FISA Court Confirmed Obama Sent US Citizen FISA Info To Non-Govt Entities


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015

Three Years Ago a FISA Report Confirmed Obama
Admin Was Sending FISA Obtained Information on
Americans to Non Government Entities We Still Don’t
Know Whose Data Was Sent to What Companies

"A stunning April 2017 report from the FISA Court received no publicity until nearly a year after it was released to the public. The report covered results of an investigation or audit into FISA searches made by Obama’s NSA, FBI and DOJ during Obama’s time in office. The unsealed FISA Court Ruling unveiled a number of criminal activities that Barack Obama’s FBI, NSA and DOJ participated in during his time in office.

According to the report, Obama’s FBI, NSA and DOJ performed searches on Americans that were against their 4th Amendment rights. This went on for years. One paragraph in the report states that 85% of the Section 704 and 705(b) FISA searches made during the time of the audit (a few months in 2015) were non-compliant with applicable laws and therefore criminal.

In addition, Obama’s DOJ and FBI were illegally searching Americans against their rights. Unbeknownst to most Americans, Obama’s FBI was providing this information to outside contractors who had no business or legal cause or claim for the information."

Obama is already on record as having the administration that set a new record for CRIMINAL NON-Compliance with the FOIA and Federal Records Act.

Evidence now shows Obama ran the most criminal Presidential Administration in US History!

Former NSA Director James Clapper not long ago stated in an interview that he did not understand what all of the US AG-directed Investigations regarding their illegal investigations of Trump and his team are about - 'We were just following President Obama's Orders'!

It is obvious that SOB needs to be investigated, indicted, and perhaps spend some time in GITMO!

Three Years Ago a FISA Report Confirmed Obama Admin Was Sending FISA Obtained Information on Americans to Non Government Entities We Still Don't Know Whose Data Was Sent to What Companies

FISA REFORM WITHOUT PROSECUTIONS WON’T WORK: Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton lays it out in stark terms – “reforming” the FISA Court without putting people from government in jail who violated the Constitution while deceiving the court between 2012 and 2017 will fail.

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