Florida Student Knocks Out, Pounds Unconscious Teacher Into Floor Over Nintendo Switch


A good dog would have given its life to protect its owner.

Demoncrat sissy soiboiz cry and run or join in when the victim is already down and unable to fight back.

There was actually a case in New York City where a smaller dog did everything It could to protect its owner from a homeless criminal who attempted to attack or rape The owner of the dog …a woman. The woman was actually able to run away because of her dog ….unfortunately the dog was killed by this criminal. The dog probably saved her life.
Nope. They w

If they're not getting reamed in court, they will get reamed in the pocketbook when no one will teach any more.

No teachers = no students' asses in chairs = no federal fundage.


Nope, they will pass their losses on to the taxpayers.

Until jail time is a possibility for their actions they will never change.
Triggered aggression, life threats, violence, lacks emotion ... sounds like signs of an underlying problem and characteristics often seen with mass shooters. I bet he's from a single mother family, no father figure, gets what he wants and is never told no.
Hitler had that problem also.-Not.
There was actually a case in New York City where a smaller dog did everything It could to protect its owner from a homeless criminal who attempted to attack or rape The owner of the dog …a woman. The woman was actually able to run away because of her dog ….unfortunately the dog was killed by this criminal. The dog probably saved her life.

This is why dogs are better than people.

Yes, this sort of violence doesn't care about color.

It is a creature. Driven by base emotions.

It doesn't think.
I’m not sure that’s correct. The liberals running the schools are teaching out-and-out racism. The creature probably thinks, to the extent it thinks at all, that whitey deserved it because, well….whitey.

I just got a scolding this past weekend by a black waitress at my mother’s facility because I asked her for jam, and she said she didn’t like my “tone.” I asked nicely, and even said “when you get a chance.” She got within six inches of my face, and went on and on about “respect.” You don’t think that’s driven by the anti-white racism permeating throughout our country?
I’m not sure that’s correct. The liberals running the schools are teaching out-and-out racism. The creature probably thinks, to the extent it thinks at all, that whitey deserved it because, well….whitey.

I just got a scolding this past weekend by a black waitress at my mother’s facility because I asked her for jam, and she said she didn’t like my “tone.” I asked nicely, and even said “when you get a chance.” She got within six inches of my face, and went on and on about “respect.” You don’t think that’s driven by the anti-white racism permeating throughout our country?

Of course it is, but that isn't the case with the teacher. There is a level of violence that was crossed in her case.
So some black guy had his Nintendo switch taken away by a female white teacher in class and his answer was to knock her out, continue to beat on her, spit on her and say he would kill her.
That teacher was obviously new to the profession.

She did not get the message: STUDENTS (especially those who belong to downtrodden groups) RULE THE CLASSROOM.

Teachers are asking for trouble if they take away any student's belongings.

Students, however, are very fair. They will let the teacher teach as long as they are allowed to do their thing (using phone to make a hot date, etc.) and are guaranteed an "A" in the class.

P.S. Dear teacher: NEVER, EVER turn your back. One of the scholars will throw a book at you.
Is BLM or Ben Crump going to talk about that 17-year-old beating up that woman?

Probably not right ? they’re too busy raking in millions upon millions of dollars based on corruption based on greed and immorality that is what Ben Crump and BLM represent.

How much longer are Democrats going to stand for this injustice? What more is it going to take is it going to have to be your sister your daughter your wife who is getting beat down by one of these pro BLM people?

What’s going on here why don’t you stand up for your country my fellow Democrats.?

To many democrats don’t care about what we saw in the original post… or the fact that major companies and major sports organizations in this country are racist and cater to BLM via discriminatory hiring processes

We will just keep on seeing weak democrat men in this country do absolutely nothing about this….?

So the problem is twofold we have too many Democrats who are racist and weak. Hypocrisy is a massive issue as well if you had a case of a 17 year old white large person beating the hell out of a black teacher it would get mass media coverage…. it’s play the obvious the mass media they never actually talk about white people who are shot by cops. The mass media is also racist in this country. And this is really unfortunate because it’s just not good for race relations in this country because most Black people most white people are good people but the massive media and so many Democrats are on the wrong side of history as we speak.

I would urge many of my fellow Democrats to break free from the slave mentality that BLM and the race baiters want you to believe it. Just look at common sense. Free your mind my friends you can do it and what you do it at a much better world.
You're very naive to think Democult voters actually give a damn about a tiny white teacher being beat unconscious by a Large dumb African bred for working da fields

Since it seems perfectly fine to only report on whites hurting blacks it should be fine to talk about blacks beating whites.

So some black guy had his Nintendo switch taken away by a female white teacher in class and his answer was to knock her out, continue to beat on her, spit on her and say he would kill her.

Wish our society would remove savages.
He may not even be suspended from school much less sent to prison where he belongs

What an animal
Nope. They w

Nope, they will pass their losses on to the taxpayers.

Until jail time is a possibility for their actions they will never change.

And this, again, is why I love living where I do. Half of my expensive property tax bill goes to my school district, but this district raises good young men who respect women and are very well trained to protect their community! I am friends with the boys' PE teacher, who coordinates the middle school and high school boys' work parties in town when the elderly need snow removal or removing downed trees and branches after a wind storm, and taking them out to the burn pile.

You never see kids hanging out on the street because many of them are farm boys and they are always working.

When I need physical work done on my property, it's easy to hire high school boys who work hard for $15/HR.

The blue shitholes are going to burn because they encourage the vicious murderous animals like the one in the video.


They deserve to burn.

He may not even be suspended from school much less sent to prison where he belongs

What an animal
Plenty of 17-year-olds going to prison for lesser of a crime. It will be interesting to see how this case is handled. Let’s hope that one of the “equity” judges are not on the job for this one.
There was actually a case in New York City where a smaller dog did everything It could to protect its owner from a homeless criminal who attempted to attack or rape The owner of the dog …a woman. The woman was actually able to run away because of her dog ….unfortunately the dog was killed by this criminal. The dog probably saved her life.

The very next month she proudly voted for Kathy Hochul
Democrats are dying in droves in their violent utopias....but keep right on electing the ones putting them in harms way.
These people are as bright as a burned out light bulb.

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