FINALLY : Why Stalin—Not Hitler—was WWII's True Mastermind


Diamond Member
Sep 3, 2017
why nobody talks today about American commie industrialists also help industrialize the Bolshevik empire ? As a history buff , It’s nice to see the truth finally creeping out in increments

Doesn't take a "mastermind" to do that.
what do you know about the Marxist concept of World revolution ?

In terms of the "mastermind" behind WWII, one could make a case that that dishonor should go to FDR. As I'm sure you know, FDR provided Stalinist Russia with massive aid just in time to prevent the Soviet Union's collapse. FDR also dissuaded Japan from attacking the Soviet Union by provoking Japan to attack the U.S. instead. Further, FDR intervened to prevent Japan and Nationalist China from reaching a reasonable peace deal that would have ended the war in China, which would have prevented Communist takeovers in North Korea and North Vietnam.
In terms of the "mastermind" behind WWII, one could make a case that that dishonor should go to FDR. As I'm sure you know, FDR provided Stalinist Russia with massive aid just in time to prevent the Soviet Union's collapse. FDR also dissuaded Japan from attacking the Soviet Union by provoking Japan to attack the U.S. instead. Further, FDR intervened to prevent Japan and Nationalist China from reaching a reasonable peace deal that would have ended the war in China, which would have prevented Communist takeovers in North Korea and North Vietnam.
FDR was Stalin’s best general
Duh, Stalin was an ally in WW2. FDR called him Uncle Joe.
Stalin was no ally. He was a co-belligerent who took advantage of the WAllies while offering nothing to the conduct of the war but the defense of the USSR. The WAllies should never have given him one red cent in aid and let Nazi Germany and the USSR chew on each other like Kilkenny Cats. The world would be a far better place today.
what is your choice ?
1. FIGHT , destruction of MONGOL - Moscow empire
2. Become Mongols´slave

This is in line with Hitler's thought process on the eve of the German invasion of Russia. Hitler presumed that Asiatics in Russia could be beaten within weeks as most Germans since Karl Marx looked down on Asian culture. Nazi Germany ended up getting conquered by a superior power armed by the US. Military conquests were often part of the civilizing process to spread a superior culture (i.e. democratization of Germany and Japan.)

The Mongols conquered some parts of Europe in the 13th century because their culture was superior to the European counterparts at the time. The rapidity of the Mongol movements invariably gave them superiority of force at the decisive point, the ultimate aim of mobile warfare. It took Russians few centuries afterward to catch up with the Mongols.

An aspect of the Mongol military machine that gets overlooked time and again is that the Mongol army was logistically capable of carrying out military options across vast areas in a very self-contained way.
Each Mongol soldier would be responsible for a small herd of three to four horses each. These weren't the towering destriers of contemporary European knights or even the hotblooded coursers of the Middle East, but short, stocky, robust steppe ponies capable of surviving on sparse, low-quality fodder for extended periods of time. The Mongols mostly rode mares that they could rely upon for milk, in addition to meat, and could sustain themselves for weeks, if necessary, on the milk and meat of their horses when foraging opportunities were scarce.
In this way, the Mongol soldier could sustain himself in the field for extended periods without needing resupply.

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Patton was 100% correct! Stalin was one of the worst mass murderers in human history.

In a less war weary world, Patton would get his wish of reconstituting whatever was left of the German army, develop their jets, massively produce their 88mm Pak guns and push Russia back to their original border, freeing Eastern Europe
Patton was 100% correct! Stalin was one of the worst mass murderers in human history.
dont tell it in Moscow, they will put your in GULAG for 15 years , Moscow imperialists just love despot Koba


stalin´s " icons "

In terms of the "mastermind" behind WWII, one could make a case that that dishonor should go to FDR. As I'm sure you know, FDR provided Stalinist Russia with massive aid just in time to prevent the Soviet Union's collapse. FDR also dissuaded Japan from attacking the Soviet Union by provoking Japan to attack the U.S. instead. Further, FDR intervened to prevent Japan and Nationalist China from reaching a reasonable peace deal that would have ended the war in China, which would have prevented Communist takeovers in North Korea and North Vietnam.
I think you give FDR too much credit. FDR was not a commie, he was only an useful idiot , i have a question , why Reagan (or any other US president ) didn´t investigate US commie party , why he didn´t reopen Atomic spies case , etc.? JUST SOME NAMES :

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