It takes a special individual to make it through Green Beret Selection, much less make it through the Special Forces Qualification Course known as "The 'Q'Course". The first female to try it discovered this in the first half of selection phase training.
First female soldier to try the Green Berets washes out on physical | Journal of Contemporary Christian History
Having gone through it myself, I can attest that it's not for just anyone. Even a bad ass can be humbled when they discover the rigors required to just be selected, much less pass the entire course that is needed to earn a Special Forces Tab, and earn the honor of wearing a Green Beret.
She says she gonna try again....but the land navigation portion she either quit or washed out of was the easy portion of selection. The hard part comes later after the 12 mile road march ends the first half of selection. Then it becomes really tough.
First female soldier to try the Green Berets washes out on physical | Journal of Contemporary Christian History
Having gone through it myself, I can attest that it's not for just anyone. Even a bad ass can be humbled when they discover the rigors required to just be selected, much less pass the entire course that is needed to earn a Special Forces Tab, and earn the honor of wearing a Green Beret.
She says she gonna try again....but the land navigation portion she either quit or washed out of was the easy portion of selection. The hard part comes later after the 12 mile road march ends the first half of selection. Then it becomes really tough.