Following Clever Mississippi Vote--Tea Party To Only Write-In Vote(?)!


Gold Member
Feb 22, 2009
Though the U. S. Senate is starting to look Democratic in 2015 going forward, it is still worth noting how self-destructive, and internecine--The Republican brand has become!

Tea party leader: Chris McDaniel should run as write-in candidate in November election - Washington Times

The alleged, "War On Women" by GOP may or may not be a matter of opinion. The concept of two federal legislatures doing MMA 24/7 will likely not create a GOP voting base, among the female gender block, or likel LGBT's female or male brand, either.

The scenarios relished by TeaPee party--the tiny tent brand--do not seem capable of rallying too many votes--if otherwise capable of rallying, opposition-to-them votes.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Maybe better what happens in Biloxi, maybe stays in Biloxi(?). . . .maybe in sewers(?)!)
sheesh, I couldn't make any sense from that post

but I did get a chuckle out this crystal ball prediction:

Though the U. S. Senate is starting to look Democratic in 2015 going forward

and I did note this little stupid tidbit:
it is still worth noting how self-destructive, and internecine--The Republican brand has become!

It's going to more ugly the closer election put on you puddle boot, hip waders it's going to get ugly deep
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It is not at all apparent that the Tea Party was overly active in the Harlem turnout, either. Blacks there probably were, in that vote--Just like in Mississippi!

New fellow-travellers, and of the same generation, can join in a great liberal "coalition," starting in 2015! One will be in the House. There generally are no Republican candidates, in Harlem. One will be in the gallery section: "Go Charles, Go! Run Charles Run! If the glove don't fit, you must acquit!"

Well, or something(?)!

The former Senator would likely look kind of stupid, hollering on some bridge over the Washington, D. C., Beltway!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Maybe not all of Mississippi energized for voting in the fall! Blacks do show up!)
The mainstream is smart and current, for the GOP.

Many of TeaP peeps are barely sentient, some are racist, and many are infected with a rabid religious evangelicalism that is out of step with mainstream America.

They got what they deserved in Mississippi, and Cochran will win.

Win win for the good guys
It is not at all apparent that the Tea Party was overly active in the Harlem turnout, either. Blacks there probably were, in that vote--Just like in Mississippi!

New fellow-travellers, and of the same generation, can join in a great liberal "coalition," starting in 2015! One will be in the House. There generally are no Republican candidates, in Harlem. One will be in the gallery section: "Go Charles, Go! Run Charles Run! If the glove don't fit, you must acquit!"

Well, or something(?)!

The former Senator would likely look kind of stupid, hollering on some bridge over the Washington, D. C., Beltway!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Maybe not all of Mississippi energized for voting in the fall! Blacks do show up!)

You drunk posting or are you high on meth or something?
It turned out in Virginia 7 that the Republicans weren't too thrilled with Hispanics, either. Then as for Cantor and Issa. . . . It is hard to find any Republican candidates, anywhere in Issa's California.

For one thing, admittedly, the Jewish vote is heavily Democatic, in California.

So it turns out in Mississippi--not since the Civil War--that Blacks created a swing vote Coalition. So now in Mississippi, if NAACP, and the Democrats, can create a turnout, then nearly 40% of the vote can be from Blacks, about the population demographic for the state. Then there can be a split for one or more reasons among the Republicans.

Then there are likely White Democrats who can read up on which party Abe Lincoln really wanted to win the War--and at any cost, nearly genocidal. Hispanics wanting a more friendly, pro-immigration reform federal legislature--may turn out. Post-Katrina, there are likely enough illieg. . .hard-working Hispanics with ID from somewhere--born in Louisiana(?), maybe(?)--to make enough of a difference. Court-ordered bussing is probably still legal, somewhere(?)!

"James Crow, Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Many not come to Lands of Many Nations, to even register to vote! Come instead to roll many dice!)
Though the U. S. Senate is starting to look Democratic in 2015 going forward, it is still worth noting how self-destructive, and internecine--The Republican brand has become!

Tea party leader: Chris McDaniel should run as write-in candidate in November election - Washington Times

The alleged, "War On Women" by GOP may or may not be a matter of opinion. The concept of two federal legislatures doing MMA 24/7 will likely not create a GOP voting base, among the female gender block, or likel LGBT's female or male brand, either.

The scenarios relished by TeaPee party--the tiny tent brand--do not seem capable of rallying too many votes--if otherwise capable of rallying, opposition-to-them votes.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Maybe better what happens in Biloxi, maybe stays in Biloxi(?). . . .maybe in sewers(?)!)

I swear to god I've never seen a bigger bunch of crybabies than the teabaggers. Hell, they make [MENTION=1528]Yurt[/MENTION] look like a grownup!
Were I eligible to play in that particular sandbox I'd be looking at the track record of both "final" candidates. If they both look like Democrats then I think I might just vote for the genuine Democrat. No point in starting out with a candidate you know is lying. Just as there's no point in listening to the boy-child in Dr. Dentons trying to pose as a RINO to escape the stigma of admitting to being a full-fledged Democrat.
Well, I really don't like McDaniel, but to force all all Mississippi tea party groups to tote his baggage (-: is probably unfair. There are real issues on spending. Not all this federal largesse is making this a better place. Of course, even I will admit that it makes little sense not to expand Medicaid at 500millio state dollars a year, when we have a 400 million dollar state govt surplus. And we could have gotten the money just to allow uninsured people to BUY private insurance .... but that's another can of worms.

BUT there is a view that the state party was just forcing Cochran on the voters one more time, so he could retire and Haley Barbour could appoint someone for the job, who'd then run in a special election, as he did with Trent Lott who retired to go into lobbying.
I support the write-in campaign.

me too ... the write in epiphany will produce more votes and Cochran will lose.:lol:

Obviously you don't understand Mississippi

If McDaniel runs, any one of the three can win.

I disagree. I don't think McDaniel can raise any money. And there just aren't that many democrats (Praise the Lord!).

United States Senate election in Mississippi, 2008 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Even if McDaniel got 200K he'd come up short, and I suspect a lot of dems would vote for Cochran if there was any chance. Childers was on tv last night, and he looked like his dog had died and his best friend ran off with his wife. LOL
RHINOS vs Tea Party is getting to be about as bad as Sunnis vs Shiites haha!
A stupid tactic. If McDaniel sore losers split the GOP vote in the general election with a write-in or third party campaign, then the blue dog Democratic candidate will win.
So Surprise, Surprise for the Mississippi Democrats--in 2008. The Blue County majority turnout, in the areas along the Mississippi River, tend to reflect the demographics of the Mississippi black dominated census areas.

United States Senate election in Mississippi, 2008 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The Democratic / NAACP level ploy can easily be admired by someone like myself. The movie, "Friendly Persuasion" is about a Quaker Family up against what to do about famous Civil War,Southern light cavalry, "Morgan's Raiders." In the one scene where the Southern officer commences the raid across the river, in Indiana--rearin' up his horse--that could have been my own Great Grandfather, of Texas horse-breeder heritage. The unspoken part is that would have been about, "Quaker v. Quaker," at a relatively unspoken level, like they are.

The Confederacy was never short on wit and skill, and now look what they are doing, on the Democratic Party, Old Confederate side! One of Great Grandfather's lads became the founder of what became the last working cattle ranch in Los Angeles County, CA--now Rose Hills Cemetery. His lad developed that. My grandfather was a founding director of "The San Fernando Valley Walnut Grower's Association," who knew Mulholland! Mulholland brought the water into Los Angele about 100 years ago. In only 1900, the census for that area was 3300 people, where now nearly 2.0 mil. are. When the dry farmers prospered, they paid in hard cash, and that made all the local. . .well. . .paper.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Lands of Many Nations, now more into "Seven Come Eleven," instead of the usual grocery stores!)

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