Florida gay club shooters mosque set on fire

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A muslim cares about what God thinks, he or she is seeking God.... As wrong as their doctrine is. You can save a Muslim from hellfire and eternal separation from God. A faggot is only a faggot because they reject God.

More bull shit. Man, you're full of it.
"Romans 1:28
And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convenient;"
I'd rather see the fag clubs be burned down first...

Other then your gaping pussy, what is stopping you from doing that now?
It's not my job to do so. That's all on God. He will punish you.

You don't have to explain anything. I am well aware that you're nothing more then a blustering little bitch.
How's your herpes outbreak going,reprobate?

You said you were clean. Liar. :lol:
I'd rather see the fag clubs be burned down first...

Other then your gaping pussy, what is stopping you from doing that now?
It's not my job to do so. That's all on God. He will punish you.

You don't have to explain anything. I am well aware that you're nothing more then a blustering little bitch.
How's your herpes outbreak going,reprobate?

You said you were clean. Liar. :lol:
I am. Unlike you.
While I completely disagree with his post, I kinda understand where it came from. Their ultimate goal is domination.
No more than Catholics. Let's not forget that one reason we're primarily a Protestant nation is due to treatment Protestants received in Europe under Catholicism.
While I completely disagree with his post, I kinda understand where it came from. Their ultimate goal is domination.
No more than Catholics. Let's not forget that one reason we're primarily a Protestant nation is due to treatment Protestants received in Europe under Catholicism.
True. Most religions are. But your example also evolved.. Islam is still stuck in the 6th century.
I don't hate gay people. They didn't present a world evil that caused thousands of our troops to be deployed overseas. Islam did that. You're not being objective. Hate is good and necessary when applied rationally to an abstract evil.
Haha...the heck I'm not being objective. God hates homosexuality, in turn hates faggots....God doesn't hate Muslims. God only hates reprobates who reject Him.
Which god?
There is only one
No...there are many...goddesses too...so, which one do you "worship"?
No. There's only one God Almighty.
No...but there a people who try to force others to that thinking.....not working...whether it's mooslims or christers.
Smarter people than you would know I never mentioned 1.6 billion people.
Of course not. I'm sure you didn't know the world holds 1.6 Billion Muslims until I mentioned it.

Bravo!! I think every mosque in America should be burned to the ground. Now, why OH WHY would I say such a thing? Because, my little droogie woogies, Islam (in case you haven't noticed) is at WAR with the free world. It's at WAR with us.
Bravo!! I think every mosque in America should be burned to the ground. Now, why OH WHY would I say such a thing? Because, my little droogie woogies, Islam (in case you haven't noticed) is at WAR with the free world. It's at WAR with us.

While true, it is a PHILOSOPHY that is at war with us. Burning buildings does not defeat ideas, quite the opposite in fact.

We defeat Islam by showing that freedom is a better option.
Islam is at war with the non-Islamic world, yet the non-Islamic world is too dumb to recognize that. So, if you are going to commit some crime, go after the enemy, not the structures.
Then why are we not bombing every Muslim population center and/or nation?

Islam is at war with the non-Islamic world, yet the non-Islamic world is too dumb to recognize that. So, if you are going to commit some crime, go after the enemy, not the structures.
Then why are we not bombing every Muslim population center and/or nation?


The only thing I would advocate bombing would be the Idol.

The West fails to grasp how central the Idol is to Islam. Allah is the head of the snake. Allah lives in the Idol. If Allah cannot protect his Idol, then he isn't much of a god...
While I completely disagree with his post, I kinda understand where it came from. Their ultimate goal is domination.
No more than Catholics. Let's not forget that one reason we're primarily a Protestant nation is due to treatment Protestants received in Europe under Catholicism.

Catholics don't have the ideology for a totalitarianism set-up in this modern world. If you're talking about them being part of a plutocracy, then sure. Islam is about outright oppression though. Nuance is our friend, dude. Well, maybe not yours, so much.
The only thing I would advocate bombing would be the Idol.

The West fails to grasp how central the Idol is to Islam. Allah is the head of the snake. Allah lives in the Idol. If Allah cannot protect his Idol, then he isn't much of a god...
Isn't Islam against Idolatry? Which is why they have such a conniption over depicting pictures of God or Muhammad?
Catholics don't have the ideology for a totalitarianism set-up in this modern world. If you're talking about them being part of a plutocracy, then sure. Islam is about outright oppression though. Nuance is our friend, dude. Well, maybe not yours, so much.
Nice qualification.

Translation: You're correct, DW. We used to be that way but aren't anymore. Since the Muslims still are that way, it's okay to murder all 1.6 Billion of the blasphemers.
Im pretty sure the bible was clear about god not liking homos
Doesn't the New Testament trump the Old? If not, then won't all those BBQ Pork and Shrimp Po'boy eaters face hell and damnation along with gays, adulterers and those who bear false witness against others?
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