Florida Ku Klux Klan leader boasts of ‘invisible empire’ of sympathetic public offici

Mind you that this is just the low hanging inbred fruit who's sole purpose is to attract other inbred cave apes. The brains of the KKK walk amongst us and participate in politics.
Where is the retraction? Was it before or after he realized it could hurt his recruiting options? Where do see something that says he never visited the campus?

Real live functioning Klan website.

Loyal White Knights of the Ku Klux Klan - Home

The retraction was in the second article I pulled up. It was from Yahoo sports, I don't expect you to look at any information that contradicts your hate. No big deal, we all have blind spots.

And, here's a website about UFO's. IT'S A NATIONAL PROBLEM!!!!!! ZOMFGBBBQQQLOLOSHTF!!!!!!!

UFO EVIDENCE - Scientific Study of the UFO Phenomenon

UFOs and Aliens

Post the retraction or the link. I dont see anything about a retraction. Lets not get desperate and get off the point.
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Mind you that this is just the low hanging inbred fruit who's sole purpose is to attract other inbred cave apes. The brains of the KKK walk amongst us and participate in politics.

What's your point? Blacks have their hate groups too.

Grow up and put your big boy pants on.
Mind you that this is just the low hanging inbred fruit who's sole purpose is to attract other inbred cave apes. The brains of the KKK walk amongst us and participate in politics.

What's your point? Blacks have their hate groups too.

Grow up and put your big boy pants on.

My point is that they exist. Were you not following the conversation?
Where is the retraction?

UPDATE: Top prospect Marlon Humphrey apologizes for tweets about Ole Miss being 'racist' | AL.com

We all know that the KKK exist. It's just not the bogeyman that black people still need it to be. They're a shadow of what they used to be back in their heyday from WWI up to the 60's. It would be like me being concerned about the New Black Panther Party. Just noise in other wise noisy world.

Why be scared of any bogeymen? There's real danger out there (they look like Democrats and Republicans to me).

Growing up in your 'hood. Who was the more dangerous person to you? KKK redneck idiot from Kentucky? Or the black gang banger on the corner what wanted your shoes?
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Where is the retraction?

UPDATE: Top prospect Marlon Humphrey apologizes for tweets about Ole Miss being 'racist' | AL.com

We all know that the KKK exist. It's just not the bogeyman that black people still need it to be. They're a shadow of what they used to be back in their heyday from WWI up to the 60's. It would be like me being concerned about the New Black Panther Party. Just noise in other wise noisy world.

Why be scared of any bogeymen? There's real danger out there (they look like Democrats and Republicans to me).

Growing up in your 'hood. Who was the more dangerous person to you? KKK redneck idiot from Kentucky? Or the black gang banger on the corner what wanted your shoes?

Thats not a retraction. Its an apology. Where did he say he did not go there and see the KKK? If we all know the KKK exists why is uncensored saying they don't? That was the point. How do you know they are only a shadow? Where is your proof of this or is this just your opinion? The KKK is not a boogeyman nor am I afraid of them. Why would I be afraid of cowards that wont even fight back when I slap them or wont show their faces? Growing up in the hood the most dangerous people to me were the cops.
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Where is the retraction?

UPDATE: Top prospect Marlon Humphrey apologizes for tweets about Ole Miss being 'racist' | AL.com

We all know that the KKK exist. It's just not the bogeyman that black people still need it to be. They're a shadow of what they used to be back in their heyday from WWI up to the 60's. It would be like me being concerned about the New Black Panther Party. Just noise in other wise noisy world.

Why be scared of any bogeymen? There's real danger out there (they look like Democrats and Republicans to me).

Growing up in your 'hood. Who was the more dangerous person to you? KKK redneck idiot from Kentucky? Or the black gang banger on the corner what wanted your shoes?

Thats not a retraction. Its an apology. Where did he say he did not go there and see the KKK? If we all know the KKK exists why is uncensored saying they don't? That was the point. How do you know they are only a shadow? Where is your proof of this or is this just your opinion? The KKK is not a boogeyman nor am I afraid of them. Why would I be afraid of cowards that wont even fight back when I slap them or wont show their faces? Growing up in the hood the most dangerous people to me were the cops.

This was good enough for me:

"Humphrey seemed to confirm that he was joking -- and to realize the reach of the medium"

And here are his Tweets stating that in fact he has never been on the campus --
"This tweet is to the Ole Miss Coaching Staff and the Ole Miss Family. I have not been on your campus as a recruit. I have not felt any racism from anyone on your campus I am sorry for misleading anyone in thinking that there is any racism coming from the Ole Miss family"

Oh the Cops were the most dangerous. Got it.

Where'd you grow up?
UPDATE: Top prospect Marlon Humphrey apologizes for tweets about Ole Miss being 'racist' | AL.com

We all know that the KKK exist. It's just not the bogeyman that black people still need it to be. They're a shadow of what they used to be back in their heyday from WWI up to the 60's. It would be like me being concerned about the New Black Panther Party. Just noise in other wise noisy world.

Why be scared of any bogeymen? There's real danger out there (they look like Democrats and Republicans to me).

Growing up in your 'hood. Who was the more dangerous person to you? KKK redneck idiot from Kentucky? Or the black gang banger on the corner what wanted your shoes?

Thats not a retraction. Its an apology. Where did he say he did not go there and see the KKK? If we all know the KKK exists why is uncensored saying they don't? That was the point. How do you know they are only a shadow? Where is your proof of this or is this just your opinion? The KKK is not a boogeyman nor am I afraid of them. Why would I be afraid of cowards that wont even fight back when I slap them or wont show their faces? Growing up in the hood the most dangerous people to me were the cops.

This was good enough for me:

"Humphrey seemed to confirm that he was joking -- and to realize the reach of the medium"

And here are his Tweets stating that in fact he has never been on the campus --
"This tweet is to the Ole Miss Coaching Staff and the Ole Miss Family. I have not been on your campus as a recruit. I have not felt any racism from anyone on your campus I am sorry for misleading anyone in thinking that there is any racism coming from the Ole Miss family"

Oh the Cops were the most dangerous. Got it.

Where'd you grow up?

That was good enough for you? So in other words its just your own personal opinion. Got it.

"This tweet is to the Ole Miss Coaching Staff and the Ole Miss Family. I have not been on your campus as a recruit. I have not felt any racism from anyone on your campus I am sorry for misleading anyone in thinking that there is any racism coming from the Ole Miss family.."

He went with his brother. Not as a recruit. How could he possibly not have felt racism from anyone on campus if he was not there?

I grew up in the hood.
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Another one.

Imperial Klans of America

Imperial Klans of America

Ohhhh, a website makes it true...

Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster

That along with other evidence. Should I go on or is that noise I hear you hollering uncle?

ACLU To Represent KKK In Georgia 'Adopt-A-Highway' Program Fight

While the KKK's days of riding up to the front door of one of their targets at night, burning crosses and openly taking a person hostage to lynch are probably over, there is no doubting that they have evolved and reinvented themselves.

Realizing that their days of being to act with impunity and immunity are over, they now use the Internet to attract new members and spread their message.

They also have strengthened their resurgence by aligning themselves with newer hate groups in order to stay in existence.

But the fact that they still exist is undeniable.

Ku Klux Klan -- Extremism in America
Thats not a retraction. Its an apology. Where did he say he did not go there and see the KKK? If we all know the KKK exists why is uncensored saying they don't? That was the point. How do you know they are only a shadow? Where is your proof of this or is this just your opinion? The KKK is not a boogeyman nor am I afraid of them. Why would I be afraid of cowards that wont even fight back when I slap them or wont show their faces? Growing up in the hood the most dangerous people to me were the cops.

This was good enough for me:

"Humphrey seemed to confirm that he was joking -- and to realize the reach of the medium"

And here are his Tweets stating that in fact he has never been on the campus --
"This tweet is to the Ole Miss Coaching Staff and the Ole Miss Family. I have not been on your campus as a recruit. I have not felt any racism from anyone on your campus I am sorry for misleading anyone in thinking that there is any racism coming from the Ole Miss family"

Oh the Cops were the most dangerous. Got it.

Where'd you grow up?

That was good enough for you? So in other words its just your own personal opinion. Got it.

"This tweet is to the Ole Miss Coaching Staff and the Ole Miss Family. I have not been on your campus as a recruit......

He went with his brother. Not as a recruit.

I grew up in the hood.

Which hood. Every black person I've ever talked to grew up in the 'hood. It's what you call your childhood home. Doesn't mean it was an actual hood. Why pretend, does it give you some street cred? Some sort of coolness factor? Are you not a genuine black person if you did not have some "struggle" growing up in a hood?

Where are all the two parent black families with median incomes who's children down up in decent areas? They exist somewhere do they not?
This was good enough for me:

"Humphrey seemed to confirm that he was joking -- and to realize the reach of the medium"

And here are his Tweets stating that in fact he has never been on the campus --
"This tweet is to the Ole Miss Coaching Staff and the Ole Miss Family. I have not been on your campus as a recruit. I have not felt any racism from anyone on your campus I am sorry for misleading anyone in thinking that there is any racism coming from the Ole Miss family"

Oh the Cops were the most dangerous. Got it.

Where'd you grow up?

That was good enough for you? So in other words its just your own personal opinion. Got it.

"This tweet is to the Ole Miss Coaching Staff and the Ole Miss Family. I have not been on your campus as a recruit......

He went with his brother. Not as a recruit.

I grew up in the hood.

Which hood. Every black person I've ever talked to grew up in the 'hood. It's what you call your childhood home. Doesn't mean it was an actual hood. Why pretend, does it give you some street cred? Some sort of coolness factor? Are you not a genuine black person if you did not have some "struggle" growing up in a hood?

Where are all the two parent black families with median incomes who's children down up in decent areas? They exist somewhere do they not?

How is this relevant to the OP?
How is this relevant to the OP?

It's not, I'm just curious is all. No need to respond, I wouldn't give too many details to a stranger over the internet either.

The KKK exist. But it's a small shell of it's former self. There is no invisible empire. Don't you think the FBI would love nothing more than to make great headlines on MSNBC by busting this large group? Hell the SPLC would probably and literally give their collective left testicle to have a big KKK bust somewhere (espescially in the South and what if it was a Republican state with a Republican white govenorer?....whew if that happend I think Melissa Harris Perry, Ta-Neshi Cotes, and Leonard Pitts would blow the world up with their collective orgasm).

Relevant to the OP, not really. Most of these threads are worthless masturbatory self talking narcissistic hate fests. But, I like to beat off from time to time.

Why are you here?
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How is this relevant to the OP?

It's not, I'm just curious is all. No need to respond, I wouldn't give too many details to a stranger over the internet either.

The KKK exist. But it's a small shell of it's former self. There is no invisible empire. Don't you think the FBI would love nothing more than to make great headlines on MSNBC by busting this large group? Hell the SPLC would probably and literally give their collective left testicle to have a big KKK bust somewhere (espescially in the South and what if it was a Republican state with a Republican white govenoreR?....whew if that happende I think Melissa Harris Perry, Ta-Neshi Cotes, and Leonard Puitts would blow the world up with their collective orgasm).

Relevant to the OP, not really. Most of these threads are worthless masturbatory self talking narcissistic hate fests. But, I like to beat off from time to time.

Why are you here?

You keep saying its a "small shell of its former self". What evidence do you have that this is true? I maintain they have merely recreated/reorganized themselves due to the fact they are the oldest known hate group in the US. The ideology, family involvement, and traditions are a lifestyle. I know a female that is the daughter of a Klansman. She taught me a lot about them. I know the mandate is to become more mainstream. That tells me they have not become insignificant.
While the KKK's days of riding up to the front door of one of their targets at night, burning crosses and openly taking a person hostage to lynch are probably over, there is no doubting that they have evolved and reinvented themselves.

Realizing that their days of being to act with impunity and immunity are over, they now use the Internet to attract new members and spread their message.

They also have strengthened their resurgence by aligning themselves with newer hate groups in order to stay in existence.

But the fact that they still exist is undeniable.

Ku Klux Klan -- Extremism in America

The Klan is a joke. Isolated groups of inbred morons making noise does not a national movement make. The Klan died in the 60's when the attitudes on the racial divide among white Americans changed.

Don't get me wrong, there are some dangerous white supremacists out there; they call themselves Aryan Nations/Brotherhood. They sell meth and will kill without hesitation. But the Klan toyed at being respectable, wielding political power at all levels of government. They are long gone. Some doofus putting on a white robe doesn't a Klan make.
You keep saying its a "small shell of its former self". What evidence do you have that this is true?.

Quote from an FBI report on the Klan:

"Over that time, the Klan has continued to morph and change. Today, it’s a shadow of its brazen, lawless self in the 1950s and 1960s—thanks in large part to the dogged work of the FBI and its partners during that era—but as the Texas case demonstrates, the threat remains"

FBI ? The FBI Versus the Klan, Part 1

You know a white woman? Isn't that like me saying, I have black friends?

OK, you got me. The KKK is an all powerful group that to this day, still continues to hold the black man down and create havoc accross the land.

(Their meetings are every Thursday at 6pm in the Super 8 hotel lobby, thats where they plot their path of destruction. Like preventing a Black president, making sure no black people get into science, and sure as hell keeping blacks from sports and the entertainment industry)
While the KKK's days of riding up to the front door of one of their targets at night, burning crosses and openly taking a person hostage to lynch are probably over, there is no doubting that they have evolved and reinvented themselves.

Realizing that their days of being to act with impunity and immunity are over, they now use the Internet to attract new members and spread their message.

They also have strengthened their resurgence by aligning themselves with newer hate groups in order to stay in existence.

But the fact that they still exist is undeniable.

Ku Klux Klan -- Extremism in America

The Klan is a joke. Isolated groups of inbred morons making noise does not a national movement make. The Klan died in the 60's when the attitudes on the racial divide among white Americans changed.

Don't get me wrong, there are some dangerous white supremacists out there; they call themselves Aryan Nations/Brotherhood. They sell meth and will kill without hesitation. But the Klan toyed at being respectable, wielding political power at all levels of government. They are long gone. Some doofus putting on a white robe doesn't a Klan make.

How can the be long gone when they exist? You have to get your reading comprehension checked. The ACLU helped one chapter adopt a highway. Were they working with ghosts?

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