Fixing the GOP Part 7- The "Sister Souljah" Moment with FoxNews and Rush

Sandy Fluke wanted to make her t*** a national issue and everybody's business and Rush called her on it

Okay, if that's what you want to go with...

The thing was, instead of having the rational discussion about whether religious employers/institutions should be forced to pay for treatments that violate their faith, we got this discussion that made the GOP sound like a bunch of misogynistic twits.

And ironically, Obama carried the Catholic Vote.
Sandy Fluke wanted to make her t*** a national issue and everybody's business and Rush called her on it

Okay, if that's what you want to go with...

The thing was, instead of having the rational discussion about whether religious employers/institutions should be forced to pay for treatments that violate their faith, we got this discussion that made the GOP sound like a bunch of misogynistic twits.

And ironically, Obama carried the Catholic Vote.

yeah sure he did
Limbaugh = not running for any office

See the difference?

The people who DO run for office should have no problem condemning him, then.

Imagine this. Rush makes his "Slut" Comments about Sandra Fluke.

Romney immediately condemns him in the strongest possible terms while underlying that his position that this is an issue of religous freedom for the Catholic Church. This language has no place in American discourse.

Romney looks like an immediate leader.

But somewhere in his CEO mind, he figured that he would be alienating a part of his customer base.

And that's the problem with Romney. Like most bullies, he was always happy to beat up on the weak, he was never willing to take any risks.

Silencing critics? Yes the Left does that a lot, Stalin, Hitler, Mao did it, all your Founding Father silenced their critics

It's not a matter of "silencing critics", it's a matter of saying certain discourse is unacceptable.

There was a valid policy argument here. Should the government be able to require employers to provide health coverage that goes against their rel igious beliefs. That discussion might well have been worth having.

Limbaugh made it about his misogyny, because by calling Fluke a slut, you call every woman who tries to control when she has a baby a slut. Sorry, this issue was litigated 50 years ago.

Go fuck yourself and your "acceptable discourse" and if you don't like go fuck yourself some more

Fucking Nazi Scumbag

Rush has a radio show, that's it. He broadcasts his ideas in what used to be a Free Country. If you don't like what he has to say don't listen

And go fuck yourself

Guy, never at any point did I say Limbaugh should be taken off the air. It would be nice if his show went off the air because no one wants their products associatd with it, and that day is coming sooner than you think.

What I said was- WHEN he says something that is utterly outrageous, anyone who aspires to be leader of the free world should have enough of a pair to say that is UNACCEPTABLE to say.

Geez, this should be simple.
We need to go back in the wayback machine for this one.

Back in 1992, there was this nutty rap artist named Sister Souljah. And she got a lot of play on talk shows and such because she could alway be counted on to say absolutely outrageous stuff. And she did exactly that after the King Riots in LA.

"If Black people kill Black people every day, why not have a week and kill white people?"

Bill Clinton took the moment to condemn this as being over the top and wrong, and furthermore, to criticize Rev. Jesse Jackson Sr. for inviting her to be a key speaker. This told a lot of moderate, middle class voters Bill Clinton could be reasonably trusted to not side with the radicals.

The GOP needs to have its own "Sister Souljah" moment with its loudmouths. Romney looked weak when Limbaugh made comments so outrageous that most of his sponsors dropped him, but Romney just said, nothing.
How many liberal loudmouths have the left condemn since then? That would be nearly 20 years now has Bill Maher, Janeane Garofalo, Kanye West, the MSNBC on air personality of your choice been condemned by the current President or the Democratic leadership for the outrageous and insulting comments they have made? One condemnation every 20 year's is not something to hang your hat on.

NEVER will they condem any of those..
and they've been obsessed with Limbaugh for about 20 years..
damn funny if you ask me

NEVER will they condem any of those..
and they've been obsessed with Limbaugh for about 20 years..
damn funny if you ask me

None of these people get the Dems cowering in fear, either, nor do they claim to be the voice of the liberal movement.

Point is, Limbaugh is costing you jokers elections. If you're good with that, so be it.

NEVER will they condem any of those..
and they've been obsessed with Limbaugh for about 20 years..
damn funny if you ask me

None of these people get the Dems cowering in fear, either, nor do they claim to be the voice of the liberal movement.

Point is, Limbaugh is costing you jokers elections. If you're good with that, so be it.

crowing in fear...what a joke,
and limbaugh is costing people elections...Funny Bush was President just FOUR YEARS AGO
go crow some more fear about Limbaugh, that's all ya got

NEVER will they condem any of those..
and they've been obsessed with Limbaugh for about 20 years..
damn funny if you ask me

None of these people get the Dems cowering in fear, either, nor do they claim to be the voice of the liberal movement.

Point is, Limbaugh is costing you jokers elections. If you're good with that, so be it.

Highly doubtful I would submit to you anyone who decides to vote Democrat over something Limbaugh said never really intended to vote any other way.

NEVER will they condem any of those..
and they've been obsessed with Limbaugh for about 20 years..
damn funny if you ask me

None of these people get the Dems cowering in fear, either, nor do they claim to be the voice of the liberal movement.

Point is, Limbaugh is costing you jokers elections. If you're good with that, so be it.

Highly doubtful I would submit to you anyone who decides to vote Democrat over something Limbaugh said never really intended to vote any other way.

He's a joke who believes he know all..
For about 15 years, the Democratic Party became a suicide cult, famous for Carter snatching defeat from the jaws of victory, and going downhill from there.

Now we see the GOP has become the suicide cult and the shocked looks on their faces as Romney snatched defeat from the jaws of victory are priceless.

When you have a party, you get a lot of trash, and if you don't occasionally do some housecleaning, all of your guests are going to come down sick.

The GOP got very drunk on power under Bush. Somewhere along the way, the drunken bastards began shooting holes in their boat. Then they ejected their ballast to keep the party boat afloat.

Their principles are entirely gone now.

Time to pull into port and do some major repairs.

We need to go back in the wayback machine for this one.

Back in 1992, there was this nutty rap artist named Sister Souljah. And she got a lot of play on talk shows and such because she could alway be counted on to say absolutely outrageous stuff. And she did exactly that after the King Riots in LA.

"If Black people kill Black people every day, why not have a week and kill white people?"

Bill Clinton took the moment to condemn this as being over the top and wrong, and furthermore, to criticize Rev. Jesse Jackson Sr. for inviting her to be a key speaker. This told a lot of moderate, middle class voters Bill Clinton could be reasonably trusted to not side with the radicals.

The GOP needs to have its own "Sister Souljah" moment with its loudmouths. Romney looked weak when Limbaugh made comments so outrageous that most of his sponsors dropped him, but Romney just said, nothing.
How many liberal loudmouths have the left condemn since then? That would be nearly 20 years now has Bill Maher, Janeane Garofalo, Kanye West, the MSNBC on air personality of your choice been condemned by the current President or the Democratic leadership for the outrageous and insulting comments they have made? One condemnation every 20 year's is not something to hang your hat on.

NEVER will they condem any of those..
and they've been obsessed with Limbaugh for about 20 years..
damn funny if you ask me

As long as you and others on the right continue with this tedious, inane ‘liberals are as bad as us’ deflection, and refuse to examine the failings of your own political dogma, you’ll continue to realize only failure.
How many liberal loudmouths have the left condemn since then? That would be nearly 20 years now has Bill Maher, Janeane Garofalo, Kanye West, the MSNBC on air personality of your choice been condemned by the current President or the Democratic leadership for the outrageous and insulting comments they have made? One condemnation every 20 year's is not something to hang your hat on.

NEVER will they condem any of those..
and they've been obsessed with Limbaugh for about 20 years..
damn funny if you ask me

As long as you and others on the right continue with this tedious, inane ‘liberals are as bad as us’ deflection, and refuse to examine the failings of your own political dogma, you’ll continue to realize only failure.
And as long as you and those on the left continue to ignore the hate and ugliness that comes from your party or worse try and rationalize and justify it you will never be taken serious on this subject and in time it will come back to bite you in the ass. Make sure your own house is clean before telling other's how dirty there's is.

NEVER will they condem any of those..
and they've been obsessed with Limbaugh for about 20 years..
damn funny if you ask me

None of these people get the Dems cowering in fear, either, nor do they claim to be the voice of the liberal movement.

Point is, Limbaugh is costing you jokers elections. If you're good with that, so be it.

crowing in fear...what a joke,
and limbaugh is costing people elections...Funny Bush was President just FOUR YEARS AGO
go crow some more fear about Limbaugh, that's all ya got

Um, yeah, Bush lost his first election and the second one he barely won because we were at war, and we don't change presidents in the middle of a war.

I mean, Jesus, you were claimng up and down an empty chair could beat Obama.

So why did you lose.

Oh. Right. Acorn. Voter Fraud. Whatever...

NEVER will they condem any of those..
and they've been obsessed with Limbaugh for about 20 years..
damn funny if you ask me

None of these people get the Dems cowering in fear, either, nor do they claim to be the voice of the liberal movement.

Point is, Limbaugh is costing you jokers elections. If you're good with that, so be it.

Highly doubtful I would submit to you anyone who decides to vote Democrat over something Limbaugh said never really intended to vote any other way.

Well, you are thinking like a partisan.

A lot of people aren't partisans. they are just getting by in life and they don't think about this outside of election years and maybe even then for a few months...

So yeah, when Limbaugh says, "A woman who expects to get birth control from her health insurance is a slut!" and you have some woman out there who gets her birth control from her health insurance. And she's got a husband or a steady boyfriend, she just doesn't want a kid right now.

Sorry, that has an effect.

The thing is, you guys have given Limbaugh power, and it's really in his best interest to keep Obama or someone like him in power. Rush enjoyed his greatest popularity when he was bashing Clinton and Obama, not when he was making sad excuses for the Bushes.
None of these people get the Dems cowering in fear, either, nor do they claim to be the voice of the liberal movement.

Point is, Limbaugh is costing you jokers elections. If you're good with that, so be it.

crowing in fear...what a joke,
and limbaugh is costing people elections...Funny Bush was President just FOUR YEARS AGO
go crow some more fear about Limbaugh, that's all ya got

Um, yeah, Bush lost his first election and the second one he barely won because we were at war, and we don't change presidents in the middle of a war.

I mean, Jesus, you were claimng up and down an empty chair could beat Obama.

So why did you lose.

Oh. Right. Acorn. Voter Fraud. Whatever...

Romney lost because Obama did a better job of getting his message across and getting his supporters to the polls it had nothing to do with Limbaugh.

Romney lost because Obama did a better job of getting his message across and getting his supporters to the polls it had nothing to do with Limbaugh.

But the question was WHY was he able to get his supporters to the polls.

Here's the thing, 7 million folks who voted for Obama in 2008 didn't vote for him in 2012. (Again, I voted for McCain in 2008 and Obama this time, but I honestly doubt there were many cases of that.)

So, really, all Romney had to do to win is get about half of those folks to vote for him.

But he didn't. He got about a half million less votes than McCain did.

Probably because there was some young woman out there who thought, "Geezus, bad enough I can't find a job, but these assholes are going to make me have a kid I can't afford?"
Instead of attacking Rush, who has been on the radio for 25 years, the libs should consider how long Sister Soulhah's nut case rhetoric lasted. Information ain't your enemy lefties, your own hatred and bigotry is.

That's exactly the point. Clinton slapped her down, and she was never heard from again.

Republicans have been cowering in fear of the fat drug addict for 25 years, afraid to offend him.

- Democrats have won 4 of the last 6 Presidential elections
- Democrats have won the popular vote in 5 of the last 6 Presidential elections
- Democrats have won moderates in 5 of the last 6 Presidential elections

Yet, we are to believe the answer is to get more conservative.


None of these people get the Dems cowering in fear, either, nor do they claim to be the voice of the liberal movement.

Point is, Limbaugh is costing you jokers elections. If you're good with that, so be it.

Highly doubtful I would submit to you anyone who decides to vote Democrat over something Limbaugh said never really intended to vote any other way.

Well, you are thinking like a partisan.

A lot of people aren't partisans. they are just getting by in life and they don't think about this outside of election years and maybe even then for a few months...

So yeah, when Limbaugh says, "A woman who expects to get birth control from her health insurance is a slut!" and you have some woman out there who gets her birth control from her health insurance. And she's got a husband or a steady boyfriend, she just doesn't want a kid right now.

Sorry, that has an effect.

The thing is, you guys have given Limbaugh power, and it's really in his best interest to keep Obama or someone like him in power. Rush enjoyed his greatest popularity when he was bashing Clinton and Obama, not when he was making sad excuses for the Bushes.
You do realize everything you just posted was that of a partisan do you not? Rhetorical question as we both know you do but will never admit it I do get a laugh out of a partisan calling someone else partisan.

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