Flashback 2016: Sec. of St. John Kerry Admits President Obama Intentionally Armed ISIS in Syria


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
Flashback 2016: Secretary of State John Kerry Admits President Obama Intentionally Armed ISIS in Syria 'Audio Recording and Transcript'

Flashback 2016: Secretary of State John Kerry Admits President Obama Intentionally Armed ISIS in Syria – Audio Recording and Transcript… | The Last Refuge
27 Oct 19 ~~ On September 30th 2016 the New York Times quietly released a leaked audio recording of Secretary John Kerry meeting with multiple factions associated within Syria. The 40-minute discussion took place on the sidelines of a United Nations General Assembly in New York.

Good read and listen to understand the background of the mess you n Syria. Sundance is always adept at research and articulate in explanations.
Could someone be kind enough to tell me WHY they wanted to get rid of Assad so bad.. everything I see shows that Assad was not the guilty party as to the gassing of Syrians' so what was the real reason??? Wasn't John Francois Kerry a good friend to Assad?
Really, it's all about gas/oil pipelines and control of territory. This is also why backing the Kurds in Syria is so important to the neocons because they can be a constant foil to Assad in their region of the country(seeking their own state and whatnot).
Elites both here and abroad wish to pilfer and profit all over the Middle East with oil rich lands being so plentiful, Syria being one of them. Stable government run by strongmen are in their way so they must instigate conflict/civil war to cause the nation to collapse. This is happened in both Iraq(Saddam) and Libya(Qaddafi) and the warmongers have been trying for years with Syria but have been unsuccessful mostly due to Russian presence and support on the ground.
I'm sure that it wasn't in our national interest in giving Iran billions of dollars and nuclear weapon capability to a country that murders US soldiers. It was such a curious turn of events. Didn't also Pelosi visit Assad on a diplomatic 'reset' mission before Obama was elected?

Good post. Dimms like to rewrite history and refer to the actual history as a conspiracy theory.

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