Final " negotiations" are DOA !!!!!!!!

Abbas does not have the authority to sign away other people's rights.
And it is this kind of intransigence that would make me - in their shoes - begin the process of evicting and expelling every last Muslim-Palestinian; in Gaza, for starters, and then the West Bank; and Devil take the consequences.

Tinny does, indeed, represent the mindset of the Palestinians in such matters. There is no middle-ground or compromise with the Palestinians. They want it all and will settle for nothing less. They will dissemble and deceive and lie and deal falsely along the way but them settling for anything less than 'all' is deceptive and a mere temporary state of affairs.

Consequently, there can be no peace unless...

1. Israel is destroyed

2. The Palestinians are exterminated

3. The Palestinians are evicted from their homes and expelled to Egypt, Jordan, etc.

(1) is not going to happen.

(2) is too bloodthirsty and inhumane, and risks an intervention

(3) is the only answer left

All three options involve blood.

(3) involves the least amount of blood; all or most of the displaced are still alive at the end of it, and nobody will interfere, other than to protest or boycott.

It has been 65 years and the foolhardy Palestinians have never really budged an inch.

They cannot be trusted - as negotiating partners or neighbors.


Time to send them packing, while the Israelis have the muscle, and while all of the neighboring Arab countries are militarily impotent.

There is no other form of relief (for the Israelis) in sight.

Might as well admit it, bite the goddamned bullet, and get started.

Long-term, in light of the alternatives, the Israelis have nothing to lose by doing so.

I wonder if they are beginning to think in similar terms?

We may find out, when this latest round of pointless talks fails.

Of course, the Israelis may find a way to drag this out for another 3 years - long enough for a new and more sympathetic American administration to be sworn-in, but it seems unlikely that America will interfere, once the next round of talks fail, if the Israelis finally begin to act.

This idiotic revisiting of Right-of-Return on the part of the Palestinians is a Poison Pill designed to kill the talks.

I wonder if the Palestinians know just how dangerous such a tactic may prove, this time around?


All three options involve blood.

The Zionist's project to take Palestine from the Palestinians has always involved blood.

What about the muslims project to take Israel from the Jews, doesn't that also involve blood. And as we have seen a lot more blood than the alleged Zionist project.

1 million Jews displaced and housed in Israel, 10 million Jews mass murdered under muslim control since the first genocide in medina
"...The Zionist's project to take Palestine from the Palestinians has always involved blood."

And there will probably be a great deal MORE blood spilled in the coming months and years, if the Palestinians don't get their heads out of their asses and compromise.

And if that comes to pass, the vast majority of that blood will be Palestinian, not Israeli.

The Palestinians are running out of time.

Maybe it is Israel that is running out of time. Israel has always hid its crimes behind a cloud of BS. The world is starting to see through its lies and will one day hold Israel accountable.

And then the world will see WW3 and it will be nuclear, guess who will suffer the most in all this and it wont be at Israeli hands ?
"Right of return" will kill the deal.

It is how the Arabs plan to overwhelm the Jews eventually.

It is what the Jews must refuse and prevent.

Unless they've completely taken leave of their senses.

For the muslims to claim a right of return they must also grant the Jews a right of return to their former homes. A refusal on allowing 1.5 million Jews to take up residence on land outside of Isreal must result in the UN GA calling a meeting and making the right noises. No right of return for either party takes that out of the equation and just leaves negotiated borders.

I have always agreed to that.

However, they are two separate and unrelated issues. You can't link one to the other.
Abbas did say that ALL Palestinians have the RIGHT to return

Abbas does not have the authority to sign away other people's rights.

Then each individual will need to negotiate for them selves, making for a long drawn out process. One that will flounder when the first person signs and that would be the target for all future negotiations. Could you negotiate a personal peace formula if you were faced with professional negotiaters. Isreal will have the support of its people to negotiate what is right for all.

Seems that you don't want a peace deal between Israel and the muslims, and would prefer to see both sides wiped out

Rights are not negotiable.
Yes, we see the population of Palestinians in Palestine greater then Jews once again.

Demographics are not on Israel's side.

The international community limits her baby killing too much for her to control that ticking demographic time bomb.

"...The Zionist's project to take Palestine from the Palestinians has always involved blood."

And there will probably be a great deal MORE blood spilled in the coming months and years, if the Palestinians don't get their heads out of their asses and compromise.

And if that comes to pass, the vast majority of that blood will be Palestinian, not Israeli.

The Palestinians are running out of time.

Maybe it is Israel that is running out of time. Israel has always hid its crimes behind a cloud of BS. The world is starting to see through its lies and will one day hold Israel accountable.
"...The Zionist's project to take Palestine from the Palestinians has always involved blood."

And there will probably be a great deal MORE blood spilled in the coming months and years, if the Palestinians don't get their heads out of their asses and compromise.

And if that comes to pass, the vast majority of that blood will be Palestinian, not Israeli.

The Palestinians are running out of time.

Maybe it is Israel that is running out of time. Israel has always hid its crimes behind a cloud of BS. The world is starting to see through its lies and will one day hold Israel accountable.
There is no particular pressure upon Israel.

And, frankly, most of its activity is merely defensive or security-related in nature.

The world is starting to see through...?

You put a lot of faith in 'the world'.

You are almost certainly destined to be disappointed.

The UN is an impotent and toothless old lady's debating society.

All of Israel's Muslim neighbor-countries are in tatters and unable to effectively intervene, militarily, now, and for years to come.

There is no Arab cavalry coming to the Palestinian's rescue this time.

I suggest you take a long, hard look at what you are up against.

And the unique window of opportunity that Israel now has, in light of the degenerate condition of Lebanon, Syria, Iraq, Egypt and Libya.

If you think that the Israelis are unaware of that window of opportunity, or lack the courage to exploit that window, you are deluding yourself.

The Palestinians are hanging on by their fingernails, and the game-clock is running down.

They would be better off shutting their mouths and taking whatever the Israelis are still willing to give them, before they motivate the Israelis to exploit this window of opportunity, and to shove the Palestinians off of what few scraps of land still remain to them.

But the Palestinians won't do that... they've demonstrated their idiocy time and again over the past 65 years... and the world is unwilling to stop the fools from committing suicide.
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Originally posted by Kondor
But the Palestinians won't do that... they've demonstrated their idiocy time and again over the past 65 years... and the world is unwilling to stop the fools from committing suicide.

Well... Good luck convincing the palestinian people to give up their 113-year old struggle for Palestine.

They strongly believe they are about 2 or 3 american skyscrappers away from being allowed to live in their homeland again.

And guess what... they're definitely onto something here.
José;8421183 said:
Originally posted by Kondor
But the Palestinians won't do that... they've demonstrated their idiocy time and again over the past 65 years... and the world is unwilling to stop the fools from committing suicide.

Well... Good luck convincing the palestinian people to give up their 113-year old struggle for Palestine.

They strongly believe they are about 2 or 3 american skyscrappers away from being allowed to live in their homeland again.

And guess what... they're definitely onto something here.
The last time we lost two skyscrapers, it was perpetrated in-part by people sympathetic to the Palestinian cause, and who attributed the acts in part to that sympathy.

The last time we lost two skyscrapers, we knocked over two Muslim countries (Iraq and Afghanistan).

The last time we lost two skyscrapers, we lost 3,000 - and we killed 300,000 - at a 100-to-1 kill-ratio - as revenge.

The NEXT time we lose two skyscrapers - and the act can either be traced back to the Palestinians, or those in league with them, we will probably go straight to the source.

The Israelis won't have to evict and expel the Palestinians.

We will probably go over there ourselves and bomb them back into the Stone Age.

And laugh about it afterwards.

Pushing America's buttons again in that context would be a very dumb thing to do.

Mind you, I wouldn't put it past those idiots.

But if they DO decide to act in that vein, there won't be enough of them left to bury.

And the Israelis won't have to fire a shot.
Abbas does not have the authority to sign away other people's rights.
And it is this kind of intransigence that would make me - in their shoes - begin the process of evicting and expelling every last Muslim-Palestinian; in Gaza, for starters, and then the West Bank; and Devil take the consequences.

Tinny does, indeed, represent the mindset of the Palestinians in such matters. There is no middle-ground or compromise with the Palestinians. They want it all and will settle for nothing less. They will dissemble and deceive and lie and deal falsely along the way but them settling for anything less than 'all' is deceptive and a mere temporary state of affairs.

Consequently, there can be no peace unless...

1. Israel is destroyed

2. The Palestinians are exterminated

3. The Palestinians are evicted from their homes and expelled to Egypt, Jordan, etc.

(1) is not going to happen.

(2) is too bloodthirsty and inhumane, and risks an intervention

(3) is the only answer left

All three options involve blood.

(3) involves the least amount of blood; all or most of the displaced are still alive at the end of it, and nobody will interfere, other than to protest or boycott.

It has been 65 years and the foolhardy Palestinians have never really budged an inch.

They cannot be trusted - as negotiating partners or neighbors.


Time to send them packing, while the Israelis have the muscle, and while all of the neighboring Arab countries are militarily impotent.

There is no other form of relief (for the Israelis) in sight.

Might as well admit it, bite the goddamned bullet, and get started.

Long-term, in light of the alternatives, the Israelis have nothing to lose by doing so.

I wonder if they are beginning to think in similar terms?

We may find out, when this latest round of pointless talks fails.

Of course, the Israelis may find a way to drag this out for another 3 years - long enough for a new and more sympathetic American administration to be sworn-in, but it seems unlikely that America will interfere, once the next round of talks fail, if the Israelis finally begin to act.

This idiotic revisiting of Right-of-Return on the part of the Palestinians is a Poison Pill designed to kill the talks.

I wonder if the Palestinians know just how dangerous such a tactic may prove, this time around?


All three options involve blood.

The Zionist's project to take Palestine from the Palestinians has always involved blood.

The Palestinian lies again. The Destruction of Israel has been the agenda since May 14, 1948 and still is which is " Right of Return" will never happen. Notice how the Palestinian can't/ won't tell us why Israel should agree to it? :lol:

Future: A world without Israel | PMW

PA depicts a world without Israel
Future: A world without Israel

PA depicts a world without Israel
The Palestinian Authority makes no attempt to educate its people towards peace and coexistence with Israel. On the contrary, from every possible platform it repeatedly rejects Israel's right to exist, presents the conflict as a religious battle for Islam, depicts the establishment of Israel as an act of imperialism, and perpetuates a picture of the Middle East, both verbally and visually, in which Israel does not exist at all. Israel's destruction is said to be both inevitable and a Palestinian obligation.

The following description of Israel's founding in a Palestinian schoolbook represents the dominant dogma about Israel:

"Palestine’s war ended with a catastrophe that is unprecedented in history, when the Zionist gangs stole Palestine … and established the so-called State of Israel."
[Arabic Language, Analysis, Literature and Criticism, grade 12, p. 104]

This official PA map of "Palestine” was broadcast on PA TV in September 2011. The map includes both the PA areas and all of Israel (excluding the Golan Heights) wrapped in the Palestinian flag - a symbol of Palestinian sovereignty over the whole area - and has a key through it, symbolizing ownership. Similar maps presenting all of Israel as "Palestine" appear in Palestinian schoolbooks and are shown regularly on PA TV.

Future: A world without Israel
The PA promises its people that in the future, the State of Israel will be completely erased and replaced by a State of Palestine. A Fatah member of Palestinian parliament, Najat Abu Bakr, told PA TV that the PA supports and adopts the “stages plan.” To the world, the PA claims that the Palestinians seek the West Bank and Gaza Strip, when in fact the goal is all of Israel: “It doesn’t mean that we don’t want the 1948 borders, but in our current political program we say we want a state on the 1967 borders.” [PA TV (Fatah), Aug. 25, 2008]

Fatah Central Committee member Abbas Zaki reiterated this position on Al-Jazeera TV:
“It is impossible to realize the inspiring idea or the great goal in one stroke… Israel will come to an end… If I say that I want to remove it from existence, this will be great, great, [but] it is hard. This is not a [stated] policy. You can't say it to the world. You can say it to yourself.” [Al-Jazeera TV, Sept. 23, 2011]

The following words from a song on official PA TV, which started to appear in 2012, expresses longing for the day that Jaffa, Acre, Haifa and the Galilee, all in Israel, will be part of “my country” (“Palestine”) where all cities would be accessible "with no borders": "I wish I could enter my country with no borders...
I will go about in Bethlehem and in Al-Aqsa [Mosque], which is held captive...
I do not forget Jenin or Nablus, and the Galilee
I do not forget you, Jaffa…
To Jerusalem, to Ramle, to Acre, to Haifa, oh Lord...
I wish I could enter my country with no borders." [PA TV (Fatah), Feb. 9, 2012]

The PA’s using culture to long for the destruction of Israel is not new. Many examples can be seen in this section below, including a music video, which aired on official PA TV from 2007 – 2009 and promises the liberation of “Palestine,” listing numerous Israeli cities as “Palestine”:
"We will liberate the Land of the religions … Palestine is Arab in history and identity… From Jerusalem and Acre, from Haifa and Jericho and Gaza and Ramallah, from Bethlehem and Jaffa, Be'er Sheba and Ramle, and from Nablus to the Galilee, from Tiberias to Hebron.”

Future: A world without Israel | PMW

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