Food for thought:


Gold Member
Apr 11, 2012
Where the wild things are
War or referendum

...beyond the merits of Yair Lapid’s budget, his most puzzling decision this week had nothing to do with budget or finance. It concerned national unity and Lapid’s bogus decision to refuse the backing of a referendum bill - a referendum intended to ratify Israel’s final borders once such demarcation is made possible.

Lapid’s opposition to the referendum is anti-democratic. Throughout his election campaign, Lapid presented a variety of positions on a number of different key public issues. Defining Israel’s national borders was not one of them. In fact, out of the 35 political parties that peddled for votes a few months ago, not one dared link the ill-conceived Oslo Accords or suggested borders to their political platform.

It is peculiar that Lapid and his party prefer that a pile of politicians decide where Israel’s permanent borders should be set, rather than bring such a paramount and almost irreversible matter to a referendum. Letting the public decide is simply the most democratic and right thing to do. There are not many standalone issues that need be brought to the public for referendum. Irreversible decisions concerning the demarcation of secure and just borders for Israel are such an issue. Other matters, such as the cost of cottage cheese or the middle class tax margin, can be addressed in periodically held elections.

Israel’s final national borders should be set after an in-depth national discussion. Political parties, NGOs and individuals should suggest the demarcation lines, based on security, social, economic, demographic, historical, national and international considerations. Following extensive deliberations and public discourse a transparent and democratic vote should be held by means of referendum. This process is not perfect, but it’s preferable to general elections that address a wide range of issues.....

War or referendum - Israel Opinion, Ynetnews


So, what do you think?
War or referendum

...beyond the merits of Yair Lapid’s budget, his most puzzling decision this week had nothing to do with budget or finance. It concerned national unity and Lapid’s bogus decision to refuse the backing of a referendum bill - a referendum intended to ratify Israel’s final borders once such demarcation is made possible.

Lapid’s opposition to the referendum is anti-democratic. Throughout his election campaign, Lapid presented a variety of positions on a number of different key public issues. Defining Israel’s national borders was not one of them. In fact, out of the 35 political parties that peddled for votes a few months ago, not one dared link the ill-conceived Oslo Accords or suggested borders to their political platform.

It is peculiar that Lapid and his party prefer that a pile of politicians decide where Israel’s permanent borders should be set, rather than bring such a paramount and almost irreversible matter to a referendum. Letting the public decide is simply the most democratic and right thing to do. There are not many standalone issues that need be brought to the public for referendum. Irreversible decisions concerning the demarcation of secure and just borders for Israel are such an issue. Other matters, such as the cost of cottage cheese or the middle class tax margin, can be addressed in periodically held elections.

Israel’s final national borders should be set after an in-depth national discussion. Political parties, NGOs and individuals should suggest the demarcation lines, based on security, social, economic, demographic, historical, national and international considerations. Following extensive deliberations and public discourse a transparent and democratic vote should be held by means of referendum. This process is not perfect, but it’s preferable to general elections that address a wide range of issues.....

War or referendum - Israel Opinion, Ynetnews


So, what do you think?

Defining Israel’s national borders was not one of them.

Israel has no borders.

Gee, whenever I say that people call me names.
It has borders.

Fact that some people don't accept them, is another issue.

But it has borders. just like any other country.

Rocco already completely disproved Tinmores ridiculous statements regarding Israel having borders in the 'Seek Peace, Pursue Justice' thread. You should go read it, it's quite an entertaining thread !
It has borders.

Fact that some people don't accept them, is another issue.

But it has borders. just like any other country.

what are they exactly, and how are they like any other country?

The land and state of Israel


Nice to make your appointment:redface:
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Sucks for them. I asked my mother on Shabbat, "Do you think we took the land of Israel from the Arabs?" She said, "What? We're not entitled to our own land? They have 22." She summed it up pretty well.

They have 22, a place they can dwell
I have only one, they want it as well
They say it's ok, they say it is "just"
When they want to bring down Israel to the dust
Not in the country of Jordan,
Or the state of Saud,
But in Bet-El they wish it,
from there- Akko, Lud

On the ruins of Tel Aviv they want now a state,
Secular, liberal, all free, moderate
Secular like "Hamas", Free as Riad
Democratic as a hanging-tree in Baghdad
Safe as Lebanon, flame in blood to relax
Sane as in Lybia- Moderate, like an axe

Now Jihad and a bomb are the symbol of age,
In Paris, in Oslo, standing on every stage
And me, who creates blooming heaven from straw
They call me a thief, they cry out "Withdraw!"
They send me to fire, line me to stand
to watch as my home turns now back into sand....
It has borders.

Fact that some people don't accept them, is another issue.

But it has borders. just like any other country.

what are they exactly, and how are they like any other country?

The land and state of Israel

Nice to make your appointment:redface:

so, what are you going to do with the 4,000,000 citisens you have been denying the vote...are you going to lock them in death camps, ethnically cleanse them...what?

i am really beginning to undetrstand now why people want you greedy bastards wiped off the face of the earth. you talk peace out of one side of your mouth and leave no alternative but war when you talk out of the other.
War or referendum

...beyond the merits of Yair Lapid’s budget, his most puzzling decision this week had nothing to do with budget or finance. It concerned national unity and Lapid’s bogus decision to refuse the backing of a referendum bill - a referendum intended to ratify Israel’s final borders once such demarcation is made possible.

Lapid’s opposition to the referendum is anti-democratic. Throughout his election campaign, Lapid presented a variety of positions on a number of different key public issues. Defining Israel’s national borders was not one of them. In fact, out of the 35 political parties that peddled for votes a few months ago, not one dared link the ill-conceived Oslo Accords or suggested borders to their political platform.

It is peculiar that Lapid and his party prefer that a pile of politicians decide where Israel’s permanent borders should be set, rather than bring such a paramount and almost irreversible matter to a referendum. Letting the public decide is simply the most democratic and right thing to do. There are not many standalone issues that need be brought to the public for referendum. Irreversible decisions concerning the demarcation of secure and just borders for Israel are such an issue. Other matters, such as the cost of cottage cheese or the middle class tax margin, can be addressed in periodically held elections.

Israel’s final national borders should be set after an in-depth national discussion. Political parties, NGOs and individuals should suggest the demarcation lines, based on security, social, economic, demographic, historical, national and international considerations. Following extensive deliberations and public discourse a transparent and democratic vote should be held by means of referendum. This process is not perfect, but it’s preferable to general elections that address a wide range of issues.....

War or referendum - Israel Opinion, Ynetnews


So, what do you think?

I'm thinking about Sept 1, 1993 when President Clinton announced he would meet with Arafat and Rabin on Sept 13th in Washington, D.C. to begin the Oslo Peace Accords. Hurricane Emily hit North Carolina that day. I believe it was a punishment for our leader making such a disasterous decision as to agree to such a thing.

Then on March 2, 1997 Arafat meets with President Clinton in Washington, D.C. The same day, tornado storms cause great damage in Arkansas and flooding in Kentucky and Ohio. Arkasas and Kentucky were declared disaster areas. Did he learn yet? No. On January 21, 1998 as President Clinton was awaiting the arrival of Arrafat yet again to Washington, DC the sex scandals broke. Same exact day.

Did Clinton get the message to knock it off with Arafat? No. ON September 27, 1998 Arafat is yet again meeting with Pres. Clinton in Washington when Hurricane Georges hits Alabama and stalls. The hurricane continues to stall until Arafat leaves ( true story ) and then it dissipates. parts of Alabama were declared disaster areas ( again )

Did Clinton finally see his involvment was causing judgment of G-d on American soil? Not yet.... Oct 17, 1998 Arafat comes to the Wye Plantation meeting. Unprecedented rainfall on Texas breaks all flooding records prior and FEMA declares parts of Texas a disaster zone.

Did Bill Clinton yet realize what he was doing? Again no. On November 23, Arafat comes to America. He meets with President Clinton who is raising funds for the Palestinian state. On the very same day the stock market fell 216 points.

December 12, 1998 The US house of representatives votes to impeach Clinton. Guess where Clinton was? He was meeting with Arafat in Gaza over the peace process. Again he gets spanked!!!

Did he learn then? NO HE DID NOT!!!!!!! On March 23, 1999 Arafat meets with Clinton again and again the stock market drops 219 points on the very same day. There were 6 more incidents in which Clinton or Madelyn Albright made the mistake of sinning against Israel and clearly you see the pattern of results.

So you are probably thinking why did she tell me all of this? - To tell you that the man who has done this concerning your borders? Had better watch his step. Any man or woman who is involved with the politics of Israel and the land of Israel is treading on very dangerous ground unless they stand 4 square behind Israel. That means over there by you and over here. - Jeri

- Jeri
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