flag@whitehouse.gov est mort

Reality setting in ... !!!!!

My Email said:
This is an automatically generated Delivery Status Notification.

Delivery to the following recipients failed.



Reporting-MTA: dns;blu0-omc3-s15.blu0.hotmail.com
Received-From-MTA: dns;BLU141-W31
Arrival-Date: Mon, 17 Aug 2009 15:01:56 -0700

Final-Recipient: rfc822;flag@whitehouse.gov
Action: failed
Status: 5.2.1
Diagnostic-Code: smtp;550 5.2.1 <flag@whitehouse.gov>... The email address you just sent a message to is no longer in service.We are now accepting your feedback about health insurance reform via:Get the facts about the stability and security you get from health insurance reform | Health Insurance Reform Reality Check
:lol::lol::lol: :rofl: :lol::lol::lol:

It's completely disabled!
But it sure goes to show you how dangerous this bastard potUS is.

You idiots sure shot us in the feet just to spite George Bush.
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Following a furor over how the data would be used, the White House has shut down an electronic tip box — flag@whitehouse.gov — that was set up to receive information on “fishy” claims about President Barack Obama’s health plan.

White House disables e-tip box - Mike Allen - POLITICO.com


No surprises there. I wonder when Obama is going to get a clue that his opponents (enemies, really) will find fault and spread rumors as soon as his feet hit the ground in the morning. OH LOOK!!! BROWN SHOES!! WHERE IS HE HIDING HIS BROWN SHIRT?!

Don't panic, people. You can still air your gripes at the Whitehouse.gov page, specifically here. Knock yourselves out.

We want to hear from you | Health Insurance Reform Reality Check

But ooohhh, be very very careful how you sign in or you'll wind up on Obama's Enemies List. :lol:
Following a furor over how the data would be used, the White House has shut down an electronic tip box &#8212; flag@whitehouse.gov &#8212; that was set up to receive information on &#8220;fishy&#8221; claims about President Barack Obama&#8217;s health plan.

White House disables e-tip box - Mike Allen - POLITICO.com


No surprises there. I wonder when Obama is going to get a clue that his opponents (enemies, really) will find fault and spread rumors as soon as his feet hit the ground in the morning. OH LOOK!!! BROWN SHOES!! WHERE IS HE HIDING HIS BROWN SHIRT?!

Don't panic, people. You can still air your gripes at the Whitehouse.gov page, specifically here. Knock yourselves out.

We want to hear from you | Health Insurance Reform Reality Check

But ooohhh, be very very careful how you sign in or you'll wind up on Obama's Enemies List. :lol:
thats not quite the samne thing maggie, and i sure hope you are smart enough to know that
Following a furor over how the data would be used, the White House has shut down an electronic tip box — flag@whitehouse.gov — that was set up to receive information on “fishy” claims about President Barack Obama’s health plan.

White House disables e-tip box - Mike Allen - POLITICO.com


No surprises there. I wonder when Obama is going to get a clue that his opponents (enemies, really) will find fault and spread rumors as soon as his feet hit the ground in the morning. OH LOOK!!! BROWN SHOES!! WHERE IS HE HIDING HIS BROWN SHIRT?!

Don't panic, people. You can still air your gripes at the Whitehouse.gov page, specifically here. Knock yourselves out.

We want to hear from you | Health Insurance Reform Reality Check

But ooohhh, be very very careful how you sign in or you'll wind up on Obama's Enemies List. :lol:
And yet, had Booooosh done anything like this there would be two of you, because you would be beside yourself. Dishonest partisan hack idiot.
Following a furor over how the data would be used, the White House has shut down an electronic tip box — flag@whitehouse.gov — that was set up to receive information on “fishy” claims about President Barack Obama’s health plan.

White House disables e-tip box - Mike Allen - POLITICO.com


No surprises there. I wonder when Obama is going to get a clue that his opponents (enemies, really) will find fault and spread rumors as soon as his feet hit the ground in the morning. OH LOOK!!! BROWN SHOES!! WHERE IS HE HIDING HIS BROWN SHIRT?!

Don't panic, people. You can still air your gripes at the Whitehouse.gov page, specifically here. Knock yourselves out.

We want to hear from you | Health Insurance Reform Reality Check

But ooohhh, be very very careful how you sign in or you'll wind up on Obama's Enemies List. :lol:

if bush had set something like this up for his SS "reform", would you have been so sanguine?

encouraging citizens to report each other over political issues isn't an america i either recognize or want. doesn't matter who does it, it's wrong.
Heck, they probably have enough names for IRS audits to last them throughout both of Obama's terms. I'm sure they feel this was a huge success. In fact, the fines they intend to levy on those who spoke out will probably pay for the implementation of HR 3200 when they finally get it passed. :D And just think the funding will all come from opponents of the bill. Now that is a Gotcha!!!

And I would be willing to bet it was shut down for the mere fact people were flooding it turning themselves in, sending letters and vids to the site.

I am not sad to see it shut down. But I don't hold much trust that the mignions running the WhiteHouse will come up with something else in due course.
You folks have got this all wrong. The guy who Obama sends out every morning there at the White House to defend his lies to the press corps will tell us tomorrow that we had the "fishy" website all wrong. He will tell us that we all know Obama is getting ready to go on vacation and he was just looking for good "phishing" spots around the country.:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:
You folks have got this all wrong. The guy who Obama sends out every morning there at the White House to defend his lies to the press corps will tell us tomorrow that we had the "fishy" website all wrong. He will tell us that we all know Obama is getting ready to go on vacation and he was just looking for good "phishing" spots around the country.:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

I wouldn't put it past that dickhead Gibbs to state something similiar. I'll be watching right along with you.
Following a furor over how the data would be used, the White House has shut down an electronic tip box — flag@whitehouse.gov — that was set up to receive information on “fishy” claims about President Barack Obama’s health plan.

White House disables e-tip box - Mike Allen - POLITICO.com


He's been trying to utilize the internet to become a tyrant, but the truly ironic thing is that it's the internet that's stopping him from succeeding. As soon as one of these red flags about his admin gets aired, they keep shutting them down or changing them.
Following a furor over how the data would be used, the White House has shut down an electronic tip box — flag@whitehouse.gov — that was set up to receive information on “fishy” claims about President Barack Obama’s health plan.

White House disables e-tip box - Mike Allen - POLITICO.com


He's been trying to utilize the internet to become a tyrant, but the truly ironic thing is that it's the internet that's stopping him from succeeding. As soon as one of these red flags about his admin gets aired, they keep shutting them down or changing them.

That's how Statists operate. They get caught doing what they aren't supposed to be doing, and then they commence to retracting, and erasing their tracks, and just wait until things blow over while denying they did anything wrong. (And HOPE that WE will forget about it).
And I would be willing to bet it was shut down for the mere fact people were flooding it turning themselves in, sending letters and vids to the site.

I am not sad to see it shut down. But I don't hold much trust that the mignions running the WhiteHouse will come up with something else in due course.
Bingo! My thoughts exactly.
And I would be willing to bet it was shut down for the mere fact people were flooding it turning themselves in, sending letters and vids to the site.

I am not sad to see it shut down. But I don't hold much trust that the mignions running the WhiteHouse will come up with something else in due course.
Bingo! My thoughts exactly.

Damn ... now why didn't I think to send them my Youtube channel! That would have been funny as hell.
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