Follow the Money, see the Agenda


Platinum Member
Oct 25, 2019
It is a BI partisan effort- like it or not. I've stated the title many, many times. The following article is more eloquent and detailed.

Excerpt: This approach to following the money leads to the question of whether the spread of COVID-19 was set in motion as a pretext. Was COVID-19 unleashed as an expedient for bringing about the lockdowns with the goal of crashing the existing economy? What rationale could there possibly be for purposely crashing the existing economy?

Lockdowns, Coronavirus, and Banks: Following the Money
It is a BI partisan effort- like it or not. I've stated the title many, many times. The following article is more eloquent and detailed.

Excerpt: This approach to following the money leads to the question of whether the spread of COVID-19 was set in motion as a pretext. Was COVID-19 unleashed as an expedient for bringing about the lockdowns with the goal of crashing the existing economy? What rationale could there possibly be for purposely crashing the existing economy?

Lockdowns, Coronavirus, and Banks: Following the Money
Grade A nuttery
I tried to get them to follow the money. After Marc Elias admitted to secretly funneling millions from the DNC and Clinton campaign to Fusion GPS. And after records showed how many millions Fusion gave Steele to pay Russians for Russian disinformation. But the media said "The American people don't need to know this."|
The DNC media also said that Russian lawyer they all called a "spy" was no longer news, after it was discovered that someone in the Obama Administration would have had to given her a parole letter to get her around the travel ban to enter the country, to go work for Fusion GPS, along side of Bruce Ohr's wife Nellie.
The media also didn't want to talk about Democrat Bruce Ohr or his wife Nellie after we learned she worked at Fusion, and knows RUSSIAN..
It is a BI partisan effort- like it or not. I've stated the title many, many times. The following article is more eloquent and detailed.

Excerpt: This approach to following the money leads to the question of whether the spread of COVID-19 was set in motion as a pretext. Was COVID-19 unleashed as an expedient for bringing about the lockdowns with the goal of crashing the existing economy? What rationale could there possibly be for purposely crashing the existing economy?

Lockdowns, Coronavirus, and Banks: Following the Money
Grade A nuttery

"Blood Clot.....stopppppp"
The Global Reset is a wet dream for the globalist who have laundered the money from countries via the Federal Reserve and IMF..............they will destroy the economies on earth after they get the real assets on paper.........then say the only solution is to forgive all debt on the planet as they hold the deeds of all real wealth in the world.

They also want to change us to a electronic currency to make it easier to launder the money that they are already laundering now.

This to me was a prelude if not the real deal to the Global Reset..............not to mention that it has wiped out massive numbers of small business...............
Yes, but #3, Ohr's wife's ham radio license we've already linked to the Clinton crime family's employee family DNA talking to the Russians across the Bearing Straits from a position in Alaska. This Clinton link is also an MI6 link as well as a CIA link, both to a specific Michigan location. In other words, one does not necessarily have to follow the money. Just where is 'pure Michigan'?
It is a BI partisan effort- like it or not. I've stated the title many, many times. The following article is more eloquent and detailed.

Excerpt: This approach to following the money leads to the question of whether the spread of COVID-19 was set in motion as a pretext. Was COVID-19 unleashed as an expedient for bringing about the lockdowns with the goal of crashing the existing economy? What rationale could there possibly be for purposely crashing the existing economy?

Lockdowns, Coronavirus, and Banks: Following the Money

The CCP cut it loose. The Democrats took advantage of it.
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The Democrats took advantage of it.
BI partisan- is not just one. It IS a BI Partisan effort- the Duopoly Party instigated it and perpetuate it, pretending an omnipotence capable of determining "essential"- they, Empty Suited Politico's and hack acolytes are the least "essential" amomgst the tribes-

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