Florida college board replaces "black queer theory" with "black conservatism" as a research topic for students

marvin martian

Diamond Member
Sep 29, 2020
Texas Hill Country
This is a great idea, considering how bigoted, racist, and violent the left is towards black conservatives. It's a worthy topic to research, maybe help get to the bottom of the hate directed at black conservatives from the racist left.

The updated syllabus removes several authors whom Florida officials identified as problematic, including those associated with critical race theory, the “queer experience,” and black feminism. It also removed required teachings on Black Lives Matter and the case for reparations from the curriculum, though both subjects are present on a list of options for a required research project. The new framework adds “black conservatism” as an idea for a research project. The list of suggested topics “can be refined by local states and districts.”
With good leadership from the top like we are seeing from DeSantis we can stop all this silly ass and destructive woke bullshit.

Absolutely. It's important that students learn, for example, why the racist corporate media, at the behest of their DemoKKKrat betters, calls people like Candace Owens and Larry Elder "white supremacists". The hatred directed towards non-leftist blacks by the DemoKKKrat machine is an extension of the party's racist past and present, and is a worthy topic of study.
Talk about propaganda!

The party of "freedom" they said.

Still not big on the black part. Why not just conservatism or American conservatism? It's still setting blacks apart and giving them special recognition when if they want to be equal then they should be treated as equals.

It's some weird fetish to say black this and black that.

Black Lives Matter, Slavery Reparations & Queer Theory Stripped From AP Black Studies Curriculum​


The College Board has revised its curriculum for an Advanced Placement African American studies course just weeks after Florida’s Republican Governor Ron DeSantis threatened to ban the class in Florida schools. The revised curriculum removes Black Lives Matter, slavery reparations and queer theory as required topics, while it adds a section on Black conservatism. Many prominent authors and academics have also been removed from the AP curriculum, including the late James Baldwin, the author Ta-Nehisi Coates, the law professors Michelle Alexander and Kimberlé Crenshaw, professor Barbara Ransby and the late bell hooks.
UCLA Professor Robin D. G. Kelley, whose writings were also removed from the curriculum, said, “This is deeper than an AP course. This is about eliminating any discussion that might be critical of the United States of America, which is a dangerous thing for democracy.” The College Board announcement came on the first day of Black History Month. The College Board denied the changes were made in response to threats from DeSantis.

all colleges should do it. all about blacks being taught to hate whites.
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