florida blocks african studies

Black Republicans don't steal stuff.

It's all the little black leftist didndu's doing all the looting.

Leftards suck. They're stupid and dangerous. Dangerously stupid
Weapons Grade Stupid. Dangerous when left unsecured with ballots, and actively being used to destroy the country.

african studies meaning crt

all states should do this. we need to go back to teaching children how to learn not hate each other. reading, writing, math etc...

Its called history shit for brains, and the teachers are going to continue teaching it, and theres nothing Florida can do about it.
Its called history shit for brains, and the teachers are going to continue teaching it, and theres nothing Florida can do about it.

Is there some reason that Black history isn't taught as part of US history? I do understand about queer Black history. That makes no sense to me either. How does gender studies get mixed in?
A real "Black Studies" class would not be what the Negroes and White Guilt Libtards would like.

It would be a discussion on how destructive Black Culture is this country.

It would focus on how the Black culture has destroyed Black family units and created violence and crime.

It would focus on how the welfare state has created institutionalized poverty for Blacks to keep the Democrats in power.

It would examine how desegregation has destroyed American public schools.
You do or you do not understand that there is a difference between history and propaganda?
That jabbering bed wetter clearly exists in a moonbat fantasy world, and the aerosol can he huffs from contains unicorn farts.

Dr King saw that the Repub party was becoming the party of the Klan years ago.

But yet it was the filthy Democrat Party that put the Negroes on the welfare plantation.

On the welfare plantation the Negroes didn't have to pick cotton like they use to have to do. All they had to do was vote for Democrats every election and they would get all the Colt Malt Liquor and Kool cigarettes their little hearts desired. Paid for by Democrat welfare.
A real "Black Studies" class.....

It would be a discussion on how destructive Black Culture is this country.

It would focus on how the Black culture has destroyed Black family units and created violence and crime.

It would examine how desegregation has destroyed American public schools.
In other words, you WANT "indoctrination." You just want extremism from your side rather than extremism from the other side. You fucking losers are all the same. YOU might as well apply for your DNC card.
In other words, you WANT "indoctrination." You just want extremism from your side rather than extremism from the other side. You fucking losers are all the same. YOU might as well apply for your DNC card.
The truth is hard for you Moon Bats to accept. So you invent Negro ass kissing crap. Like worshiping MLK and cursing the White man.

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