Florida Surpasses 2 Million Covid Cases


Diamond Member
Mar 18, 2017

And those death numbers are a flat out lie. The governor, or Republican legislators cannot be trusted with the real numbers. And with this latest report, DeSantis can kiss any hopes he had of running for President goodbye. He probably couldn't beat a viable challenger, for reelection as governor.

And those death numbers are a flat out lie. The governor, or Republican legislators cannot be trusted with the real numbers. And with this latest report, DeSantis can kiss any hopes he had of running for President goodbye. He probably couldn't beat a viable challenger, for reelection as governor.

Yawn..... Zzzzz.

Your dishonest partisan bullshit hypocrisy focus on a state with a much lower per capita death rate than the top three democrat run states that you and other hypocritical democrats ignore.

New Jersey, New York and Massachusetts are all much higher, the WORLD TOP THREE!

And those death numbers are a flat out lie. The governor, or Republican legislators cannot be trusted with the real numbers. And with this latest report, DeSantis can kiss any hopes he had of running for President goodbye. He probably couldn't beat a viable challenger, for reelection as governor.
an illness so bad you have to be tested to know you have it,,,


And those death numbers are a flat out lie. The governor, or Republican legislators cannot be trusted with the real numbers. And with this latest report, DeSantis can kiss any hopes he had of running for President goodbye. He probably couldn't beat a viable challenger, for reelection as governor.

And those death numbers are a flat out lie. The governor, or Republican legislators cannot be trusted with the real numbers. And with this latest report, DeSantis can kiss any hopes he had of running for President goodbye. He probably couldn't beat a viable challenger, for reelection as governor.
99.7% survive Covid. Many cases are asymptomatic or very mild. Stay afraid, stay very afraid.

So ... less that 10% of the entire state population. This seems to be in line with the national average.

There are nearly 4 million positive tests in California, with a population of 40 million.

And those death numbers are a flat out lie. The governor, or Republican legislators cannot be trusted with the real numbers. And with this latest report, DeSantis can kiss any hopes he had of running for President goodbye. He probably couldn't beat a viable challenger, for reelection as governor.
an illness so bad you have to be tested to know you have it,,,


Wow, I never thought of it like that!

And those death numbers are a flat out lie. The governor, or Republican legislators cannot be trusted with the real numbers. And with this latest report, DeSantis can kiss any hopes he had of running for President goodbye. He probably couldn't beat a viable challenger, for reelection as governor.
Every thread I opened of yours is a worthless pile of dog crap. All opinion 100% bullshit.

Then you have a murdering governor grabbing every assistants ass he ever knew.

Time for bed son.

And those death numbers are a flat out lie. The governor, or Republican legislators cannot be trusted with the real numbers. And with this latest report, DeSantis can kiss any hopes he had of running for President goodbye. He probably couldn't beat a viable challenger, for reelection as governor.
99.7% survive Covid. Many cases are asymptomatic or very mild. Stay afraid, stay very afraid.
and the .3 should have already been dead anyway.

And those death numbers are a flat out lie. The governor, or Republican legislators cannot be trusted with the real numbers. And with this latest report, DeSantis can kiss any hopes he had of running for President goodbye. He probably couldn't beat a viable challenger, for reelection as governor.
an illness so bad you have to be tested to know you have it,,,


Wow, I never thought of it like that!

that was my case and that of the 5 people I know that have had it,,,

and the one person I knew of that died, died because of the treatment not the covid,,

they left the tube in his throat to long and got infected and he died from it, at the time he died he was covid free for a month,,

So ... less that 10% of the entire state population. This seems to be in line with the national average.

There are nearly 4 million positive tests in California, with a population of 40 million.
Florida is doing 20% better than Michigan per 100k cases

Besides, CASES dont matter. Deaths, maybe, but not cases.

And those death numbers are a flat out lie. The governor, or Republican legislators cannot be trusted with the real numbers. And with this latest report, DeSantis can kiss any hopes he had of running for President goodbye. He probably couldn't beat a viable challenger, for reelection as governor.
Ground zero for the latest surge. Hell, even mar-loco is infected and shut down.

And those death numbers are a flat out lie. The governor, or Republican legislators cannot be trusted with the real numbers. And with this latest report, DeSantis can kiss any hopes he had of running for President goodbye. He probably couldn't beat a viable challenger, for reelection as governor.
Trumpscum love DeSantis. They are too stupid to care about how stupid he is.
Besides, CASES dont matter. Deaths, maybe, but not cases.

As much as he was ridiculed for saying it, President Trump was right. The more testing you do, the more cases there will be.

Do you know how many people had Influenza in 2019 (or any previous years)? No, and no one else does either. There has never been a comprehensive testing program for asymptomatic persons at any time in history. In any given years, flu cases were only recorded when someone presented to their doctor with flu-like symptoms, and only a fraction of those as there is no requirement to report flu patients to CDC.

The same goes with flu deaths. In any given year, the vast majority of deaths where flu was a contributing factor were not reported as flu deaths at all. Cause of death was overwhelmingly either whatever chronic preexisting condition the patient had or as a non-specific upper or lower respiratory infection, not specifically Influenza.

Number are being inflated or deflated as required for maximum shock value and political agendas. People just need to calm the heck down and not eat ourselves alive over what is, effectively, a very typical flu season.
Heres what I find funny.

Before Trump was swindled out of his rightful place in the White House, EVERY DEATH was his fault to the Swamp and its creatures.

Now that Biden resides in the White House, red state governors are responsible for all the deaths in their state.

Blue state governors still get a free pass though, even those governors who dumped the ill into the nursing homes with the most vulnerable population

And those death numbers are a flat out lie. The governor, or Republican legislators cannot be trusted with the real numbers. And with this latest report, DeSantis can kiss any hopes he had of running for President goodbye. He probably couldn't beat a viable challenger, for reelection as governor.

Out of 21 million.
And how many actually died? You'd think it would be the majority with all the old yankees that move to Florida.
Which I would see as a good thing if I lived in there.
I wish there was a plague that killed all the Californians moving to Texas to be honest.
You Mother Fuckers just wont stop moving here!!

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