Fool Kaepernick Won't Stop kneeling

My pony only knows one trick ...

But in the example of Kaepernick his trick is capable of inciting and facilitating movements. But he is far less the problem than are those who tolerate his nonsense rather than risk offending his followers and admirers. The sonofabitch should be locked out of any opportunity to rouse the rabble. He should be scorned.

But Political Correctness rules the day.

Actually "political correctness" is what you just called for, so way to paint yourself into a corner.
Don't get me wrong, I don't agree.. but if his employer is OK... it's free speech anyway.
It's not "speech". If he just wanted to SPEAK, he could do it outside the stadium, anywhere. He's doing it during the national anthem, to directly insult and attack the USA.

How is that either an "insult" or an "attack"?

The fact that you can't handle your own petulant meltdown makes somebody else's posture an "insult"? Or, to quote another one of your tantrum posts, "abuse"? Or to quote yet another, "assault"? "Abuse" of --- what? "Assault" on --- who?

Whatzamatta? Can't take responsibility for your own failure?
I'm a dual citizen and love both countries, respect all countries but dont by the nationalism bullcarp. I would fight for the US and its people dont care for the anthem or the other nonsense.
I'm a dual citizen and love both countries, respect all countries but dont by the nationalism bullcarp. I would fight for the US and its people dont care for the anthem or the other nonsense.
What planet are you on ? The American people love the flag and the anthem, and all they represent. And they despite spoiled brats like Kaepernick, and his kneeling buddies.
I'm a dual citizen and love both countries, respect all countries but dont by the nationalism bullcarp. I would fight for the US and its people dont care for the anthem or the other nonsense.

These are, to rip off George Carlin, "symbols for the symbolminded".
I'm a dual citizen and love both countries, respect all countries but dont by the nationalism bullcarp. I would fight for the US and its people dont care for the anthem or the other nonsense.
What planet are you on ? The American people love the flag and the anthem, and all they represent. And they despite spoiled brats like Kaepernick, and his kneeling buddies.

I've got to treat you to a major league baseball game some day. Just so you can watch me sit and read a book while the national anthem plays. You know, so you can get an idea what refusal to be coerced into mindless lockstep mob mentality looks like.
I'm a dual citizen and love both countries, respect all countries but dont by the nationalism bullcarp. I would fight for the US and its people dont care for the anthem or the other nonsense.
What planet are you on ? The American people love the flag and the anthem, and all they represent. And they despite spoiled brats like Kaepernick, and his kneeling buddies.
I live around millions and none give a shit. This patriotism crap is blown up too much. If the president himself dodged fighting for this country many times gets called patriot and those who risked their lives get called names what kinda of patriotism is this ?
And shave his head, and throw him into US Army or Marines boot camp.

"I can't hear you!"

So this is you attitude toward freedom of expression, is it. Can't say I'm surprised. What the hell are you doing on a discussion board then?

And oddly, you spend far more time attacking and criticizing others just for not agreeing with you, Now, you are an advocate for freedom of expression? Not.

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