Florida Sheriff Prohibits Mask-Wearing for Employees and Office Visitors

Tommy Tainant

Diamond Member
Jan 20, 2016
Y Cae Ras

“We can debate and argue all day of why and why not,” he said. “The fact is, the amount of professionals that give the reason why we should, I can find the exact same amount of professionals that say why we shouldn’t. Since the beginning of this pandemic the operation of this office has not changed and no wearing of masks has been put in place.”

Experts overwhelmingly attest to the efficacy of masks of many, if not all, fabric types in limiting the spread of COVID-19.

This seems an incredibly stupid act. The Sheriff seems to have researched the issue at the University of Facebook and the article does not state what medical training he has received. He is lucky that the virus appears to be avoiding Florida and there is very little risk involved.

“We can debate and argue all day of why and why not,” he said. “The fact is, the amount of professionals that give the reason why we should, I can find the exact same amount of professionals that say why we shouldn’t. Since the beginning of this pandemic the operation of this office has not changed and no wearing of masks has been put in place.”

Experts overwhelmingly attest to the efficacy of masks of many, if not all, fabric types in limiting the spread of COVID-19.

This seems an incredibly stupid act. The Sheriff seems to have researched the issue at the University of Facebook and the article does not state what medical training he has received. He is lucky that the virus appears to be avoiding Florida and there is very little risk involved.

That's because IT IS an incredibly stupid act. That's the south for you.
Wearing masks is not prohibited. There are enough exceptions in this guidance to drive a Mack truck through. This sheriffs dept. is simply treating people like educated adults and giving them the opportunity to live their own life. The only hard restriction I saw in the article was that you have to take your mask down to talk to a law enforcement representative. That's reasonable, especially in light of the way our corrupt lawyers twist narratives and motivations in courtrooms. So if you want to make a complaint, call it in. What's the big deal? This OP is just a bunch of alarmist disinformation.
Here is a hypothetical:

You’re 70 years old and a cop pulls you over in Marion county for speeding. The cop is not wearing a mask. You are. The cop orders you to roll down your window and take off your mask. You do. You get Covid. You die. Should the cop be charged with Manslaughter? Should the County be civilly held liable for your death?
Here is a hypothetical:

You’re 70 years old and a cop pulls you over in Marion county for speeding. The cop is not wearing a mask. You are. The cop orders you to roll down your window and take off your mask. You do. You get Covid. You die. Should the cop be charged with Manslaughter? Should the County be civilly held liable for your death?

Before we can prosecute him, we need to find the statute that criminalizes having a cold.
Here is a hypothetical:

You’re 70 years old and a cop pulls you over in Marion county for speeding. The cop is not wearing a mask. You are. The cop orders you to roll down your window and take off your mask. You do. You get Covid. You die. Should the cop be charged with Manslaughter? Should the County be civilly held liable for your death?

Before we can prosecute him, we need to find the statute that criminalizes having a cold.
A cold is to Covid as a skin rash is to leprosy.

if 160,000 dead Americans is of no concern to you nor the danger it poses to our citizens, then what can I say.
Here is a hypothetical:

You’re 70 years old and a cop pulls you over in Marion county for speeding. The cop is not wearing a mask. You are. The cop orders you to roll down your window and take off your mask. You do. You get Covid. You die. Should the cop be charged with Manslaughter? Should the County be civilly held liable for your death?

Before we can prosecute him, we need to find the statute that criminalizes having a cold.
A cold is to Covid as a skin rash is to leprosy.

if 160,000 dead Americans is of no concern to you nor the danger it passes to our citizens, then what can I say.

Hopefully, as little as possible.
Here is a hypothetical:

You’re 70 years old and a cop pulls you over in Marion county for speeding. The cop is not wearing a mask. You are. The cop orders you to roll down your window and take off your mask. You do. You get Covid. You die. Should the cop be charged with Manslaughter? Should the County be civilly held liable for your death?

Before we can prosecute him, we need to find the statute that criminalizes having a cold.
A cold is to Covid as a skin rash is to leprosy.

if 160,000 dead Americans is of no concern to you nor the danger it passes to our citizens, then what can I say.

Hopefully, as little as possible.
Exactly. Res ipsa loquitur. Let your views speak for themselves.
Here is a hypothetical:

You’re 70 years old and a cop pulls you over in Marion county for speeding. The cop is not wearing a mask. You are. The cop orders you to roll down your window and take off your mask. You do. You get Covid. You die. Should the cop be charged with Manslaughter? Should the County be civilly held liable for your death?

Replace the word COVID with flu during any one of the last 100 flu seasons.

Does that change anything?

What about mono? Rhinovirus? Ringworm? Protists? Salmonella? E Coli?
This story is a good indicator of how screwed up the modern world is.
Whats modern about it ? That lil thing with buttons and Facebook ? One EMP(a good one) and 80 % of the US would be dead in a month.
Modern=utterly primitive
This seems an incredibly stupid act. The Sheriff seems to have researched the issue at the University of Facebook and the article does not state what medical training he has received. He is lucky that the virus appears to be avoiding Florida and there is very little risk involved.
Then what's your problem, moron? Anything to whine and cry like a baby, right?
This is some of the worst idiocy I've seen in the U.S. After reading so many threads on USMB in which people imply that the best leadership in this country comes from white males, and all others are really unqualified and only get along based on their race or sex, we get another white male who is a model for total ignorance. He is no doctor. Nobody knows where he did his "research," he's going against the advice of the medical and scientific professions, yet he deliberately wants COVID-19 to spread and actually bans precautions. Recently, this gaetz, also from Florida, denied everything when his state's COVID-19 statistics were read to him. This goes along with the morons encouraging people to go to large churches and motorcycle rallies, and the crap given off by trump and his minions. If this is white male leadership, as pushed by right-wingers to the detriment of the reputation of normal, intelligent, empathetic white males, it's way over time that we all ask WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON WITH THESE PEOPLE?
Don't go to the Sheriff's station. Life is full of choices.
Dems don't understand this... They wish to force everyone to wear masks around everywhere instead of giving people the choice to decide for themselves whether masks should be worn or not... At least if we had a choice, then people who didn't wish to wear masks could shop at stores that didn't require them.

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