an internal magazine) and all semi-auto pistols.

They say one thing, and do another.
If liberals are fine with guns, why is it nearly impossible to obtain a conceal-carry permit in liberally dominated jurisdictions such as LA, San Francisco, Chicago, NY, D.C., etc.?
The problem is that, even if a majority are not going after the guns, there are still some who are. So while those who bring this up are mocked, there is indeed some accuracy in their point.

The same thing happens on the Right: A person may argue that conservatives are not racist by and large, but then a good ol' fashioned obvious racist will chime in and there goes that argument.

This is what happens when more and more of the conversation is controlled by dishonest, tribal people who only attack and have no interest in communication. Fixing problems becomes more and more difficult.

It’s much more insidious than that. It’s death by 1000 paper cuts and even those who don’t believe they are taking away our guns are unwittingly doing so by degrees:

Killings....pass more laws......laws don’t work.....killings.....pass more laws.....laws don’t work.......killings....etc until guns are banned virtually or figuratively.
If liberals are fine with guns, why is it nearly impossible to obtain a conceal-carry permit in liberally dominated jurisdictions such as LA, San Francisco, Chicago, NY, D.C., etc.?

Im not concerned with liberals. Most of them are willing to admit they want guns banned. Others just lie about it. I’m concerned with the independents and middle-of-the-roaders who don’t understand what they are actually doing.
Perhaps you don’t know it. Perhaps you haven’t though it through and perhaps you do know it and are being dishonest, but the fact is that you are coming after our guns.

Just because they aren’t at my door today doesn’t mean they won’t be later.

Just because none of the laws being proposed now take away my guns, that doesn’t mean they won’t later.

There are two ways you can take away my guns. The first is an outright ban and confiscation, the second is to legislate my guns into useless paperweights. It’s the latter that is the most likely.

Take for example the current efforts. Ostensively they are designed to stop school shootings. A 3 day waiting period to buy a rifle, a ban on “assault” weapons, and raising the age to buy a rifle to 21.

In the rush to DO SOMETHING, they have really done nothing. Except infringe on our rights.

Most, if not all school shootings are planned out, likely over a lot more than 3 days. Kids can get their hands on the guns of others and in fact they have. Assault weapons are not the only weapons that can be used in these shootings and are in fact no worse than any other guns. 17 or more people can be killed by pistols, or a pump shotgun or even a bolt action rifle. The kid that shot up Virginia Tech killed almost twice the number of people Cruz killed, and did it with two pistols. As for raising the age to buy a gun to 21, a killer can get a gun from others.

The point being that these laws will not stop the killings. And when, not if, the next killing happens, what then? More laws. Those laws also will not work and then the next killing after that happens, then more laws. Finally, guns, if not confiscated, will be rendered useless.

So, just stop with the “no one is coming after your guns” nonsense.

I hope you are building your fortified bunker now because the boogie man is coming for your guns. Those drones you see outside your window are watching your every move. Get in your bunker quick "chicken little".

The boogie man is the left wing nut jobs of the Democrat Party, and they have been working on disarming American citizens since before they succeeded in enacting the 1968 ban on cheap handguns. Their goal is to ultimately strip law abiding American citizens of their firearms.

You may be just a useful idiot, unaware of their true objectives, but loving the idea that you can imagine yourself morally superior to those who do not fear firearms. You may be a fellow traveler, who mistakenly believes that the current "common sense" gun restrictions might actually do some good. Or, you could be a true believer in the cause who is aware of the actual goal.

Little clues inform a large number of gun owners, and the NRA, as to the ultimate objective of the anti-gun groups. One clue is the constant call for universal gun registration. Registration has no other valid purpose than to allow the federal government to know where all the guns are located. The only valid reason for the federal government to know where all the guns are located, is so they can be confiscated.

Consequently, when you left wing loons spread your disdain for those dumb conspiracy theorists who fear confiscation, you are either operating out of ignorance or deceit. Neither position looks good on you.

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