For Rick Perry it's not the heat it's the stupidity


Gold Member
May 30, 2008
The newest meteor to streak through the Republican primary skies is, of course, Texas Governor Rick Perry. But for Perry, it could be a pretty fast fall back to Earth. Fully feeling the heat of the national media spotlight for the first time, Perry has quickly shown his supporters that the thing that they should worry about most is not the heat — but his stupidity.

Even many of his fellow Republicans denounced his statements about Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke’s quantitative-easing possibly being an act of “treason.” Among others, Bruce Bartlett, a former Treasury Secretary under Republican President George H. W. Bush, called Perry an “idiot.”

An 11-year-old boy who appeared to actually know the answer asked Perry about the age of the Earth. Perry said he didn’t know. I believe him. Perry then seemed to disavow evolution and give some credence to the theory that the Earth is only 6,000 years old. Come on, I have ties older than that. And Mr. Perry had the bad timing to do this the same week that scientists announced that they believe they discovered fossilized, single-cell organisms in Western Australia that could be about 3.4 billion years old.

Perry’s disavowal of evolution, geology, biology, and all that pointed-headed science mumbo-jumbo will probably not sit very well with GOP moderates, independents, swing voters or those who have ever been to school, read a book, or watched a show on the History Channel.

Perry also had the singular misfortune to be ranting about how climate change is a scam the same week as stories were published about how farmers in Texas have suffered more than $5 billion in crop and livestock losses associated with a record drought and record high temperatures.

For Rick Perry, It's Not the Heat, It's the Stupidity | Boston Daily

"I'm a swaggering, gun-toting, anti-science moron from Texas"
The newest meteor to streak through the Republican primary skies is, of course, Texas Governor Rick Perry. But for Perry, it could be a pretty fast fall back to Earth. Fully feeling the heat of the national media spotlight for the first time, Perry has quickly shown his supporters that the thing that they should worry about most is not the heat — but his stupidity.

Even many of his fellow Republicans denounced his statements about Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke’s quantitative-easing possibly being an act of “treason.” Among others, Bruce Bartlett, a former Treasury Secretary under Republican President George H. W. Bush, called Perry an “idiot.”

An 11-year-old boy who appeared to actually know the answer asked Perry about the age of the Earth. Perry said he didn’t know. I believe him. Perry then seemed to disavow evolution and give some credence to the theory that the Earth is only 6,000 years old. Come on, I have ties older than that. And Mr. Perry had the bad timing to do this the same week that scientists announced that they believe they discovered fossilized, single-cell organisms in Western Australia that could be about 3.4 billion years old.

Perry’s disavowal of evolution, geology, biology, and all that pointed-headed science mumbo-jumbo will probably not sit very well with GOP moderates, independents, swing voters or those who have ever been to school, read a book, or watched a show on the History Channel.

Perry also had the singular misfortune to be ranting about how climate change is a scam the same week as stories were published about how farmers in Texas have suffered more than $5 billion in crop and livestock losses associated with a record drought and record high temperatures.

For Rick Perry, It's Not the Heat, It's the Stupidity | Boston Daily

This is the only thread that I agree with you Criss!! How about that. Rick Perry without attending any debates jumped in front of other candidates that have. Rick Perry has a loose canon mouth that may thrill Republicans but that is certain to get Independents RUNNING. And as we all know you need Independents if you expect to win elections. Furthermore--Rick Perry being from Texas--is going to be painted with a G.W. Bush brush. And the name G.W. Bush is still toxic to millions of Americans

This mass hysteria--(irrational national behavior) is exactly what put Barack Obama in the oval office. Now it's over Rick Perry.

While Rick Perry may be very capable of winning the GOP nomination--the general election is a much different thing--and his loose canon statements could very well insure another 4 years of the worst President (ever) Barack Obama.

I am in hopes that conservatives will take their time--listen to the candidates and pick a candidate that can beat Barack Obama--because at this time--I don't think it's Rick Perry.
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Perry’s disavowal of evolution, geology, biology, and all that pointed-headed science mumbo-jumbo will probably not sit very well with GOP moderates, independents, swing voters or those who have ever been to school, read a book, or watched a show on the History Channel

True. ‘Reagan democrats’ will have nothing to do with him. They along with moderates and independents decide presidential elections.
If the GOP wants to run a person willing to admit that he doesn't believe in science, let them.

I cannot for the life of me understand why people who object to a political party are offended when that party nominates people who are nuts.

One would think that would be a good thing.

Unless, of course, one thinks that enough Americans are as nutty as the person they're going to run.

Perry's insane POV resonates with a fringe group of the GOP.

I doubt that fringe is large enough to give him the White House.
The newest meteor to streak through the Republican primary skies is, of course, Texas Governor Rick Perry. But for Perry, it could be a pretty fast fall back to Earth. Fully feeling the heat of the national media spotlight for the first time, Perry has quickly shown his supporters that the thing that they should worry about most is not the heat — but his stupidity.

Even many of his fellow Republicans denounced his statements about Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke’s quantitative-easing possibly being an act of “treason.” Among others, Bruce Bartlett, a former Treasury Secretary under Republican President George H. W. Bush, called Perry an “idiot.”

An 11-year-old boy who appeared to actually know the answer asked Perry about the age of the Earth. Perry said he didn’t know. I believe him. Perry then seemed to disavow evolution and give some credence to the theory that the Earth is only 6,000 years old. Come on, I have ties older than that. And Mr. Perry had the bad timing to do this the same week that scientists announced that they believe they discovered fossilized, single-cell organisms in Western Australia that could be about 3.4 billion years old.

Perry’s disavowal of evolution, geology, biology, and all that pointed-headed science mumbo-jumbo will probably not sit very well with GOP moderates, independents, swing voters or those who have ever been to school, read a book, or watched a show on the History Channel.

Perry also had the singular misfortune to be ranting about how climate change is a scam the same week as stories were published about how farmers in Texas have suffered more than $5 billion in crop and livestock losses associated with a record drought and record high temperatures.

For Rick Perry, It's Not the Heat, It's the Stupidity | Boston Daily

So we have had dumbed down Bush, and now imbecile Perry. One must begin to ask if the problem is texas oil polluted water or home grown schooling. Imagine that Bush only wanted to know how to get a jet off the ground. LOL! Whoever let that idiot fly was dumber than Bush.............:cuckoo:
The newest meteor to streak through the Republican primary skies is, of course, Texas Governor Rick Perry. But for Perry, it could be a pretty fast fall back to Earth. Fully feeling the heat of the national media spotlight for the first time, Perry has quickly shown his supporters that the thing that they should worry about most is not the heat — but his stupidity.

Even many of his fellow Republicans denounced his statements about Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke’s quantitative-easing possibly being an act of “treason.” Among others, Bruce Bartlett, a former Treasury Secretary under Republican President George H. W. Bush, called Perry an “idiot.”

An 11-year-old boy who appeared to actually know the answer asked Perry about the age of the Earth. Perry said he didn’t know. I believe him. Perry then seemed to disavow evolution and give some credence to the theory that the Earth is only 6,000 years old. Come on, I have ties older than that. And Mr. Perry had the bad timing to do this the same week that scientists announced that they believe they discovered fossilized, single-cell organisms in Western Australia that could be about 3.4 billion years old.

Perry’s disavowal of evolution, geology, biology, and all that pointed-headed science mumbo-jumbo will probably not sit very well with GOP moderates, independents, swing voters or those who have ever been to school, read a book, or watched a show on the History Channel.

Perry also had the singular misfortune to be ranting about how climate change is a scam the same week as stories were published about how farmers in Texas have suffered more than $5 billion in crop and livestock losses associated with a record drought and record high temperatures.

For Rick Perry, It's Not the Heat, It's the Stupidity | Boston Daily

This is the only thread that I agree with you Criss!! How about that. Rick Perry without attending any debates jumped in front of other candidates that have. Rick Perry has a loose canon mouth that may thrill Republicans but that is certain to get Independents RUNNING. And as we all know you need Independents if you expect to win elections. Furthermore--Rick Perry being from Texas--is going to be painted with a G.W. Bush brush. And the name G.W. Bush is still toxic to millions of Americans

This mass hysteria--(irrational national behavior) is exactly what put Barack Obama in the oval office. Now it's over Rick Perry.

While Rick Perry may be very capable of winning the GOP nomination--the general election is a much different thing--and his loose canon statements could very well insure another 4 years of the worst President (ever) Barack Obama.

I am in hopes that conservatives will take their time--listen to the candidates and pick a candidate that can beat Barack Obama--because at this time--I don't think it's Rick Perry.

The next time you listen to a Rick Perry stump speech, close your eyes. Then tell me who you hear. Can you say Boooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooosh?
Perry is the GOP flavor of the month. Now that he is the current frontrunner he is getting visibility into the entire spectrum of his views. Perry under a microscope is not as pretty as he was while standing outside.

His flavor will not be as pleasant in the coming months
I loev it. The Left is terrified of Perry, who speaks his mind rather than speaking in scripted sound bites.
Does he know how old the Earth is? No, in fact no one does for sure.
But if he believes the earth was created 15 minutes before he was born, what does that have to do with his ability to be president? Who cares? Only people digging for something--anything--they can use against him.

as for Bruce Bartlett, we see where his bread is buttered.
In August 2009, Bartlett wrote a piece for the Daily Beast in which he attributed the recession of 2009 to George Bush and Republicans, whose policies he claimed resulted in an inferior record of economic performance to those of President Clinton.[10] In the same editorial, Bartlett wrote that instead of enacting meaningful healthcare reform, President Bush pushed through a costly Medicare drug plan by personally exerting pressure on reluctant conservatives to vote for the program. Bartlett claimed that because reforming Medicare is an important part of getting health costs under control generally, Bush could have used the opportunity to develop a comprehensive health-reform plan and that "y not doing so, he left his party with nothing to offer as an alternative to the Obama plan."[10] Bartlett concluded:

Until conservatives once again hold Republicans to the same standard they hold Democrats, they will have no credibility and deserve no respect. They can start building some by admitting to themselves that Bush caused many of the problems they are protesting."[10]

In Bartlett's latest book, The New American Economy: The Failure of Reaganomics and a New Way Forward, he embraces Keynesian ideas, stating that while supply-side economics was appropriate for the 1970s and 1980s, supply side arguments do not fit contemporary conditions
I loev it. The Left is terrified of Perry, who speaks his mind rather than speaking in scripted sound bites.
Does he know how old the Earth is? No, in fact no one does for sure.
But if he believes the earth was created 15 minutes before he was born, what does that have to do with his ability to be president? Who cares? Only people digging for something--anything--they can use against him.

as for Bruce Bartlett, we see where his bread is buttered.
In August 2009, Bartlett wrote a piece for the Daily Beast in which he attributed the recession of 2009 to George Bush and Republicans, whose policies he claimed resulted in an inferior record of economic performance to those of President Clinton.[10] In the same editorial, Bartlett wrote that instead of enacting meaningful healthcare reform, President Bush pushed through a costly Medicare drug plan by personally exerting pressure on reluctant conservatives to vote for the program. Bartlett claimed that because reforming Medicare is an important part of getting health costs under control generally, Bush could have used the opportunity to develop a comprehensive health-reform plan and that "y not doing so, he left his party with nothing to offer as an alternative to the Obama plan."[10] Bartlett concluded:

Until conservatives once again hold Republicans to the same standard they hold Democrats, they will have no credibility and deserve no respect. They can start building some by admitting to themselves that Bush caused many of the problems they are protesting."[10]

In Bartlett's latest book, The New American Economy: The Failure of Reaganomics and a New Way Forward, he embraces Keynesian ideas, stating that while supply-side economics was appropriate for the 1970s and 1980s, supply side arguments do not fit contemporary conditions has never been high on the list of accomplishments for the "conservatives"....

The guy is an empty suit and a walking gaffe factory. My hope is that both Perry and Bachmann cancel each other out in the GOP primary.

There has to be someone besides Rommey running under the "I am not a lunatic" platform. ANYBODY?!?
The newest meteor to streak through the Republican primary skies is, of course, Texas Governor Rick Perry. But for Perry, it could be a pretty fast fall back to Earth. Fully feeling the heat of the national media spotlight for the first time, Perry has quickly shown his supporters that the thing that they should worry about most is not the heat — but his stupidity.

Even many of his fellow Republicans denounced his statements about Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke’s quantitative-easing possibly being an act of “treason.” Among others, Bruce Bartlett, a former Treasury Secretary under Republican President George H. W. Bush, called Perry an “idiot.”

An 11-year-old boy who appeared to actually know the answer asked Perry about the age of the Earth. Perry said he didn’t know. I believe him. Perry then seemed to disavow evolution and give some credence to the theory that the Earth is only 6,000 years old. Come on, I have ties older than that. And Mr. Perry had the bad timing to do this the same week that scientists announced that they believe they discovered fossilized, single-cell organisms in Western Australia that could be about 3.4 billion years old.

Perry’s disavowal of evolution, geology, biology, and all that pointed-headed science mumbo-jumbo will probably not sit very well with GOP moderates, independents, swing voters or those who have ever been to school, read a book, or watched a show on the History Channel.

Perry also had the singular misfortune to be ranting about how climate change is a scam the same week as stories were published about how farmers in Texas have suffered more than $5 billion in crop and livestock losses associated with a record drought and record high temperatures.

For Rick Perry, It's Not the Heat, It's the Stupidity | Boston Daily

I will never understand why candidates for office would even bother saying retarded things like that. There's no excuse for not knowing basic grade-school science. I'm waiting for the day they start saying the earth is the center of the universe and the sun orbits it.
What makes everyone think Rick Perry is stupid?

1. Is it because he doesn't believe in global warming?
2. Is it because he supports segregationists?
3. Is it because he thinks evolution is BS?
4. is it because he wants to tear down the Federal Reserve?
5. Is it all of the above?
The newest meteor to streak through the Republican primary skies is, of course, Texas Governor Rick Perry. But for Perry, it could be a pretty fast fall back to Earth. Fully feeling the heat of the national media spotlight for the first time, Perry has quickly shown his supporters that the thing that they should worry about most is not the heat — but his stupidity.

Even many of his fellow Republicans denounced his statements about Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke’s quantitative-easing possibly being an act of “treason.” Among others, Bruce Bartlett, a former Treasury Secretary under Republican President George H. W. Bush, called Perry an “idiot.”

An 11-year-old boy who appeared to actually know the answer asked Perry about the age of the Earth. Perry said he didn’t know. I believe him. Perry then seemed to disavow evolution and give some credence to the theory that the Earth is only 6,000 years old. Come on, I have ties older than that. And Mr. Perry had the bad timing to do this the same week that scientists announced that they believe they discovered fossilized, single-cell organisms in Western Australia that could be about 3.4 billion years old.

Perry’s disavowal of evolution, geology, biology, and all that pointed-headed science mumbo-jumbo will probably not sit very well with GOP moderates, independents, swing voters or those who have ever been to school, read a book, or watched a show on the History Channel.

Perry also had the singular misfortune to be ranting about how climate change is a scam the same week as stories were published about how farmers in Texas have suffered more than $5 billion in crop and livestock losses associated with a record drought and record high temperatures.

For Rick Perry, It's Not the Heat, It's the Stupidity | Boston Daily

How the hell did Rick Perry just appear on the national stage and receive more attention and news coverage than candidates that have been campaigning for months and have stated their policies much more clearly.

That treasonous remark is a lame attempt to try and capitalize on an issue that Ron Paul has made popular.

I don't give a damn about him, and I haven't heard him say anything impressive.

Since when did the media take it upon themselves to dictate to us who was electable!?!?!?!?!

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