For all of you running to support Alec Baldwin, listen to this


Diamond Member
Feb 22, 2013
Remember this?
Calling your little girl names, and insulting her. I remember when this happened years ago, and as a father of daughters, I lost all respect I had for this guy.
Since then, he has repeatedly been a dick, and now maybe karma has finally paid him a visit.

Remember this?
Calling your little girl names, and insulting her. I remember when this happened years ago, and as a father of daughters, I lost all respect I had for this guy.
Since then, he has repeatedly been a dick, and now maybe karma has finally paid him a visit.

Ultimately it is Baldwin's irresponsibility and blantant disregard of gun safety that caused the death of the woman and injury to her assistant...
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I wouldn't be surprised if my dad has a few choice words to describe me since him and I do not see eye to eye on so many issues which is why I haven't had anything more to do with him in years. Right me if I am wrong, but didn't Mr. Baldwin and his daughter make up eventually?

God bless you and him and his family always!!!

It sounds like he had good cause.

Is there ever a "good cause" to call your child a "pig" and telling her she has no brains? Sorry, but this guy sounded violent, if I were her daughter at 11 or 12, I would have been pretty scared after hearing my father talk that way. He sounded violent, and out of control.
Ultimately it is Baldwin's irresponsibility and blantant disregard of gun safety that caused the death of the woman and injury to her assistant...
You DO NOT point a gun (loaded or unloaded “hot“ or “cold”) at another person and pull the trigger if you know how to responsibly handle firearms.

Baldwin likely considered himself a lot smarter than the average redneck gun owner so he beleived he should ignore the simple rules of gun handling.

Remember this?
Calling your little girl names, and insulting her. I remember when this happened years ago, and as a father of daughters, I lost all respect I had for this guy.
Since then, he has repeatedly been a dick, and now maybe karma has finally paid him a visit.

He's a very violent, abusive, careless person. Always has been.
He's a very violent, abusive, careless person. Always has been.

The irresponsible shooting accident involving Alec Baldwin is the culmination of his false superiority, arrogance and violence.

Is there ever a "good cause" to call your child a "pig" and telling her she has no brains? Sorry, but this guy sounded violent, if I were her daughter at 11 or 12, I would have been pretty scared after hearing my father talk that way. He sounded violent, and out of control.
Scared? YOU might have been scared. He sounded outraged and he should have been. The girl wasn't scared into being respectful.
Remember this?
Calling your little girl names, and insulting her. I remember when this happened years ago, and as a father of daughters, I lost all respect I had for this guy.
Since then, he has repeatedly been a dick, and now maybe karma has finally paid him a visit.

it's not about who Alec Baldwin is.

it's about who I am.
It's my understanding that the retard was shooting a western (meaning that he had a REVOLVER in his hand)....

What kind of idiot can't look at the cylinder and not see a live bullet ( which would have been plainly visible with even a cursory inspection)????

If there was ever a case for negligent homicide, this fits the bill....

Apparently, this incident is just another example of why Liberals should NEVER be allowed to have a firearm!!!!!
It's my understanding that the retard was shooting a western (meaning that he had a REVOLVER in his hand)....

What kind of idiot can't look at the cylinder and not see a live bullet ( which would have been plainly visible with even a cursory inspection)????

If there was ever a case for negligent homicide, this fits the bill....

Apparently, this incident is just another example of why Liberals should NEVER be allowed to have a firearm!!!!!

IMHO, the one who pulls the trigger is responsible for the result. Whether the case here rises to the charge of negligent homicide or not, I don't know. It is totally unbelievable that a person in that situation where he knows he's going to point a gun at someone and pull the trigger, that he does not check first to make sure there's no bullet in the chamber. And on top of that, why does he point the gun at the cameraperson anyway? Could he not point the gun away from her?

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