Florida Ku Klux Klan leader boasts of ‘invisible empire’ of sympathetic public offici

You keep saying its a "small shell of its former self". What evidence do you have that this is true?.

Quote from an FBI report on the Klan:

"Over that time, the Klan has continued to morph and change. Today, it’s a shadow of its brazen, lawless self in the 1950s and 1960s—thanks in large part to the dogged work of the FBI and its partners during that era—but as the Texas case demonstrates, the threat remains"

FBI ? The FBI Versus the Klan, Part 1

You know a white woman? Isn't that like me saying, I have black friends?

OK, you got me. The KKK is an all powerful group that to this day, still continues to hold the black man down and create havoc accross the land.

(Their meetings are every Thursday at 6pm in the Super 8 hotel lobby, thats where they plot their path of destruction. Like preventing a Black president, making sure no black people get into science, and sure as hell keeping blacks from sports and the entertainment industry)

How would the FBI know if they are concentrating on the low hanging fruit?

I know a white woman that was brought up in the Klan. Totally different from you knowing a Black person.

When people get uncomfortable its totally normal to mock the issue they are uncomfortable about.
I know this white chick that was in the Black Panther party.

Her name was Jenny. Her and Forrest Gump were like peas & carrots.
that would be "democrats" and the answer would be no… they wouldn't be democrats. they ran to the GOP after the civil rights laws passed.

but no doubt you already know that.

Same old lies from the same old Jillian...

OTHER than Strom Thurmond. can you name a democrat who actually did change parties?

Grand Kleagal Robert Byrd? Nah, beloved of dims.
Bull Conner, the inspiration of Bull Cuomo with his dogs and fire hoses? Nope, DNC all the way!
Orval Faubus? Not a chance that the one using troops to keep black kids from school, and backed down to Republican Eisenhower, would EVER switch from his beloved democratic party, the heart and soul of racism forever.
George Wallace? Nope, he went independent for run, but then right back to the racist arms of the democratic party - where the color of a mans skin matters more than the character of his soul - particularly in 2014.
Albert Gore Sr. - father of the inventor of the internet and global warming hoaxer? Nope - proud democrat and racist for all of his days..
Ernest Hollings? Sorry, nope again..

Of 114 Segregationists, ONE switched. 113 remained dims to the day they died.

The problem with democrats spewing this meme isn't that they're wrong, it's just that they are shameless fucking liars...
Florida Ku Klux Klan leader boasts of ‘invisible empire’ of sympathetic public officials

They're not-so invisible. Throw a rock into a Tea Party rally and you've got a 50/50 chance of hitting someone with a sheet in his closet.

And the FBI and Southern Poverty Law Center keep pretty good tabs on them these days.


The site and the flyers invite prospective KKK members to “Change your life; Achieve your goals; Expand your opportunities; Experience success; Gain self-confidence; Meet new people; [and] Make a difference in the world.”

Sounds more like Scientology.

Thank YOU Democrats for creating the KKK
Your legend lives on… you racist bastards!

they are trying hard to change that and lie how it's Republicans...I don't think it's working out too well for them...but they will crawl to any low to hurt people in this country..in the (tea party)
Florida Ku Klux Klan leader boasts of ‘invisible empire’ of sympathetic public officials

They're not-so invisible. Throw a rock into a Tea Party rally and you've got a 50/50 chance of hitting someone with a sheet in his closet.

And the FBI and Southern Poverty Law Center keep pretty good tabs on them these days.


Sounds more like Scientology.

Thank YOU Democrats for creating the KKK
Your legend lives on… you racist bastards!

they are trying hard to change that and lie how it's Republicans...I don't think it's working out too well for them...but they will crawl to any low to hurt people in this country..in the (tea party)

USATODAY.com - GOP: 'We were wrong' to play racial politics
While the KKK's days of riding up to the front door of one of their targets at night, burning crosses and openly taking a person hostage to lynch are probably over, there is no doubting that they have evolved and reinvented themselves.

Realizing that their days of being to act with impunity and immunity are over, they now use the Internet to attract new members and spread their message.

They also have strengthened their resurgence by aligning themselves with newer hate groups in order to stay in existence.

But the fact that they still exist is undeniable.

Ku Klux Klan -- Extremism in America

The Klan is a joke. Isolated groups of inbred morons making noise does not a national movement make. The Klan died in the 60's when the attitudes on the racial divide among white Americans changed.

Don't get me wrong, there are some dangerous white supremacists out there; they call themselves Aryan Nations/Brotherhood. They sell meth and will kill without hesitation. But the Klan toyed at being respectable, wielding political power at all levels of government. They are long gone. Some doofus putting on a white robe doesn't a Klan make.

We agree on the fact that the Klan "is a joke". Personally I always thought that adults who wore hoods and sheets to hide their identity and committed all of their violent acts in large groups, probably had some serious personal issues going on as individuals.

As far as how viable the Klan is now, it has be estimated that between all of their active chapters they have a memebership of somewhere between 5,000-6,000. Certainly not as far reaching as in their heyday.

In is my opinion that any type of supremacist organization, no matter what their race may be has the potential to be dangerous, and should not be totally ignored.

The fact that the Klan existed and thrived for as many decades as they did in this country provided a set of footsteps to follow in, and a model for the new extremists to follow.
The Klan is a joke. Isolated groups of inbred morons making noise does not a national movement make. The Klan died in the 60's when the attitudes on the racial divide among white Americans changed.

Don't get me wrong, there are some dangerous white supremacists out there; they call themselves Aryan Nations/Brotherhood. They sell meth and will kill without hesitation. But the Klan toyed at being respectable, wielding political power at all levels of government. They are long gone. Some doofus putting on a white robe doesn't a Klan make.

The 5% of Klan membership that isn't comprised of undercover federal agents or informants serves only one purpose and that is to enhance the fundraising efforts of the SPLC.
Always makes me wonder why black people are so stupid as to vote for democrats...

KKK Terrorist Arm of the Democratic Party | National Black Republican Association

The documentation has been assembled by David Barton of Wallbu More..ilders and published in his book "Setting the Record Straight: American History in Black & White," which reveals that not only did the Democrats work hand-in-glove with the Ku Klux Klan for generations, they started the KKK and endorsed its mayhem.

"Of all forms of violent intimidation, lynchings were by far the most effective," Barton said in his book. "Republicans often led the efforts to pass federal anti-lynching laws and their platforms consistently called for a ban on lynching. Democrats successfully blocked those bills and their platforms never did condemn lynchings."

Further, the first grand wizard of the KKK was honored at the 1868 Democratic National Convention, no Democrats voted for the 14th Amendment to grant citizenship to former slaves and, to this day, the party website ignores those decades of racism, he said.

"Although it is relatively unreported today, historical documents are unequivocal that the Klan was established by Democrats and that the Klan played a prominent role in the Democratic Party," Barton writes in his book. "In fact, a 13-volume set of congressional investigations from 1872 conclusively and irrefutably documents that fact.

History Of The Democrats And The KKK.....(Why the Democrats started the KKK)

Probably because they are the lesser of 2 evils. They used to vote Republican when the repubs were the lesser of 2 evils.

Funny you call the party that fought a war to free your ass "the lesser of two evils."

You just can't get the racist out of you, can you?

The Civil War was not fought specifically to "free" anyone. You might want to read some factual history before making such ridiculous statements.
Probably because they are the lesser of 2 evils. They used to vote Republican when the repubs were the lesser of 2 evils.

Funny you call the party that fought a war to free your ass "the lesser of two evils."

You just can't get the racist out of you, can you?

The Civil War was not fought specifically to "free" anyone. You might want to read some factual history before making such ridiculous statements.

That would require some of them to actually be able to think.
those Rs are dead now and have been replaced by people who hate people of color

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