For killing that terrorist general, Trump should win the fucking Nobel Peace Prize

He has done more for peace than Obama ever did.
The true Orwellian right: give someone a ‘peace prize’ for escalating conflict in the ME and further destabilizing the entire Region.
^^^^^^^^ If Clayhead had been attacked by Hitler and his family taken to a german gulag to be gassed, he would have been out in the street yelling for people to just stay calm, don't escalate any tensions or further instigate trouble with the Fuhrer! If everyone just remains calm, maybe Adolf will settle down and go back to painting houses! :21:

Notice how ALL of the 1000 post of month members of this forum are cheering for war and escalation.
Sorry, NO, Baglady, we are cheering for standing up to our enemies and showing them we cannot be pushed around and that actions will have consequences. America is the Police of the world. Your parents obviously failed to do that with you when you were a small, young brat, and you've grown up to pay the price.
Everyone wins a prize. Michelle Obama named as one of the 100 most beautiful women in the world


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