Flim Flam Man Chuck Schumer


Diamond Member
Aug 11, 2017
Negotiators in both parties are scrambling to finalize the details and text of the nearly $1 trillion infrastructure bill as they near the looming deadline set by Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer of New York on the motion to proceed, which will require 60 votes to advance.
"On Wednesday, the Senate will take the first procedural vote on a shell bill, merely a vehicle to get the whole process started. It is not a final deadline for legislative text. It is not a cynical ploy," Schumer said in floor remarks on Tuesday morning.

Flim Flam Man Chuck Schumer is having a hard time getting the reasonable Americans to believe his "infrastructure" bill.
Schumer doesn't care about the huge tax burden that he wants to load onto the backs of American workers.
Left Wingers are always liars, thieves, cheaters, looters and deceivers.
Their "infrastructure" bill is full of pork, power grabs and kick-back deals.
These greedy Democrat Cultist should never be trusted.
Negotiators in both parties are scrambling to finalize the details and text of the nearly $1 trillion infrastructure bill as they near the looming deadline set by Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer of New York on the motion to proceed, which will require 60 votes to advance.
"On Wednesday, the Senate will take the first procedural vote on a shell bill, merely a vehicle to get the whole process started. It is not a final deadline for legislative text. It is not a cynical ploy," Schumer said in floor remarks on Tuesday morning.

Flim Flam Man Chuck Schumer is having a hard time getting the reasonable Americans to believe his "infrastructure" bill.
Schumer doesn't care about the huge tax burden that he wants to load onto the backs of American workers.
Left Wingers are always liars, thieves, cheaters, looters and deceivers.
Their "infrastructure" bill is full of pork, power grabs and kick-back deals.
These greedy Democrat Cultist should never be trusted.
I heard the last sticking point was Flesh lights as infrastructure
Negotiators in both parties are scrambling to finalize the details and text of the nearly $1 trillion infrastructure bill as they near the looming deadline set by Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer of New York on the motion to proceed, which will require 60 votes to advance.
"On Wednesday, the Senate will take the first procedural vote on a shell bill, merely a vehicle to get the whole process started. It is not a final deadline for legislative text. It is not a cynical ploy," Schumer said in floor remarks on Tuesday morning.

Flim Flam Man Chuck Schumer is having a hard time getting the reasonable Americans to believe his "infrastructure" bill.
Schumer doesn't care about the huge tax burden that he wants to load onto the backs of American workers.
Left Wingers are always liars, thieves, cheaters, looters and deceivers.
Their "infrastructure" bill is full of pork, power grabs and kick-back deals.
These greedy Democrat Cultist should never be trusted.
You say "Left Wingers are always liars, thieves, cheaters, looters and deceivers." Are you implying right-wingers are not? Ding, Ding, Ding, Ding! Wrong answer. Guess again. Can the average middle income or less, members of our society (the vast majority) say that they benefitted from Reagan supply side, trickle down, voodoo economics or did it just hasten the wealth upward, not to the top 10% but indeed to top 2/10ths of 1%? In most cases. No. It was just another theory, packaged and sold or forced by our political/economic theorists.
I made it the way most people make it, going out, working for wages, paying my taxes without bitching (and often paying much more than the highest income earners, including Donny) or many corporations. I am not impressed with right wing economic theory. Biggest losses ever suffered in my life were when the republicans were in control or at least presided over the biggest economic meltdown of modern history after 8 years of the Bush administration, while squandering our gains and doing away with the balance budget force on the previous Democratic administration. I watched small factories close (including the one I worked for) lower to middle income people losing homes, jobs, etc, and all I did was protect my own or what was left of it and put my retirement back together.
Don't expect me to get too excited about your theories of what the country can or cannot afford, based on your politics or vast economic knowledge, because when you get down to it, it's shit.
I don't need or ask for government handouts, guarantees, or cutout exclusions, but I do have basic things that I like, that the public and even the business interest benefit from and expect the government to handle and/or provide, with our tax dollars to move the country forward.
Providing for infrastructure is at the top of the list. We deserve bridges that do not crack, fall in or get washed away in uncontrolled flooding. We deserve a rail system to move goods, services and yes, people from point "A" to point "B" not better than, but at least comparable to most of the developed world and with roadbeds deteriorating to the point trains wiggle back and forth down the track like snakes, having to reduce speed well below what those tracks were originally designed to handle. I've been around the world. Ours is rail system is shit, and it could and should be vastly improved to prepare for the future, lessening the strain on our overcrowded highway network. I like, and we deserve to have clean air, waters, streams and water delivery and treatment systems that are not polluted to make a buck, (most of us don't get to spend) and not in such a state of degradation and decay due to lack of repair or replacement that they actually poison thousands of citizens. Energy systems must be maintained and upgraded, added to and properly regulated, (as Texans just found out), not left to the control of right wing politicians out to make a buck for their contributors. Part of preparing infrastructure for the future is indeed doing something to prepare our lower economic classes to be able to contribute to that future, as they aren't going away, and we really are all in this together, whether people up and down the political spectrum just prefer to whine, bitch and point fingers or not.
This is the United States, home and generator of the almighty dollar, a fiat currency in many parts of the world besides here at home. We can afford to put our house in order, preparing for the country's future or at least make progress as is a generation obligation to our posterity, instead of just whining and watching the continued decay.

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