For First Time ,a U.S. Capitol riot defendant is

The democrat party holding these people without trial for over a year is extremist politics....
Yup. they hold white conservatives a year without a trial - while arguing for “no bail” for horrible and violent criminals in NYC because they are disproportionately black.

We now live in a society where the color of one’s skin and/ or his political leanings determines whether you are imprisoned without a trial or let back out on the street the next day (where you can assault, steal, or even mow down dozens of white people).
They needed a bodycount to put in the headlines so they could make Jan 6th appear worse than it really was. So they beat one woman to death...and shot another in cold-blood.
Then they put a suicide and a couple of other non-related deaths in the total to make it seem worse.
Total BS. It was a massive coverup.....which is why the put a steel wall around the place for get rid of any evidence before reopening the Capital to visitors.

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As far as surrounding the Capitol as if Under Indian attack dating back
to the early 1800's with massive use of metal barriers and fencing
and even Concertina wire as if Some Maximum security penal building.
Done for uber dramatic effect and also to send a message.
To all citizens.Don't even think about going to D.C. in order to consult
or talk with yer elected representative.It won't be permitted.
Plus Old Joe was about to be sworn-in.
The Democrats are such personifiable scum.At least they are makiing
their scum status official.
Hewitt told us Romeny was a good guy......he told us that Roberts would be a good Supreme Court justice, he told us james comey was a good guy, and he told a room full of conservatives that American journalists were patriots....

Hewitt has a huge blind spot when it comes to American leftists and their sympathizers....
Somethin ain't right about the guy.Most definateluy his Harvard education.
Now that it went viral that the *DNC chair called out Cotton { a regular at
Hugh Hewitt Morning Radio } as " the lowest of the low " and " a little
maggot-infested man " is official.No taking it back now.
Plus Rep.Ilhan Omar { D-Minn. } calling Cotton " a Joke ".
Double plus the Anti-Defamation League joining-in with condemnation
with " absolutely shameful " Like those pack of frauds can't remember
back how Kavanaugh was treated and lied about.
I think Hugh wants to be known for acting cool,calm and collected
ALL hours of that day.But in secret is actually a chicken-shit coward
making sure to cover all bases.He can't handle conflict heaping upon his
character.So he plays Nice on purpose.In effect the worst kind of
American Patriot.using all means possible to cover his ass.
To play it safe.definatley Very Very UnFounding Fathers.
At least Senator Cotton demonstrates some modicum of
Strength of character.All Hewitts character is contained in his daily
{ Same time each morning } taking of his Relief Factor.Or looking at
wherever he placed his latest LeBron Poster.
What a definable Weenie.From Warren,Ohio ... of course.

* Jaime Harrison
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Martin is the third Capitol riot defendant whose case has been resolved by a trial. He is the first of the three to be acquitted of all charges that he faced. The first two Capitol riot trials ended with convictions, although McFadden acquitted one of those defendants of a disorderly conduct charge after a bench trial last month.
So source and topic headline false. Also, regarding
We now live in a society where the color of one’s skin and/ or his political leanings determines whether you are imprisoned without a trial or let back out on the street the next day (where you can assault, steal, or even mow down dozens of white people).
Martin is a white guy who remained
But you keep being you.

So source and topic headline false. Also, regarding

Martin is a white guy who remained

But you keep being you.
I get it.It's just too doggone bothersome to complete a sentence,eh Bub.
But I guess growing up and being scolded by Mom for sticking yer
grubby paws into the cookie jar,you had many words to explain.
I get it.It's just too doggone bothersome to complete a sentence,eh Bub.
But I guess growing up and being scolded by Mom for sticking yer
grubby paws into the cookie jar,you had many words to explain.
Sort of like how it's just too bothersome for you to actually and cogently address his post?

"for you white people...."

That poster always jumps to create a scenario in order to falsely paint her political enemy as a racist - while revealing hostility toward whites. It’s a pattern with liberals, and it’s all over this forum - and reflecting what’s happening in society.
Sort of like how it's just too bothersome for you to actually and cogently address his post?

With incomplete half sentences for seriousness.What is this a new version of
- Name That Tune - or - Name That Gobbledygook -.
I don't have time for half seriousness.Or even half Satire.
The demafasict witch hunt seems to have a chip in its armor…the chip being the truth
That poster always jumps to create a scenario in order to falsely paint her political enemy as a racist - while revealing hostility toward whites. It’s a pattern with liberals, and it’s all over this forum - and reflecting what’s happening in society.
Which should beg the question ... Where was this mindset learned.
We gots the answer last spring when Virginia had a Governor's race
and election.The left.As in DuH. But not merely the left but a majority of
the Country's Teachers Union and School boards.
I saw a story this morning that got censored about 3 new school
board members getting voted in at some Radical County.
A county with a Big " W " in the name.
It'll come to me.
There’s a saying: The Republicans get angry when lies are told, and the Democrats get angry when the truth is told.
Therefore dire need of the word " ONLY " must be used to complete that
thought.As in Republicans ONLY or democrats ONLY.
Small " d " fir democsrats.They've earned it.
Which should beg the question ... Where was this mindset learned.
We gots the answer last spring when Virginia had a Governor's race
and election.The left.As in DuH. But not merely the left but a majority of
the Country's Teachers Union and School boards.
I saw a story this morning that got censored about 3 new school
board members getting voted in at some Radical County.
A county with a Big " W " in the name.
It'll come to me.
Teachers and teachers unions have always been to the far left. When I was in elementary schooll the principal let us all out of class so we could demonstrate against the Vietnam War on the front lawn.
Therefore dire need of the word " ONLY " must be used to complete that
thought.As in Republicans ONLY or democrats ONLY.
Small " d " fir democsrats.They've earned it.
I like that. After all, the d emocrats insist we capitalize Black and lowercase white, so turnaround is fair play.
Teachers and teachers unions have always been to the far left. When I was in elementary schooll the principal let us all out of class so we could demonstrate against the Vietnam War on the front lawn.
I don't know what is funnier--that you think protesting against the Vietnam war was a far left thing--or that the school..which undoubtedly recited the Pledge of Allegiance every morning--took a stand and taught the students that peaceful protest was a part of their civil duty..and a precious Right.

Odds are, while you were in school, I was serving in the USN. I thought I was fighting for the preservation of those rights...boy was I young, eh?

BTW..most educated people lean left. Even the self-educated ones. I am of the opinion that many who are educated and espouse Ultra-conservative views are less than sincere..and are just pandering for votes or money.

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