For any BLM supporter. Show us a video or pictures of hundreds of white people terrorizing cities like the black BLM folks have done.


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
May 12, 2022
There are different crime categories in the United States. Black people and white people commit crimes. Everybody knows this. Common crimes, violent, brutal crimes. It’s a worldwide issue. There is a phenomenon though in America where black BLM people in the hundreds or thousands of terrorized eluded cities across America. It happened in large numbers of 2020 and it happened over the summer of 2023. We can all recall the video about 30 Black people beating the shit out of a white woman.

And these young Black people who are committing these violent crimes looting all over the place their behavior is a disgrace to their ancestors. What doesn’t help the situation are politicians and celebrities, black and white, claiming that blacks have it worse than America that only makes things worse and creates more chaos.

The challenge to any BLM supporter in this country is to put up or shut up. If you folks claim that white people or Trump supporters “do the same thing” then show us all pictures of it. You have to show a picture or a video of 100 white people with Trump hats, perhaps Looting City, After City. Acting in a degraded Manor using the N-word or something like that just like black BLM people do in Philadelphia calling each other the N-word filming at thinking it’s funny to terrorize cities.

And Biden folks can’t keep bringing up January 6. It’s getting really old.

I’ve said before there is an issue with a segment of white people who are incells, they’re on their computer all day, playing video games, doing drugs all the time. No interest in meeting women. There is a a segment of Black people who also have a problem and we see that with black BLM rioters. Whether or not you think they support BLM it’s blatantly obvious these are huge numbers of Black people like we saw Philadelphia like we see the Chicago, like we saw with BLM riots. Going crazy terrorizing cities, including murdering people. Causing billions of dollars worth of damage.

The challenge has been made because I’ve seen BLM supporters say oh “hey white people have done it.” Then please, by all means show us in the past three years a video of hundreds of Trump supporters white people causing chaos in cities.
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It’s time for accountability from the politicians, including Republicans and Democrats. Like we saw the Fox News debate they were talking about the Philadelphia looting. I don’t think one politician talked about how this is a problem with young Black people. They just talked about looters. If those were hundreds of white people doing the looting, you would have Democrats using the term white supremacy, nonstop white people this white people that. Look at what the black BLM politicians have done for this country, look at what rich black celebrities have done by propping up their insane view that blacks are victims and police are a problem. No wonder we have out of control inflation in this country out of control crime. Anti-Americanism. It’s time for leader ship in this country, and there are problems with segments of white people specifically young white men, there’s problems with young Black people doing all the looting. The politicians need to tackle these issues head-on.

Stop blaming America Biden people , start respect American history. That’s where we all need to start.

Slavery was a worldwide issue. People can’t claim blacks have it bad in America today ..white people were slaves when Black people were slaves.

People cannot justify thousands of Black people looting because of the perhaps negative actions of a few bad cops.. White people have been shot by cops to you Just never hear about it.
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It’s time for accountability from the politicians, including Republicans and Democrats. Like we saw the Fox News debate they were talking about the Philadelphia looting. I don’t think one politician talked about how this is a problem with young Black people. They just talked about looters. If those were hundreds of white people doing the looting, you would have Democrats using the term white supremacy, nonstop white people this white people that. Look at what the black BLM politicians have done for this country, look at what rich black celebrities have done by propping up their insane view that blacks are victims and police are a problem. No wonder we have out of control inflation in this country out of control crime. Anti-Americanism. It’s time for leader ship in this country, and there are problems with segments of white people specifically young white men, there’s problems with young Black people doing all the looting. The politicians need to tackle these issues head-on.

Stop blaming America Biden people , start respect American history. That’s where we all need to start.

Slavery was a worldwide issue. People can’t claim blacks have it bad in America today ..white people were slaves when Black people were slaves.

People cannot justify thousands of Black people looting because of the perhaps negative actions of a few bad cops.. White people have been shot by cops to you Just never hear about it.
So what's your solution to the rampant negro problem? Give specifics!
There are different crime categories in the United States. Black people and white people commit crimes. Everybody knows this. Common crimes, violent, brutal crimes. It’s a worldwide issue. There is a phenomenon though in America where black BLM people in the hundreds or thousands of terrorized eluded cities across America. It happened in large numbers of 2020 and it happened over the summer of 2023. We can all recall the video about 30 Black people beating the shit out of a white woman.

And these young Black people who are committing these violent crimes looting all over the place their behavior is a disgrace to their ancestors. What doesn’t help the situation are politicians and celebrities, black and white, claiming that blacks have it worse than America that only makes things worse and creates more chaos.

The challenge to any BLM supporter in this country is to put up or shut up. If you folks claim that white people or Trump supporters “do the same thing” then show us all pictures of it. You have to show a picture or a video of 100 white people with Trump hats, perhaps Looting City, After City. Acting in a degraded Manor using the N-word or something like that just like black BLM people do in Philadelphia calling each other the N-word filming at thinking it’s funny to terrorize cities.

And Biden folks can’t keep bringing up January 6. It’s getting really old.

I’ve said before there is an issue with a segment of white people who are incells, they’re on their computer all day, playing video games, doing drugs all the time. No interest in meeting women. There is a a segment of Black people who also have a problem and we see that with black BLM rioters. Whether or not you think they support BLM it’s blatantly obvious these are huge numbers of Black people like we saw Philadelphia like we see the Chicago, like we saw with BLM riots. Going crazy terrorizing cities, including murdering people. Causing billions of dollars worth of damage.

The challenge has been made because I’ve seen BLM supporters say oh “hey white people have done it.” Then please, by all means show us in the past three years a video of hundreds of Trump supporters white people causing chaos in cities.

Hilarious Don't bring "up January 6. It's getting really old"

So, essentially, "hey you, try and prove that white people go around doing this, but you can't use example of white people doing this because...."

Supposing this OP is in response to the looting that took place Wednesday night in Philadelphia, the answer to your current question is the same as the answer that law enforcement and others have been giving all along

"...Stanford said officers arrested between 15 and 20 people on Tuesday night for actions that he underscored were not related to the protest. The number had grown at least 52 by Wednesday evening, police spokesperson Jane Roh told the Associated Press. “These were not protesters. These were criminals. These were people that took advantage of an opportunity and looking to destroy our city,” Stanford said...?​
There are different crime categories in the United States. Black people and white people commit crimes. Everybody knows this. Common crimes, violent, brutal crimes. It’s a worldwide issue. There is a phenomenon though in America where black BLM people in the hundreds or thousands of terrorized eluded cities across America. It happened in large numbers of 2020 and it happened over the summer of 2023. We can all recall the video about 30 Black people beating the shit out of a white woman.

And these young Black people who are committing these violent crimes looting all over the place their behavior is a disgrace to their ancestors. What doesn’t help the situation are politicians and celebrities, black and white, claiming that blacks have it worse than America that only makes things worse and creates more chaos.

The challenge to any BLM supporter in this country is to put up or shut up. If you folks claim that white people or Trump supporters “do the same thing” then show us all pictures of it. You have to show a picture or a video of 100 white people with Trump hats, perhaps Looting City, After City. Acting in a degraded Manor using the N-word or something like that just like black BLM people do in Philadelphia calling each other the N-word filming at thinking it’s funny to terrorize cities.

And Biden folks can’t keep bringing up January 6. It’s getting really old.

I’ve said before there is an issue with a segment of white people who are incells, they’re on their computer all day, playing video games, doing drugs all the time. No interest in meeting women. There is a a segment of Black people who also have a problem and we see that with black BLM rioters. Whether or not you think they support BLM it’s blatantly obvious these are huge numbers of Black people like we saw Philadelphia like we see the Chicago, like we saw with BLM riots. Going crazy terrorizing cities, including murdering people. Causing billions of dollars worth of damage.

The challenge has been made because I’ve seen BLM supporters say oh “hey white people have done it.” Then please, by all means show us in the past three years a video of hundreds of Trump supporters white people causing chaos in cities.
"And Biden folks can’t keep bringing up January 6. It’s getting really old".

Yeah, people are still bringing up the civil war, 9/11 and the JFK assassination's really getting old.

Teabaggers trying to compare the two totally different occurrences, thinking they are the same, is getting old.
It’s time for accountability from the politicians, including Republicans and Democrats. Like we saw the Fox News debate they were talking about the Philadelphia looting. I don’t think one politician talked about how this is a problem with young Black people. They just talked about looters. If those were hundreds of white people doing the looting, you would have Democrats using the term white supremacy, nonstop white people this white people that. Look at what the black BLM politicians have done for this country, look at what rich black celebrities have done by propping up their insane view that blacks are victims and police are a problem. No wonder we have out of control inflation in this country out of control crime. Anti-Americanism. It’s time for leader ship in this country, and there are problems with segments of white people specifically young white men, there’s problems with young Black people doing all the looting. The politicians need to tackle these issues head-on.

Stop blaming America Biden people , start respect American history. That’s where we all need to start.

Slavery was a worldwide issue. People can’t claim blacks have it bad in America today ..white people were slaves when Black people were slaves.

People cannot justify thousands of Black people looting because of the perhaps negative actions of a few bad cops..
WHO is trying to justify the looting that took place?
Teabaggers use the looting that took place during the protest of 2020, to justify their actions at the capitol, on January 6th.
White people have been shot by cops to you Just never hear about it.

Show us a video or pictures of hundreds of white people terrorizing cities​

I support people fighting back. Best way to do that as we have seen is economically. It does get the people's attention.

The state doesn't care if people want to stand on the sidewalk with signs for the most part. When business gets disrupted then they care.

And what country can preserve it’s liberties if their rulers are not warned from time to time that their people preserve the spirit of resistance? Let them take arms. The remedy is to set them right as to facts, pardon and pacify them. What signify a few lives lost in a century or two? The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants.

Thomas Jefferson

It doesn't get any more American than that.

Supposing this OP is in response to the looting that took place Wednesday night in Philadelphia, the answer to your current question is the same as the answer that law enforcement and others have been giving all along

"...Stanford said officers arrested between 15 and 20 people on Tuesday night for actions that he underscored were not related to the protest. The number had grown at least 52 by Wednesday evening, police spokesperson Jane Roh told the Associated Press. “These were not protesters. These were criminals. These were people that took advantage of an opportunity and looking to destroy our city,” Stanford said...?​
So why do the stupid fucking leftard assholes enable these criminals?
...What signify a few lives lost in a century or two? The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants.

Thomas Jefferson

It doesn't get any more American than that.
He forgot school children.
So what's your solution to the rampant negro problem? Give specifics!
Just as I said, it starts with respecting American history. Recognizing that slavery was a global phenomenon not just the white man’s thing. Black people enslaved whites.

Politicians and celebrities have to cease and desist with their view that in 2023 Black people are born with a disadvantage compared to white people. That viewpoint is dangerous and it is a catalyst for young Black people who go and loot and commit crimes in America.

Immediately have companies and universities engage in a meritocracy. Have the Oscars stop forcing Black people to be nominated for categories. Because the current situation in America is unsustainable and it leads to problems across-the-board.

The fact show everybody that there are tons of homeless white people in this country. There is no white privilege.
Hilarious Don't bring "up January 6. It's getting really old"

So, essentially, "hey you, try and prove that white people go around doing this, but you can't use example of white people doing this because...."
by all means show us in the past three years a video of hundreds of Trump supporters white people causing chaos in cities. Keyword citie(s)

Only someone who is ignorant would try and compare January 6 to murderous BLM riots. One single event January 6, compared to what perhaps 50 or 100 different riots which involved mostly black BLM rioters that caused 25 killings and billions of dollars worth of damage. Rioting for no good reason. They do not riot when a white person shot by police.

You’re trying to be “intellectually dishonest”, perhaps. If all you can bring up is January 6, you don’t have anything to bring to the table.

What we saw in Philadelphia the looting by black blm rioters was repeated across many cities in America in 2020 an even in the summer of 2023.
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Supposing this OP is in response to the looting that took place Wednesday night in Philadelphia, the answer to your current question is the same as the answer that law enforcement and others have been giving all along

"...Stanford said officers arrested between 15 and 20 people on Tuesday night for actions that he underscored were not related to the protest. The number had grown at least 52 by Wednesday evening, police spokesperson Jane Roh told the Associated Press. “These were not protesters. These were criminals. These were people that took advantage of an opportunity and looking to destroy our city,” Stanford said...?​
In the first place, when a medical doctor kills ten of his patients due to some fantasy. Which does happen there are not riots across the country to hold all doctors accountable. In the first place, the entire premise of BLM is based on nonsense. There are no riots when a white person is shot by police. There are no mass protests in a very rare occurrence when a white person is killed by cops. It’s extremely rare for anybody white or black to be killed by cops in America. Same thing for patients to be killed by their doctor. The overwhelming majority of police interactions with Americans are peaceful.

There were a lot more than 15 people who took part in that looting in Philadelphia. And the response by politicians and celebrities to the black BLM riots was unacceptable. One can even argue that the police officers have their hands tied there, held to an absurd standard.

You actually had people saying that they were “frustrated” and the “Looting was a form of reparations”.

The people who are even more adamant compared to myself, are hard-working, Black people, and old-school traditional, black Americans, who don’t like it when their businesses are looted by young Black people.

A part of this is the Instagram and TikTok generation, which is in part leading to a frenzy on social media, allowing tons and tons of young Black people to get together and engage in flash mobs. We saw that in stores in Los Angeles, luxury clothing stores over the summer, we saw it most recently in Philadelphia.
Show us something from the past three years of hundreds of white people wearing Trump hats engaging in Looting. Otherwise you got nothing..

1.1 million white people were enslaved by Black people from 1520 -1790. There was legalized slavery in Ethiopia in the same time period As the picture you show above.

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